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Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 10:01 pm
Page 1

2~Amani, Fin~2
3~Kweu, Fin~3
5~Dongo and Huruma~5
6~Kweupe, Fin~6
7~Kweupe, Fin~7
8~Kweupe, Fin~8

9~Shaha, Fin~9
10~Auri, Fin~10
11~Auri, Fin~11
12~Auri, Fin~12
13~Auri, Fin~13

14~Auri and Chikala, Fin~14
15~Auri, Fin~15

Page 2
2~Auri, Fin~2

4~Shaha, Fin~4
5~Shaha, Fin~5

6~Barafu, Fin~6

SoA Journal
PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 10:02 pm
Out Of Guild RP (Amani)

It was dusk in the Pridelands, and as the setting sun cast its last rays over the thorn patch, two black figures emerged and moved toward the grasslands.

A while later, they spotted a prize; a herd of antelope standing barely awake. Quietly the greener of the two shapes snuck up to the herd, slowly biding her time until...

A glance from a nervous antelope, and they were on the move, running away from one black shape, and to another. A white streak in the darkness, a flash of red, and a weak antelope was down.

The first black shape moved over to the kill, and they both began to eat.

Reeshie Hack
A small, mostly white shape watched the kill and ran its pink tongue over its lips.

The young cub had been hungry for quite a while, but she was too timid to complain. She figured, once the two who brought the antelope down were finished, she would take what was left.

She laid down flat on the ground and moved one paw ever so slightly and accidently jabbed the side of her paw into a thorn. She cried out and jumped away from the threatening object.

The black shape with green markings looked up at the sound of a cry, lifting her pointed ears and revealing herself to be a jackal. At first, she thought that it could possibly be an extra meal, but the mostly white cub stood out in the darkness.

"Go ahead and eat your fill, Tufani," the jackal said as she tore off a piece of the carcass and wandered toward the cub.

The other black shape finished chewing and gazed in the direction the jackal was headed. She was a lioness, barely older than a cub, but growing quickly. She was still hungry, but she wanted to know what was happening, and she wanted to be able to bolt to safety if whatever it was that the jackal was mothering this time was something that meant them harm.

Reeshie Hack
The little lioness backed away from the shape approaching her, pushing herself under a sparse bush in her atempt to hide. Unfortunately, nothing was going to hide her light coat. It was a very bad color for one who would rather be invisible than drawing attention. She had never seen a creature like the one walking towards her, and that made her all the more frightened.

But it had food...

Indeed, she had food. And now she had dropped it on the ground near the cub, she backed away slowly. "You don't need to be afraid of us, dear." the jackal said in a soft tone. "Please, eat." She continued to back away until she was near the juvenile lioness again.

"What is it, Jani'mwiba?" Tufani asked. "Is it a friend?"

"Perhaps," the jackal called Jani'mwiba said. "We shall see if she wants to talk to us. I believe she is simply hungry, like we were before we caught this antelope."

Reeshie Hack
The little cub eyed the creature as it backed away towards the other lioness and then her gaze went to the food. Neither looked like they were going to take it back from her, so she slowly approached it and began to eat, all the while keeping her attention more on the other two.

They had been kind enough to share their meal with her. Maybe she should not be so afraid. Those thoughts didn't help change the fact that she still was, though.

Tufani watched the younger cub eat her portion of the meat before turning to Jani'mwiba. "Can I go over and say hi? I'll bet we could be good friends."

"That wouldn't be the wisest thing to do right now, dear," Jani'mwiba said. "It would be best to let her come to us. I'm sure you'd be just as scared if you were in her situation, lost and alone. In fact, I think you told me how you were before you met me."

"I was, though I made friends with other cubs," Tufani said.

And so the two of them stood there, waiting for the cub to do something else.

Reeshie Hack
She finished eating and absently liched her nose. She then looked up at the other two and her ears went down in consideration. Should she back away, or thank them?

They had shared with her, after all.

So she slowly approached the pair, readying herself to bond away if the need be and stopped when she a few paces in front of them.
"Th-thank you..." she said softly, her voice light and airy.

"You're welcome, dear," the jackal said. "It is only right to share with young ones such as yourself. My name is Jani'mwiba, but you may call me Jani if it's easier to say. What is your name?"

"I'm Tufani, and I'd like to be your friend," the older cub said. "What brings you out here at night, when your pelt doesn't blend in with the area?"

Reeshie Hack
"My name... Amani. An' I didn't have anywhere else to go. An' I was hungry," Amani replied, scooting a little closer to the two. They seemed friendly, but she wouldn't totally let her guard down. Jani intrigued her. "Jani... What kinda animal are you?" she asked before thinking too much about it.

"A pleasure to meet you, Amani." Jani said. At the question, she laughed a little. "I am a jackal. Much friendlier than a hyena, and we don't normally travel in packs like the wild dogs do."

"You mean you're alone?" Tufani asked, tilting her head and frowning. She knew what it was like to be alone, and she felt sorry for anyone who had to go through that. "Do you have a family somewhere, or are you a rogue like I am...was before I met Jani. Well, I guess I still am, since I'm not in a pride by any means. But I don't really wander anymore."

Reeshie Hack
"I don't think I have anyone. No... I meet others sometimes, but no family," Amani replied and sat down. She looked down at her paw and frowned. It was hurting again. She licked it and flinched.
"Thank you for sharing... Jani, Tu... Tu... 'Fani," she added when she looked back up from her paw.

"You may live in the thorn patch with us if you wish," Jani said. "It looks like a tough place to live, and it is if you don't know the pathways through the thorns, but we can teach you. And it is safe from those who are...not so nice. You are welcome for the food." The jackal glanced at Amani's paw as if she were the cub's mother. "Are you alright, dear?"

"You're welcome," the juvenile lioness said. Clearly she was learning some manners from her 'mother' Jani. "You were probably hungrier than we were anyway."

Reeshie Hack
Amani slowly nodded her head at the offer to stay with them, then she held up her paw for Jani.
"When I got scared in the bush, I moved and hurt myself on a thorn. It hurts, a little," she replied in a soft mew. She didn't mind being coddled a little and being called "dear" wasn't so bad. And she wouldn't be alone anymore, so it worked out to stick around with 'Fani and Jani.

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 10:03 pm
Out Of Guild RP (Kweu)

Reeshie Hack
Kweu sat a ways away from the den she had been sharing the past few days with Haveo and his pack. She was amazed at how they accepted her, how kind they all seemed to be. Such a big difference from the pack she had been born into.
And Haveo...
He wasn't the first male she had met in her travels, but all the others were different. Lions who comforted, wild dogs who were cautious, hyena pups looking for a friend. She couldn't find a classification for him, as if he didn't need one. And that was true. He didn't. He was just Haveo. Someone who knew what it was like to be an outcast as a child, someone she could relate to and who understood her in return. It was nice being around him.
She'd always wandered, never staying in the same place or among the same creatures for too long. And yet, for once in her life, she didn't want to leave...

