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Reply [IC] Kusini'Mwezi Lands [IC]
New faces [Shisi x Nyu]

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Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 6:52 pm
AIM Log Between Felyn & Dr Umeda
Ipentshisi & Shari'nyunyu

Shari'nyunyu was a female of a rather mixed fortune. Her family was caused by her mistake, or so she termed it, in allowing the rogue Ulozi get close to her. But her children afforded her a certain happiness. She held the title of Jumbe and had the valuable knowledge about all things spring and the herds. It gave her respect with others. It appeared that everything came to her with a cost.

At the moment she was doing one of her more mundane self-assigned tasks, setting out to hunt down the herds. She kept a mental record and tracked their movements, allowing her to predict where to find them. She still went to see that she was correct - and most times she was - so that she could always be of help to someone should they need it. And of course, she never found herself too helpful or too dutiful. Looking over the "pastures" she sighed to herself. This was a life indeed, even if not the best.

A soft, content sort of growlish purr poured from the lips of Shisi's maw as she sat beside her half-devoured meal. A small antelope, a female that was unfortunately a runt and easy prey for predators. Shisi had chosen her as a meal since it was easier for her smaller, not quite grown form to take down. Sure, she could take an adult, but why waste the extra effort? She had no need to pushing herself to the limit for more meat that she was likely not to even eat.

Thus, she sat there, cleaning her paws contentedly when the scent of the other passed her way. Oh, she knew her, without even having to see her. The lioness was quite well known among the pride, and she had always been one to keep track of talk. She'd seen her a few times, with that horde of vibrant cubs she had spawned recently. Cyan eyes drifted up slowly, finding the figure, and a slow and delicate smile spread across her maw.

"Good day," she called, tail flickering as she set her paw back down, licking her maw one last time for good measure, then let her attention fall completely upon the other.

Nyu was not completely amazed to find another out here. That was to say fate had a habit of not throwing anyone else into her company while out and about. Yes, sometimes she ran into someone but not too often. It was rare enough that it surprised her. This young lioness she did not know by name but could recollect seeing about.

She nodded to her in acknowledgement. "Good day to you too." She eyed the food briefly but enough to get a good look. That wasn't to say she was particularly interested in having some but being a thinker and a judge of some things, she was curious to know the other's hunting success and how far it extended on such an occasion. Could often be used to tell if hunting was to be good or bad since numbers often could have little to no affect if the herd was healthy and well-governed. It was difficult to attribute them to much intellegence but some situations had called for it. "Certainly a good day to be out," she said with a smile.

She knew what Nyu was famed for among the pride. Knowing the herd, knowing where it was going to be, where it had been, and the numbers - it was her area of expertise. She had used this information many a times since it often was easy to figure out second hand.

"It is, indeed," she said softly, not bothered in the slightest over the other's examination of the carcass. "What brings you out this way on such a day? I assume, perhaps, something to do with the herds?"

Nyu nodded. No point to lie or to fancy up the truth. She was doing her usual, the pretty dull, pretty boring - even relatively lifeless when compared to her sister whose mate was the father of Nyu's children. The other before her was quite different in that this lioness was less well-known and thus Nyu knew very little where to begin just that drawing herself away would be quite rude. The conversation so far had gone no where but there was not an opening in which she could politefully press on. More words must pass between them. "My name you know. But may I inquire after yours?" After all, what sort of conversation could logically take place without being able to apply a name to the other? Such was her reasoning.  
PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 7:08 pm
A soft laugh, quite pleasant and still carrying over an essence of her youth, spilled from her maw. "Ipentshisi is my name," she said softly, dipping her head, "and I must say that it is quite a pleasure to finally meet you in person instead of just catching glimpses and second hand words of you and your talent." She did, however, let a small grin come over her maw. Her family was not as well known as some. Sure, her sister and her mate were of the royal family, and thus of a station more obvious to the rest of the pride. However, she was not exactly a strong connection to them. Her mother had birthed them her more of necessity and they spent much of their time secluded from the rest of the souls among the Kusini.

