The day was perfect for a little sunning.

Binafsi lay sprawled out on a large flat rock, dignity forgotten momentarily as she basked in the morning sun. Soon it would be too hot for such a thing, but for now she could enjoy its warmth. The hunt had gone well, her belly was full and thus it was the time to let her mind wander. No doubt her children were off playing or elsewhere enjoying the sunlight. She had to resist the motherly urge to get up and go find them. Though she knew they were perfectly safe here – and she had warned them against leaving the pride – it was still ingrained in her mind to want to know where they were.

With a small sigh the lioness rolled onto her front and rested her head on her outstretched paws. It was so hard to believe that she had her own children now. It was a pity their father couldn't stay, but she would raise them to be the best that they could be. Perhaps one day he would return to meet them. She would make sure that they would make their father proud.