Haveo scanned his pack, making sure that everyone was rather content. Even if he wasn't the dominant figure of the pack he still held that right, did he not? Eyes settled on the newest member of the pack, sitting a bit further from the pack that he would like. Of course, it would take time. When he had first joined, he had hurriedly wanted to be a part of something that was missing from his life. But now he had it...but his position right now didn't satisfy him. At least...not as much as he'd like it to.

He had felt a little empty lately. Well...actually the feeling had started to develope since Ujuzi had had pups. Was he wanting to be a father? It seemed natural enough. But enough about him, he had brought Kweu in and he would help her get settled. The male approached slight, softly nuzzling the female in greeting. "It's different isn't it? But still...it's very nice."

Reeshie Hack
Kweu leaned into the nuzzle and then playfully nudge him away, a small smile on her muzzle.
"It is different, but not... I guess I'm just trying to get over the surprise," she said and looked off. "Besides, all the time I spent on my own, it feels weird to be in this large of a group. I just needed some space is all," she added, assuming that he thought she was uncomfortable. She wasn't, not so much. In fact, it was how comfortable she was with this "family" that made her uncomfortable. She had no idea she could settle in so quickly and that made her wonder just how much she had changed when she returned to complete "sanity".
"They're all rather nice," she said a little offhandedly, not wanting the conversation to die between them, as she wasn't sure her previous statements made good conversational material.

The male chuckled at her playfulness, following her gaze as she spoke. "Indeed. There are even chances of it getting bigger." Haveo sat next to the fem, getting comfortable. As long as she was part of their group she would be part of the Hamaji. Part of his family.

Heh. It was such an odd thing to say now that the male thought of it.

The natural colored male glanced over the group, smiling a bit. "They are. My luck may have run out if I hadn't met up with them." He looked at her and then the crowd. "Let's go for a walk."

Reeshie Hack
Kweu nodded and stood when he suggested the walk.
"It's good that you found them, then. If you hadn't, we might never have met," she stated, smiling a little as she glanced over at him. She hadn't explained how she had changed after meeting him. Truth be told, she might never say anything about it. It wasn't something one could really explain.
His comment about his family getting bigger fed a thought into her mind and before she could stop herself, she put voice to the thought.
"Do you plan to have pups someday?" Oh, she had seen the younger members of the group, so like the leader that they had to be her pups. She wondered why, if he hadn't already, had children of his own.

Haveo moved along side her, going in no place particular. Actually he had no idea as to why he suggested to go on a walk, he just....felt like it. Felt like having sometime for just the two. When he thought about it, it was a little bit silly.

The male blinked a several times, thinking about it. Did he plan to have pups? Children...hadn't really been in his mind until not too long ago. So...did he? "I suppose I will one day." It was that moment he wondered if he had any more family members left. Real blood. Perhaps he was actually an uncle by now. That would be nice, but it didn't matter all that much did it. "Though...I suppose your real question is if I'd actually want to be a father."

The answer to that didn't take too long to decide. He definately wanted to be one. One day.

Reeshie Hack
Kweu looked at him, her head tilted slightly.
"I suppose I could ask that. Would you?" she asked, blinking. After a moment, she looked back in front of them, her eyes on wherever they were going.
"I don't know if I... should, or not. Not sure how well I would be at... taking care of them," she sighed out the words, mostly believing them. She wasn't sure at all if she would be a good enough mother for the pups she may or may not have someday. Sure she wanted to be a mother, what female didn't? But she didn't want to bring them into a hard life, to a mother who wasn't worthy or ready.

The violet orbed male nodded, face calm and serene for a moment. "Indeed. Ever since Ujuzi had her pups...I guess I've been wanting pups of my own one day." He spotted a small watering hole. Well, actually it was more than small. More likely it was the cause of a larger creature searching for water. The hard work was their gain as the male lead Kweu to the little hole.

"I'm sure every mother asks if they're ready. As long as you love them, and stay with them....I'm sure they'll be just fine. I'd love to watch any children of yours grow."

Reeshie Hack
Kweu smiled softly, though she continued to look straight ahead. And I you, she thought to herself and yet part of her became irrationally perturbed at the idea of him fathering pups. Which was a silly thing to get mad at, especially when one didn't even know the source of the anger. She shook her head and found herself at a momentary loss for words, as she didn't know what to say that wouldn't make things uncomfortable.
"How did the pack continue to travel with the pups? Or did you stay in a certain place for a while?" she asked, tilting her head slightly to one side.

The wild dog paused, bending down to quell his thirst for a little bit. "We had stayed in the Pridelands for a bit. At least until they were old enough to be able to keep up with us." He was sure the den was now occupied by some other family. Or perhaps it was destroyed. It didn't matter to him, the likely chance of them finding that exact same spot again was close to none.

Haveo glanced at her, as if sensing there was something else on her mind. Pups was....actually something odd to think about. Or even converse...with a female. After all this time with females he they hadn't really brought up the idea of him fathering anything. Hunting yes. Babysitting yes. Being a guardian over all of course. He actually welcomed it. "Are you thinking that you want to become a mother?"

Reeshie Hack
Kweu sat at the water's edge, looking at her reflection. When was the last time she looked at herself, REALLY looked?
"I'm not sure. I've changed in the days I've been here. Before, I doubted that I would, for fear for them and not wanting to have to trust another as I would my mate, were I to have one. But things are different now. I'm still uncertain on who I can trust, but... I'm more open to the idea, I guess. I just wouldn't want to raise them on my own, so I would have to learn to trust," she admitted, frowning at herself. She wasn't sure if she was capable of it.

Haveo gazed across the rippling surface staring at her reflection. He turned to her, face calm but almost expressionless. "You trusted me." The statement was quiet, his voice unwavering. Perhaps it was the conversation, or maybe the fact that he felt ready to be a father. The male go a little closer, nuzzling the female a bit more gently. A bit more tenderly. With more...emotion...than he would anyone else right now.

Reeshie Hack
Kweu closed her eyes as he rubbed against her, sighing.
"I don't know why..." she whispered and opened her eyes, looking into his. Since leaving her birthplace, she had taken everything she came across in stride, confidant and sure of herself, even in her semi-sane state. But now... she didn't know what she was doing, what had driven her, why she had allowed this male, of all the wild dogs she had come across, to find his way into her very small circle of trust. She knew her uncertainty, maybe even her fear at not being in control of her own thoughts, showed in her sun-colored eyes, but she honestly couldn't help it. She had no idea what she was doing anymore.