Shari'nyunyu was not quite comfortable with being seen as worthy of the "pleasure of finally meeting" like one would associate with those of high importance. She was much too humble to see herself in such a place. And should she, she would probably still feel awkward and embarrassed by it in that others find it so desirous. It was to the point that she tried to think of a subject that could turn them away from the joys of becoming acquainted. "Nice to meet you as well," she said with a smile and a nod. "Is there by chance you have a nickname?" It was quite long as to make her feel she might mispronounce it if she tried to repeat it. "You grew up in the Kusini, yes? I don't quite recognize even those I've already met by name yet, although I'm working on it. Much of my young life was spent away from here so I have quite a bit of catching up to do."

She didn't care truly if the other found her proprieties somewhat out of place. They were what she was used to and show she used them. Most of the time, at least more often than not, they were well appreciated and when she could not judge a character's feeling on the matter, she simply chose to go with the default. It never really did any harm to those who did not seem to like it too much, but not doing so to those that expected it could be a grave mistake. "Yes, actually," she said, following it with a short laugh, "I'm called Shisi by my family. I realize the name is long and somewhat complicated, so it's understandable." Her head tilted slightly at the question, a purr on her words as she nodded immediately afterwards, "I did. Although, I wouldn't expect even those who grew up here at the same time to know me. We live on the edges, my family and I, and don't often talk with anyone but our close relatives that live here."

Nyu nodded. Well the Kusini was a big place so that made sense. And from the statement, she had to assume they weren't directly related to the royal line as everyone seemed to be. Otherwise they'd be doing a lot of mingling. But of course, it was good to have unrelated people in the pride. Kept the blood fresh and from running stale. She tended to forget, even, that everyone wasn't related excusing those who had been with her before they rejoined the Kusini. "Shishi..." she echoed as though trying the name out herself.

But she was also particularly curious as to why they didn't mingle much. As of yet, there really wasn't any indication of malice or a desire for privacy on Shishi's part so she couldn't see the harm in pressing into the matter. "Living on the edges to avoid someone?" she asked. It was quite possible that someone disliked them strongly enough to cause them to want to avoid the person. Of course, Nyu tended to be quite ignorant of disputes except for those brought to her attention so she didn't know if there was one, or at least one that had been long-standing.

No, in fact, Shisi was not exactly a direct relation to the royal line itself. She had nieces that were great-grandchildren of the first king and queen of this era, or so her sister had once told her. It was a weak relation, really, and not exactly enough to call such. They were relatives, but she didn't even truly know them all that well, and it wasn't even blood that related them - just a relationship from her mother's past.

"No, actually," she said with a smile, quite amused that she would think it such. "My mother is a weak lioness and only lives here out of necessity. She was too weak to raise us alone and thus came to her daughter for aid in yet another litter. We live on the edge, I suppose, because my mother probably does not feel as if she truly belongs here." She knew that feeling, for she felt the very same.


Eloquent Lunatic


Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 7:55 pm
Nyu wondered if there was a bit of bitterness in her words although they were said with a smile. Bitterness perhaps towards her mother's weakness and towards the relationship they had with the Kusini. And although she could feel that it existed, Shishi had done nothing to betray it if it existed other than by her choice of words. Of course, Nyu didn't understand how one could feel that they didn't belong. But then again, the mother lived on the edge by choice and thus Nyu's prejudice could only say that she felt she did not belong because she alienated herself and her family from the rest of the Kusini and did not try to mingle, thus preventing herself from feeling welcome. So the fault Nyu gave to the mother and her choices. As to whether or not that was entirely the truth she could never be sure but she had already placed the blame and could not change that.

"I believe that it might be she has not found her niche living so far from everyone else. Anyone with at least minimul respect for the Harvest Goddess and a desire of peace is welcome here and is welcome to belong here. I personally think that to belong to somewhere, all someone has to want to do is just that, to want to belong there and act on that wanting." Trying, she obviously meant. She said it light-heartedly, without laying blame on anyone. Rather, just suggesting that maybe Shishi's mother just hadn't given the Kusini the chance it deserved.

Shisi truly didn't feel much bitterness towards anything connected with her mother or the pride. Her mother did what she could with what the gods had given her, and she felt she had done as much as she could for she and her siblings. The pride was at fault for nothing. They had not pushed her away, they had not driven her to where she was. In fact, the members she had met had been welcoming - but she was still distant enough from them to feel as if her place was meant to be elsewhere.

"I have respect for she and all gods, and though my mother has found peace her, I feel she will move on now that she does not need to be here for us." She shrugged her shoulders slowly and glanced to the horizon. "I am leaving soon, to be truthful. It is nice here, but I have need of fufilling dreams."