Haveo closed his eyes, tucking the female's head underneath his own, nuzzling her a bit more. It was awkward to see, he was sure of that. More or less than it was to actually be doing such intimate acts. He didn't...really mind it though. He was never that kind of creature that enjoyed so much physical contact. But for her, he didn't mind it at all. Softly, he whispered to her, "Would you believe me...if I told you...I think we were supposed to meet."

Reeshie Hack
Kweu trembled a bit before leaning against Haveo slightly. She'd never let anyone touch her this much, and yet she really didn't care. She wanted- no, that wasn't right. She NEEDED someone to care about her, someone she could care about in return. And, despite how little time they had known one another, she felt that he could be that someone.
"I believe you. I don't believe that our lives are etched in stone, but I do believe that some things are fate..." she replied just as softly, turning her head just enough so that she could press the side of it to his neck.

Haveo shivered. He didn't understand this...need to be around her. To isolate just the two of them, to just want one person to himself. It's been so long since he's had someone care for him. And...did he miss it? He didn't know...but somehow he felt like this was a promise to stay with him. Just as he would like to be there for her as long as he let her. The male cuddled more into her, a smile appearing upon his maw as he slipped a paw around her. "I won't leave you."

Reeshie Hack
She hadn't really realized it until this very moment, but she had been so along for so long. And to know that Haveo would stay with her, no matter what, for as long as they could be together... Gods, she never wanted this feeling to leave her. This... aura of safety, so warm and comforting.
She smiled.
"That won't be a problem. Wherever you go, I'll follow," she repliedclosing her eyes and lifting her face to nuzzle him.

The male chuckled, nuzzling the female back. It was official now. He...had someone now didn't he? And it was great, probably one of the greatest things ever. The male cuddled further into her. "Do you wanna stay...or should we go back?"

Reeshie Hack
Kweu sighed, smiling contentedly as he nuzzled her.
"Mmmm, how about just a little bit longer here, and then back to the den. I'm sure your pack will be curious why we can't seem to stop snuggling one another," she replied, surprising even herself with a soft, girlish giggle.

Havo chuckled, nodding in agreement. He was sure the females were going to be quick to read that something new between them had blossomed. He smiled at her giggle, the sound was just...so melodious. He could become addicted to it. "Whatever you'd like my dear."
PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 10:07 pm
Out Of Guild RP (Shaha)

Reeshie Hack
A small smile on his face, Tembezishaha sat a ways away from their temporary home, a small copse of trees that provided just enough shade and protection from the elements for the four of them until their youngest member, Ayane, was old enough (in his mind) to travel.

An insect landed on his ear in the soft morning light and he shook his head, sending the pest away. Today, he was going to spend some quality time with his "daughter," had told her to meet him there when she woke up. He sat on top of a flat rock, his favorite kind of perch, and watched the sun rising in the distance as he waited for Ayane to join him.

As the breeze tussled the small branches of the trees surrounding their temporary home, the leaves rustled together to create quite an oddly beautiful little sound. Young Ayane had been staring idly up at the trees, imaging the sorts of imaginary creatures that were secretly making the noises. The little leotah had quite the imagination, and one of her best creations was perhaps little Lisani. With a sudden blink, Ayane glanced down from the trees and settled her eyes on the air to her right shoulder. Her brows furrowed, almost as if she was listening to someone, and then she leapt up quite suddenly.

“Oh, I forgot! You’re right, Lissy!” she squeaked, and began to bound immediately out of the little copse of trees, her path winding and shifting as she went. As she finally got to where she wanted to be, a small ways from the temporary home but a good little sprint for a cub, she was out of breathe but panting with a smile plastered to her maw.

“I’m sorry, Papa,” she mumbled out, her gentle little eyes flickering beneath dark lids. She shifted with a small smile, her tail curling idly around her hind leg. “What are we doing today?” she asked quietly, as was typical from the shy little beauty.

Reeshie Hack
Shaha smiled down at Ayane as she ran up, slowly standing and stepping off of his rock. He approached and a gave her a lick to the forehead, before ruffling her ruff a bit with his paw.
"I thought perhaps we'd go to this beautiful lake I found and just have some time together, just you and me," he replied, tilting his head slightly. He wasn't used to having children, in fact it felt so long since he himself was one, but he remembered how much he enjoyed walking with his father, talking about everything and nothing at all. He wanted to make sure Ayane and his own children, should he have any, had memories like that to look back on.

"And perhaps I can tell a few stories on the way. Would you like that?" he asked with a knowing grin before flicking his fluffy mane once more from his eyes.

Ayane purred softly at the thought, beaming with a bright smile up at her father, whom she adored beyond reason. Of course, he looked very little like her, just like every other feline around the area. Ayane was convinced she was completely unique, though it did make her lonely at times. Spending some time with her ‘papa’ was just what she need – just what she and Lisani needed.

“Alright,” she said with a grin, though she leaned over slowly and began to whisper into the air. After a moment of listening for a response only she could hear, she giggled happily. She moved forward to nuzzle her little head against her father’s legs, the bright rainbow stripe down her back gleaming in the bits of sunlight that dappled through the tree branches.

“Which way do we go, then?” she said as she looked up, head tilted curiously.

Reeshie Hack

Shaha smiled lovingly down at his daughter and gently ran his paw down her rainbow stripe.
"Come on my little sky painting, it's this way," he said as he began a slow walk in the direction of the watering hole. He searched his mind for the right story, something his Ayane would like to hear.

"Ah, did I ever tell you how rainbows came to be? My mother's patron god, Kazi'Malaiki, and my matron goddess were the ones who blessed us with such a beautiful sight," he stated, smiling at the thought of the story. Logically, he should have followed his mother in the deity that he followed, but he believed in the goddess he had dreamed about as a young cub. It was a silly dream of a child, but his mother had told him once before that the gods were a creation of the beliefs of mortals, that they were sustained by the faith of those that believe in them. So, if he chose to believe in his hope goddess, then she would exist. She fit the hole in the tale of rainbows, where an unknown lion aided the god and it fit that his goddess would be the lion to aid the God of Arts.

Ayane beamed brightly at her father's words, loping after him with a happy little scramble as he headed towards the water whole. Her little ears were perked on her skull, nearly to full attention as she awaited the beginning of his story. She was such a silly, innocent cub and stories were certainly on her list of favorite things to do - especially with Papa!

"No," she said with a grin plastered merrily to her pretty mug, pale eyes gleaming as she turned her attention up at him eve as she walked along. She stumbled once over a rather lumpy little rock, because she was watching him instead of the ground before her, but she simply giggled as she nearly fell and caught herself. With a cub-like, mildly clumsy leap, she caught back up to him and began loping along at his side once more. "Oh really? What are they the gods of, Papa?" she asked with a little purr, eyes swiveling up to him in wonder (although, she did keep a better eye on the ground this time).

Reeshie Hack
"Well, my dear, Kazi is the god of colors, and my goddess is that of hope. One day, she looked out into our world and saw how, even with everything the Great Mother had given us, there was still dispair in the world. And so she went looking for a way to bring cheer and hope to the world. That was when she came upon a young cub, much like yourself, who was just so happy and could not help but dance for he was so happy. The goddess asked the cub 'Why do you dance so, young one?' for the gods always cared for the youngest then. The cub looked to her and told her with a smile that he danced and was happy because his tail was so beautiful. And indeed it was, because where the rest of his body was gray like mine and Kiji's, his tail had all of the colors of the rainbow on it," Shaha told her as they walked.

They had neared the watering hole by then and so he scooped her up into his jaws and ran the last stretch before gently flinging her into the water, laughing as he did so.

Ayane’s eyes remained wide as she stared up at her ‘father’, awe sparkling there for him as he related the tale of the great goddess to her. She tried hard to keep up pace with him, walking along and taking care not to be as clumsy as she was before. All thoughts of her ‘friend’ seemed to be temporary forgotten in the face of this information, this glorious story that struck so close to home in the heart of the little cub. As he finished, drawing it to the point, she let a soft gasp spill from her little maw. “Oh, a rainbow on his tail, papa?” she giggled, stopping and doing a bit of a twirl in an attempt to look upon her own back, “like me, kinda!”

Then, with a shrill giggle, she had been caught and rushed to the water – tossed into it with a flurry of flailing legs and giggles before she was swallowed up beneath the surface. She came up, spitting water from her mouth but grinning widely all the same. Walking into the shallows, she turned her eyes up to him and let out a giggle, “you surprised me, papa!”

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 10:08 pm
Out of Guild RP (Dongo and Huruma)

His hooves made a hollow sound in his ears as the solitary water buck made his way towards the sound of running water. He wasn't sure exactly where he was, but that was not an uncommon thing for the wandering Chepe'dongo, more often than not he didn't know where he was.
He came upon a river, crossing carefully to the opposite side and shaking the water from his clay-colored coat, the reason behind his name. Something caught his eye, and a curiosity caught him, drawing him towards a colorful thing beneath a rather shady tree. Upon closer inspection, it was a young lioness dozing in the shade, her back to him.

It was one of those off days on the grasslands of the Kusini pride's lands. Well, off day for Huruma, probably the most colorful of Amani and Harabu's daughters, her purple, red, and white fur standing out fairly well from where she lay under a tree near the 'Comi, dozing in the warmth of the day. She yawned, her fangs gleaming white in the sunlight, her tongue curled slightly with the yawn.
Her crimson eyes blinked a bit and rolled over, coming nose-to-nose with a dirt-colored, fluffy antelope.

Dongo started, stepping back as his head jerked up. He quickly looked around, ready to run in case she decided to make a quick lunch out of the foolish water buck.

Huruma blinked and jumped when she saw how frightened he looked. She assumed that he was afraid she would eat him or something and immediately began to reassure him.
"Oh, don't be scared. I'm not going to eat you. I'm Huruma! What's your name?" she asked, standing slowly and shaking her head, her tail waving back and forth slowly.

Dongo looked down at the lioness and tilted his head, confused. Wasn't this a lioness? A predator? An animal that eats his kind?
Still confused, he stopped retreating and tilted his head at her a bit. She was really cute...
"Chepe'dongo... But aren't you a lion?"

Huruma burst into gales of laughter, rolling over with it.
"Of course I'm a lion! Do I look like a leopard to you or something?" she giggled up at him, looking at him from lying on her back.

Dongo frowned and blinked at her a little bit.
"Well, no, but... I mean, lions EAT waterbucks like myself," he replied, the tension edging out of his form as he watched her. He was surprised that she didn't seem to want to eat him

"Well... Yeah, I guess. But I'm not hungry an' I don't normally eat waterbucks anyways and you seem nice, even if you're not very fun," Huruma replied with a bit of a shrug.
"Besides, I haven't really gotten the hang of hunting for myself anyways. And you're kinda big, so if I wanted to eat'cha, I'd probably have to get my mama. An' you'd be long gone by then."

For a lion, she sure made some valid points. But that didn't change the fact that he, as a preybeast, was standing there, talking to a lioness who could very well find a way to make a meal out of him.
"I... suppose you're right..." he conceded slowly, though he still took a small step backwards, still ready to bolt if need be.

"O' course, you really shouldn't be around here if you don't wanna get eaten. These are pridelands and there are lots of lions and they might try to eat'cha. Where're you from?" Huruma hadn't thought to ask that question until that very moment and with it her eyes lit up. If he knew about far away places, he could tell her about them and she and Akin could go find them! They always wanted to go exploring when they got older.

"Um, I travel around, mostly..." Chepe answered and immediately got wary again. If these were pridelands, there was no telling where the next lion was. He did NOT want to get eaten!
"I... I should probably go, then..." he mumbled, looking around almost frantically.

Huruma jumped up at that.
"Oh! No, wait," she exclaimed, watching him start a bit and then calming down so that she didn't scare him away.
"What if... What if I promise my friend and I won't eat you and we'll protect you from other predators? Will you take us with you and guide us around the world?"

What... an unusual request... But the more he thought about it, the better it sounded. The only problem was that he'd have to trust a pair of lions not to eat him. But this one seemed very sincere and honest... And she promised protection if he acted as guide...
"Okay. But I'm not going to stay here much longer..."

Huruma looked a little down when he kept thinking about it. Se completely expected him to say no. Why would he trust her, anyways?
And then he said yes.
"Really?? Great! I'll go tell Akin an' we'll probably be able to leave tomorrow, is that okay?" The words came out so fast, they seemed to blend together, she was so excited.

Chepe blinked a few times, trying to process her hastily spoken jumble of words.
"Um... Yeah, I suppose that's okay. I'll meet you here tomorrow at high sun, okay?" he replied and looked around again. Oh, he hoped this wouldn't be a fatal decision on his part.

"Okay!" Huruma agree with a nod, turned and ran off to find Akin.