Now Nyu felt
that rather than the mom not trying to belong because she felt she didn't belong, she began to see it more as the female did not wish to feel like she belonged or that she would be attached so that should such a point be reached as her daughters no longer needing her, she could easily disengage herself and bring herself elsewheres.

Nyu couldn't help but sigh at that last statement. The dreams of the youth truly seemed limitless and always to stretch into the beyond that did not belong to the Kusini. Living the life of the rogue, there had been little for her dreams to be other than to have a fixed home of warmth and comfort. Always wanting - dreaming - for what one can't have. Nyu too looked to the horizon and wondered what future she might have had if her dreams had brought her farther away from the Kusini rather than to it. Would she be happier than now? Would her fortune have been better or worse? She did not wish it undone because she was not much of a wisher or a dreamer. Nyu fancied herself a realist although she certainly wasn't very good at being a happy one. So she let the youth have their dreams. Maybe those dreams would lead to success rather than medieocre. "Any where specific these dreams take you? Or just out into the yonder?"

Shisi supposed that dreams often led one to the opposite of what the dreamer already had. If the trait of dreaming, of wandering was implanted in the soul, it was to the unknown that thoughts and hearts often strayed. Those born to a pride often sought the unknown while those born to the unknown often sought the safety of a pride. It was slightly ironic, she thought, in at least one sense. It could lead to scattered generations, scattered families. She supposed those families born with no dreamers probably had it the best of all.

"For now, I seek the pridelands, the land of golden lions and beautiful landscapes," but she shrugged at this, eyes drifting once more to the horizon. She would not stop there; she could not stop there. Her duties would bring her across the world, to all prides and lands inbetween. "After that, I've no idea. My paws itch for the unknown, for the four corners of the world, and I mean to see them all." She would not delve into what she planned, for why let her secrets spill to everyone? No, for now all the lioness need think was that she was eager to explore.

Shari'nyunyu was not one for eloquent language but she had the intellegence to still appreciate it. Even so, she could not help but laugh a light laugh. "You sound as though you were planned for greatness." Should she have been a human girl in a future time with the leisure to pour book over fictional book, she would have felt that indeed they were the words that often led a hero or heroine out into the world and thus into the many troubles they would encounter. However she had not so could do nothing beyond fancy that it might have been so.

But Nyu was determined to be content where she was. She heard the description the other so willingly gave to the pridelands and immediately thought no land could be more beautiful than her own and whose golden pelts were no where near as splendid as the brown ones of this southern region. If this conversation did one thing for Nyu, it was to reassert that this was where she wanted to be and no other place could tempt her ...except maybe the sky.

"I hope you find whatever it is your soul is searching for."
PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 7:59 pm
Shisi chuckled as if the other's notion was completely out of the question, as if it were a silly fancy. Deep down, however, Shisi knew she was destined for greatness. They would spread her name across the world, her deeds, her glory. It was not for glory that she embarked upon this journey and she was not tempted by the sin of pride. No, she embarked upon this journey out of necessity to bring justice upon a corrupt world. "No, I don't think I was made for greatness, just the simple act of chasing dreams."

At the others words, she smiled, and pushed herself up onto her feet. "Thank you, Nyu," she said with a purr to her tone, tail flickering behind her slowly, "and I hope that this land continues to be good to you." She dipped her head, eyes shutting with the gesture. "For now, I must find my sister, and run over a few more things with her before we leave. Perhaps our paths with cross once more if my feet ever lead me back to my homelands."

With that, she turned, heading off into the depths of the pride. It was a refreshing conversation, but not one she would always remember. It was just a way to pass time, to meet a new face, and to enjoy her last days in the pride she was born to.

Nyu nodded in a sort of bow and watched the female leave. She had no doubt that the land would always be good to her. Although she could not be sure about the other's dreams. Dreams were infrequent and insubstancial. While one could chase them, they couldn't always acheive them. But Shishi was going places, enough places for her to perhaps eventually be convinced to do something much more realistic. Whatever she chose, Nyu could only assume it would be a learning experience. She wished only that fate would be kind to Shishi as fate was quite the fickle mistress.

Bringing her contemplation to a close, Nyu too turned away to return to the herds. There was still some to be done and her own meal to persue.


Eloquent Lunatic

[IC] Kusini'Mwezi Lands [IC]

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