All things considered, it hadn't been a fatal decision on Chepe's part. In fact, Huruma would be adamant about her promise, to the point where she refused to eat any of his kind, either.
He just hadn't been aware of how much of a... hoof-full the young lioness would end up being.
It was worse than baby-sitting a hare.
PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 9:30 pm
Out Of Guild RP (Kweupe)

As the sun set on the savannah, Kweupe stared off into the distance, the sunset reflecting in her sky-kissed eyes. She had come to a conclusion that would change not only hers, but her brother's life as well. She'd always dreamed of having a big family, with lots of children, but she couldn't imagine being shackled to one male for the rest of her life. For crying out loud, she was pretty much shackled to Mafunde, she didn't need more lasting attatchments. Except, maybe, to children. Children, of course, could always go out on their own.

Mafunde ran up to his sister with a smile on his face. He hadn't seen his sister in a few nights and was starting to worry if he would ever see each other again. They hadn't been separated for such a long time. At least it felt that way to him. "Kweu!" He called out as he sat next to her and followed her gaze, "What are you looking at?" He asked with a smile.

Kweupe turned and watched him run up, almost planting her face straight into the ground at his comment.
"The sun, silly. Geez, sometimes I think zebras are smarter than you," she replied and stuck her tongue out at him comically.

He nudged her with his shoulder, "Aw Kweu, you know I get my brains from you." He teased back, his tail swaying from side to side.
"Though, your not much smarter than me if your staring at the sun. You wanna go blind?" He asked and covered her eyes with his tail.

Kweupe snickered and pushed his tail down with her paw.
"It's a SUNSET. It's not that bright," she replied and turned back to the natural beauty.
"I've been thinking up an idea lately," she added a little offhandedly, though her tone was a little less playful. And that was pretty much as serious as she got.

"Sure you should be doing that?" He asked as he swooped his head in front of her, "You know what happens when you start to think." He gave her a goofy smile.

Kweupe stuck her tongue out at him again and swatted at him with her paw.
"I'm serious! I really have something here with this idea," she retorted, paused, and looked off thoughtfully for a moment. "I think..."

He took the swat in the shoulder, and laughed in return, but winced lightly when she noited that she was serious. This was going to be good. Mafunde waited for her to continue.

Kweupe made a face at him and scrunched up her nose a bit.
"I'm thinking we need kids in the family."
Never one to beat around the bush, she came right out with her idea, though it was a little vague.

Mafunde stared at her for a moment before looking away, a confused look on his face. He then let out a laugh, "Come again?" He asked, hoping she was joking.

"You heard me right. I said we need cubs in the family. I think it'd be great fun!" Kweupe replied with a smile and that cute little tilt of her head she had gotten from mama-Tumbui.

He sighed, "Kweupe, how are we supposed to take care of cubs? We don't know anything about raising cubs." He couldn't believe what his sister just said. Sure she was unpredictable, but he never thought she'd go this far.

Kweupe frowned and blinked at him.
"What do you mean, 'we don't know anything about raising cubs'? I know plenty about raising cubs!" she replied, the tone a little confused. Sure, she fully thought that her brother would reject the idea, but doubting her abilities? That was going a bit too far.

"Have you ever had cubs?" He asked with a matter of fact tone of voice. He couldn't believe what she was thinking. Not having cubs gave them the freedom to do whatever they wanted. After they came along, they would have to kill larger prey and more often to feed even more hungry mouthes. Not to mention they could get lost.

"No, which I think you would know already. But I DO remember how mama-Tumbui and abu-Moto raised you and Zi-zi and me and I've seen other beasts with their cubs," Kweupe argued, her ears flicking back ever so slightly. She knew very well that they would have to change the way they did things and a part of her knew that just as Mafu needed to lighten up, she had to learn to be mature, at least sometimes. And this seemed the best way to do it.

He sighed and hung his head, knowing that he wouldn't be able to win. After a moment of silence, he shook his head lightly "How do you plan on doing this." He sad as he lifted his head to look at her.

Kweupe looked off for moment, considering this question.
"Well, I thought maybe we could take in cubs like we were, you know? Maybe have cubs of our own someday, but I really want to be like mama-Tumbui and abu-Moto," she explained, looking off a bit, remembering mama-Tumbui and abu-Moto as well as a faint image of their real parents, Kiuaji'hanzua and Hewa'ngoma. She always thought they were watching down on her and Mafu, which was why nothing really bad had ever happened to them.

Mafunde heard her out without interrupting her until she was finished. A sigh escaped his lips, glad that she was more focused on taking in cubs than having any at the moment. He didn't think he could handle a serious relationship at the moment.

"And besides," Kweupe continued, since he didn't feel inclined to say anything in rebuttal, "I don't think I would mind having cubs, myself. I mean, Mama and Papa would have wanted us to have cubs of our own someday, right?"

That was it, the tipping point. He hated it when she brought Mama and Papa into things. She knew that was his weak spot and she loved to use it against him. He finally let out a sigh and nodded, "Yeah, they would..." He said in a low mumble. "Just....don't do anything drastic." he said.

Inwardly, Kweupe congratulated herself for accomplishing her goal. Of course she had little idea of how much of an effect Mama and Papa had on Mafu, she was really just speaking her mind.
"Drastic? What do you mean by that?"

"You know, go out and find the cutest guy in the area and get yourself kids..." He said, hoping she would take his advice at least once.

"Of course I won't go out and find the cutest guy and have kids," Kweupe replied, rolling her eyes and standing. She turned and faced in the direction of where she had left Chui.
"I have to find out if the male's intelligent. I won't have any of MY kids being stupid. Now, I have a friend who's going back to the jungle this evening and we were invited along. We haven't been to the jungle in soooooo long! Let's go!"

Mafu rolled his eyes when she brought up the comment about him being smart. "You better, that way it'll balance out. Gotta have one smart person in the family." He chuckled and walked up to her. "Alright." He agreed to the journey. "I'm getting tired of this boring scenery anyways."

"You know you just called yourself stupid, right?" Kweupe asked over her shoulder, giving him a "You just said..." face as she tried not to laugh.

He looked at his sister with a glare and hung his head low. "I'm going to pretend you didn't say that..." he said as he walked up to her. "Are we going to go or what?"

Kweupe chuckled a bit under her breath and took off at a slow run towards where she had left Chui. It wouldn't take long to get there, especially if they kept this mild pace.

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 7:39 am
Out Of Guild RP (Kweupe)

Kweupe walked around the jungle, exploring the area of the world that she hadn't been in for forever. She had stopped in a small clearing, sunlight dappling on her coat from the sunlight filtering through the foliage above her. She looked around her, smiling blissfully.

Chui took a step back into his home, a smile spread wide across his maw. He was back, at last, and with a relieved sigh he made his way to a tree and climbed up to a low branch, settling himself quite comfortably and sighing. "Man, I've missed the view from up here..." he said, particularly to Kweupe, hoping she'd actually heard him.

Kweupe turned, looking up at him and grinning.
"Happy to be home?" she asked, her ears perked up and pointed in his direction. Her tail flicked back and forth, intrigued.

"Of course," he replied almost instantaneously. "It's always nice to go back to a place you consider home." And with that he turned onto his back and stared up into the canopy above him. It seemed different, somehow...but he couldn't quite place the reason.
He sighed and turned back over before making his way back down to the ground and to Kweupe's side. "Home sweet home."

Kweupe shrugged a little, but continued smiling.
"I'm glad you're happy. It's nice to see others in their homes, gives you a sense of who they are," she replied, and rubbed her cheek against his when he joined her on the ground.
"Maybe someday, when my paws have worn themselves out from wandering, I'll find someplace to settle down," she added. She let that hang for a moment before grinning more. "Well, maybe," she added with a laugh.

"From what you told me though," he started, beginning to walk after nudging her shoulder gently with his own. "It doesn't seem likely your paws would ever wear themselves out." And he laughed a bit as well, ears twitching here and there at the familiar sounds of the jungle. It had, in some way or another, really become his home. His only home, in fact. There was really no way anyone could ever convince him to leave... "So, how's about some water? That walk got me all thirsty."


Kweupe laughed and walked with him.
"Yeah, you've got a point there. Still, you never know," she replied with a shrug, looking around and listening.
"Well, water sounds good, but I don't know where there's water around here. You live here, lead the way," she added, giggling and nudging him back with her shoulder.

He chuckled at her nudge, already beginning to lead the way to his favorite spot. It was where anything of any sort of interest had happened to him, and his favorite tree was right nearby it too. Thus making it his favorite. "Well I didn't expect you to know where any water was, but this watering hole we're headed to happens to be the best spot in this entire jungle." And Chui smirked, quickening his pace slightly.

"Oh really, now?" she asked, turning to grin at him. "I'll have to remember the way, then, so that next time I visit the jungle, I'll know where to go." It was true that she was going to leave soon, it was just one of those things. But she was going to miss Chui. He was a nice guy and her friend. She made a promise to herself that she would visit every time she came near the jungle.

"Yes really," he replied with a laugh. "It's got water, plenty of shade, my favorite tree nearby, and anything and everything that's ever happened to me happened there." Chui was thinking back to his days as a juve, tumbling and having trouble making his way around the jungle. Now, as an adult, he felt he could walk down the paths blindfolded yet in complete confidence. "I guess you could call it my little...uhm....slice of the jungle?"

Kweupe smiled, enjoying his description of his part of the jungle.
"Sounds like the Resting Plains," she sighed blissfully. Her curiosity was peaked he mentioned that everything that had ever happened to him had happened there, but she wasn't about to ask... Well, maybe she could just ask a little.
"Any interesting stories? I like stories."

"Yeah," he replied to her question, but smirked. "But it's not something I'm very comfortable with sharing," Chui finished. He chuckled as they went, his mind recalling all the incidents that had occurred there. And with a sigh he let them sink back into the back of his mind. They had arrived. Chui walked up to the water's edge and dipped his paw into it, rippling the surface. "It's nice though, isn't it?"

Kweupe smiled and shrugged a bit.
"I figured as much. Couldn't hurt to ask, though," she replied and looked around the area.
"Yeah... it really is," she said, a little awestruck at the majesty of the little piece of the jungle. "Bet you bring all the ladies here to show off."

The male laughed and splashed at her a little bit. "I have no one here to show off to," he said. It was true enough, since any lady he'd ever brought here already knew about the place. He chuckled and lowered his head to take a drink. When he finished he looked up at Kweupe. "So aren't you gonna take a drink too?"

Kweupe stuck out her tongue a bit when he splashed her and walked to the water when he mentioned the drink. She did drink... a bit, before dipping her paw into the water and splashing him back, laughing.

Chui laughed as well, trying to dodge as much of the water as he could. He didn't retaliate though, since every other time he'd splashed around with somebody, he was always the one to end up drenched or completely submerged in the water. So with a grin he walked to a particular tree and climbed up to its lowest branch, settling himself comfortably before glancing back down at the femme. "This is my favorite spot, on my favorite tree," he called. "C'mon up and you'll see why."

Kweupe gave him a somewhat skeptical smile, then looked at the tree carefully. True, she had said that she COULD climb trees. But the thing she hadn't mentioned was that because her body wasn't made for climbing trees like leopards or lions, she had to take it carefully. Once she decided, however, she ran at the tree and nimbly climbed up after him, settling down on a branch next to him, which happened to be higher.
"And I'm looking for...?"

"The view, just past the tree over there," he answered, pointing at a spot to their left. It was a sort of clearing forming a rough path, though it didn't go all the way to the end of the jungle. However, you could still see out past all of the trees and into the distant horizon. "It's the most beautiful sight, especially at either sunrise or sunset," he said with a smile. "You should stick around and see it for yourself.."

Kweupe followed his paw and her blue eyes widened.
"Oh, wow," she said and listened to his comment. She looked down at him, her eyes narrowed a bit.
"Perhaps I will stick around for that," she replied, smiling softly down at him.

He returned the smile, tail swaying a bit behind him. "Good.." was his only reply, and he let silence fall between them. "Hey, maybe we should...go back and get your brother?" he mentioned, thinking back and remembering that he had come with them to the jungle. He felt a little bad that they left him behind.

"Um... How about in a little bit?" Kweupe asked, lying fully down along the branch so that one paw was under her chin, the other hanging over the side to sway back and forth, lightly touching his ear every once in a while.
"I'm sure he's found something to entertain himself."

He shrugged and followed her in suit, lying all the way down on the branch, all his limbs hanging and swaying a bit beneath him. "Alright, if you're sure." And once more, silence. His eyes were trained on the horizon in the distance, a small smile tugging at the edges of his maw. "By the way, if I fall asleep, feel free to wake me up for that sunset."

Kweupe's paw once more slowly swayed over his ear and she nodded.
"Will do," she said with a smile, watching the horizon with half-closed eyes.
PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2008 11:11 pm
Out Of Guild RP (Kweupe)

It'd been a few days since that night, and Chui, having fallen back into his pattern of napping as often as he found the time, had just stirred from a late afternoon nap. He'd lost track of his female cheetah friend for the time being, so after a good stretch and a yawn, the male made his way down the tree and to the small watering hole. He lowered his head and took a drink, ears twitching at the sound of rustling nearby.

Kweupe emerged sleepily from the brush, smiling softly at her leopard friend.
"Hi, Chui," she said and yawned. She had been tired recently, and had a darn good idea as to why. It had been more than just a few days, though Kweupe wasn't really counting, since she had last seen him, which made sense. At first she had just been exploring. But then as time passed, she started thinking of ways to tell her friend her little secret. Chui first, then Mafu.

A gentle smile slowly made its way onto Chui's maw when Kweupe emerged. The male stood and walked over to her, as she looked tired, and gave her a good nuzzle. "Hey you.." he greeted at last. It baffled him, though, as to why she decided to stick around the jungle for longer than she'd told him she'd stay in any one place. Sure, the jungle was huge, and it'd take several days to travel the whole of its territory, but he imagined it looked the same wherever you went within its borders. He pushed it all aside almost as soon as it crossed his mind, and focused on his companion. "So how've you been as of late? I haven't seen you in a while...been exploring, I take it?"

"Actually," Kweupe replied, still smiling from the nuzzle, "I've mostly been sleeping."
She bit her lower lip a bit and looked away, trying to gather her thoughts.
"Um... about that one night... I think, there's something you should know," she said, that being the best way to start off. She had trouble returning her gaze to his, but she managed, eventually.

She seemed to be acting strangely, but he pushed the feeling aside, smiling still. "Sleeping, huh?" he asked with a smirk. "Seems we have a lot in common. That's all I've been doing recently too." Chui walked back to the water, taking yet another drink. It wasn't until he noticed she couldn't hold his gaze that he decided to ask. And with a tilted head and curious eyes, he spoke again. "Something wrong?"

Kweupe considered his inquiry for a moment before shaking her head.
"No, not really. I mean, it doesn't have to be your problem, in fact I'd rather have the responsibility anyways. I just figured you had the right to know," she replied and shrugged a bit, looking up at him with a little 'Well this is how it is' kind of smile.
"You're going to be a dad... In a manner of speaking."

The smile half-faded from his maw, his eyes suddenly going blank for but a moment. "A...a what?" he asked, his voice practically gone. Was that even possible, to have a cross-breed of a leopard and a cheetah? And it's not like they did it more than once. It was one night...but..one night was all it really took, as well. Chui couldn't find a voice to speak with after those last three words, and looked questioningly at Kweupe.

Kweupe just continued smiling and shrugged again.
"Like I said, you don't have to do anything. I like kids, and already decided to pick up cubs that didn't have parents, maybe eventually have some of my own. I just... didn't expect it to be so soon," she laughed a little bit and sighed looking down.

"You won't even have to see them if you don't want to. Mafu will be more than ready to leave, and I think I can still travel and..." she trailed off there with another shrug.

"No..no," he said reluctantly. It was almost choked out, but he managed. "I...do want to see them." Chui looked down, as if staring at it would give him the right words to say. And when he thought he had it, he looked back up at Kweupe with a small, somewhat shy and apologetic smile. "They are half of me, right? And traveling with a stomach full of cubs wouldn't be very pleasant. There's plenty of room here, and lots of water and secure enough places to sleep. You should stay." And with a reassuring smile he walked over to her and touched her nose lightly with his. "You really should."

Kweupe smiled, this time more confident and lightly bumped her nose under her chin, knocking his head up.
"I knew you would understand. I'm glad you want to see them... but would you want to keep any? I mean, I wouldn't mind keeping as many as I have, but I wouldn't want to keep you from what is a part of you as well," she said, flicking her tail and plopping down. The awkwardness was gone from her demeanor now that she had told him.

"And I promise to come by the jungle more often to see you."

Chui smiled, happy to see that she seemed to be back to her normal self. He sat down and went on nuzzling her, thinking through what he really wanted to do. "I think it'd be nice if one stayed with me.." he answered at last. "As a constant reminder of his or her mother, you know." And the male smirked. "And it'd be nice if you did come by pretty often. I'd like to see the cubs semi-regularly, if that's alright with you."

"Oh, it's perfectly fine with me. I may not have had my real mother and father, but having abu-Moto and mama-Tumbui taught me how much one needs their parents around, and how nice it is to see one that isn't normally around," Kweupe replied, nuzzling him back. She was tired again, but she was enjoying talking with him. She would miss the cub that stayed behind, however, she knew he would miss the ones she took with her, should they have more than one.
"Besides, I like it here. I needed an excuse to come here more of-" she would have continued but a yawn interrupted her.
"Mmm... sleep seems like a good idea..." she finished instead, lying down next to Chui.

Chui chuckled, listening to her intently. He'd never understand what it was like to have parents, or parent-like figures, as he'd never really had one, and he definitely didn't want his cubs to be without parents. Or even without just one parent. His ears twitched when she yawned, causing him to yawn alongside her. "Mm...a nap does seem like a good idea right now.." And with that, he lay next to her, falling into a rather peaceful slumber soon after.

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2008 5:59 pm
Out Of Guild RP (Shaha)

Shaha was lying down on a rock from which he could watch his growing family. Matawi was relaxing in a nearby tree, keeping watch like he was, no doubt. So many cubs around, it made sense for all of the adults to keep a close eye on them. Kiji was lying a ways away, giving Masizi a bath while the others played around her. All except his eldest. The large lion looked around for a moment before her heard a quick chirp and a small weight hopped onto his back. Safimoto hadn't started talking yet, though she was a very vocal cub. She especially liked dancing around the adults and hanging around Ayane.

Ayane had been out for a walk, leaving behind the noise from all her new little siblings. It had been very busy with all of them here all of a sudden, and though she loved them, it made Lisani uneasy to be around them. That, and since they had come, she was very, very confused. They looked so different from her, and trying to figure out why hurt her head.
She made her way through the grasses, stalking towards the form of her father where he lay. Lisani had disappeared to go lounge around long before she reached him - she didn't like hanging around when Ayane was busy talking to other people. As she reached her father, she flopped down comfortably at his side, nuzzling her head against his neck.

Shaha looked down at Ayane when she came and laid down by his side, nuzzling her back. Safi chirped again and hopped lightly onto Ayane before rolling off, giggling.
"Go back to your mother, Safi," Shaha said, sending the giggling baby off.
"Hello, Ayane, love. You've been off by yourself a lot of late. Is everything alright?" he asked, smiling down at her before nuzzling her again.

Ayane laughed softly as her younger sister rolled down onto her, glancing after her as she went back towards her mother. for a moment, she just chewed at the inside of her cheek, then looked back at her dad. Offering him a weak smile and flickering her tail, she tilted her head at him. "I.. yes," she said softly, "well." She paused, then sighed, making a slightly pouting face, "I don't know."

Shaha gave her a somewhat skeptical look and smiled knowingly.
"Tell me, Ayane. What is bothering you?" he asked, lightly and carefully running his paw over her head. He wondered about what it was bothering her, but then he had a pretty good idea. The birth of his cubs must have brought new doubts into her mind about her origins. He felt bad, he and Matawi should have told her, but then she was still young. It might hurt her more than not knowing.

"Well," she said slowly, staring down at her paws, though she did lean against his as he rubbed it against her head. "The cubs, Papa, they.. don't look like me.." She chewed at the inside of her cheek again and then glanced up at him slowly. She was confused, and had no idea how to figure it out. "I don't understand why, Papa."

Yup, how did he know she was going to ask that?
"Well... Ayane, you know I love you right? And I will always love you, no matter what," he assured her and sighed, choosing his words carefully.
"You see, I met your mother when she was hurting inside and I made her a promise that I would protect her for as long as she needed me. We traveled together for a while and at one point parted ways for a small time. In that time, she met another male, and I met Kijivu... Ayane, that male is your father, but only by blood. I care about you as if you were my own daughter, no more and certainly no less than the little ones..."

As soon as he said he loved her, she knew that it was going to be something bad, she just knew it was. She nodded, and let out a soft, "I love you too, Papa," although she could barely find the words.
As he continued to talk, she listened intently to his story, to what he was saying and the events that unfolded. Once he told her, she looked down at her paws, not sure what she could say. She loved him like her father, she always would, but something still hurt inside to know. She swallowed around a lump in her throat and glanced up at him, "I'm not part lion, am I papa?" Her voice was quiet, barely audible, but she was too scared to talk any louder should her voice fail her.

Shaha sighed and lifted his paw, lying his front leg over her and pulling her close.
"No my little rainbow. You're part cheetah, like Safi and the others," he smiled a bit sadly at the change in her voice. He wished it didn't have to be true, but it was.
"But that is what makes you special. You're the perfect mesh of your mother and the rainbow of colors your father had. And that makes you beautiful," he replied, squeezing her gently. "And I am so proud to have been able to call you my daughter."

"Cheetah," she said slowly, looking down at her paws as if she had never seen them before. Then, of course, she remembered Loki and she let out a slow sigh. "That would explain why that cheetah boy looked at me so funny when I said I was part lion.."
She buried her face against his shoulder as he pulled her closer, breathing in his scent, one as familiar to her as her own mother's was. It was comforting, and made the urge to cry not quite so terrible. "So my rainbow is from.. my real dad?" The words were strange on her tongue, and she paused as she had to say them.

Shaha nodded slowly, rubbing his now scarred cheek against her head.
"You never told me about that..." he replied and looked down at her, smiling.
"But you know something? What's on the outside matters only so much. It's what's on the inside, how you treat others," he said softly. "And we all love you, no matter who your blood father happens to be."

She smiled and nodded up at him, though her smile was weak. "Maybe I'll tell you about it sometime," she whispered. She meant, of course, some time where things weren't so very awkward. She didn't feel like talking about it right now.
"You're right," she said with a laugh, weak as her voice, but a laugh none-the-less. "I love you too papa," she whispered softly, snuggling her body closer to him and letting her eyes shut. She still wasn't sure what to think, and it was a hard thing to come to terms with, but he was already making her feel a little better.

"I'm happy to hear you call me Papa," Shaha replied and nuzzled her. There was a soft chirp and he looked up to see Safimoto standing in front of them, looking a little sad and rather confused. He smiled and beckoned the small cheeton forward. She sprang forward and snuggled upon Ayane's other side, leaning against her and closing her eyes, falling into a little doze. Shaha rubbed his head against Ayane's.
"I love you, my little rainbow. I... can't imagine how you feel about this, but all we want is the best for you."

"You are my Papa," she said softly, nuzzling back against him as he leaned down to do so. She glanced up at her 'sister', frowning at the confused look upon her face, though she was happy once she settled down at her side. She couldn't imagine being anywhere else but with here, with the family she knew. She flopped her tail over Safi's side, snuggling her closer.
"I love you too Papa," she whispered softly, then leaned her head back against his side, shutting her eyes again. She thought a nap sounded good, like a nice way to get her mind off of things. She snuggled more comfortably between the two, purring lightly as she did so.

Shaha smiled and pressed a kiss to her head.
"Sleep my little rainbow," he whispered, not knowing whether or not she even heard him. He returned his attention to watching his family, his two eldest daughters, his rainbow and his little fire, curled up against his side.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 1:21 pm
Out Of Guild RP (Auri)

his coat glimmered with the health of youth, his golden eyes shimmered akin to small stars which gazed proudly over the lands he walked through. He was large for a cheetah, exceptionally large, his fore quarters thick and heavily mucled, his legs were longer over all, he was a huge beast of a creature, certainly any match for your average lion. Itw as always with this in mind that he stride without worry through the lands, large and in charge. He could be cocky, brave to stupidity, he couldn't be hurt he had decided that a long time ago
The jungle gloom loomed ahead of him as he took to a slow wolfish lope, his tail curling upwards, in between the trees. Due to his coat, Afiya foudn it so much easier to hunt from the cover of trees rather than the cover of the long grass, his king marked body hidden almost to invisability by the dappled light.
he wasn't here to hunt though, he was bored, he found the world so monotonous of late, nothing satisfied him, nothing braught him the thrills he gained in his younger days. Perhaps thsi was it? A life of monotony was his, he woudl just have to live with it.


Just on the edge of the jungle, a soft cry was heard. There, among some thorn-covered bushes, a smaller-than-average leopardess, her dirt-colored coat dusted in golden spots, carefully pulled a row of the thorns from the hind leg of a young hare. It was the hare that made the cries of pain as Auri'kauta did her best to gently pull the painful plant free.
"Shhh, hush now, I'm almost done. We should put some mud on that, to keep it out of the elements," she whispered to it, her ears pricked up, listening in case any approached looking for an easy meal. Auri had come across the poor creature while she was wandering on her own. Normally she was with her sister, but the young healer enjoyed time to herself, at least every so often.

Afiyas ears perked, hearing the cry he made a sow, careful beeline towards the noise. he was never one to turn away if someone needed his help. Even though he had lost a little of his lust for adventure, the joy of helping soemone in distress still beat solidly in his heart.
Peering through the thick foliage, the young male raised a brow and couldn't help but chuckle, though this involuntary action gave away his possition and he smiled wontonly at the leopardess. "I thought someone needed help over here, I'v never seeen a bunny with a butt full of thorns before." He raised a brow, he wasn't about to attack but the situation was making him laugh quietly.


Auri looked up at the sound of his laugh and the hare made a low sound of fear. At the male's comment, she rolled her eyes and returned to the task at hand.
"It's not something to laugh at. Why don't you get caught in a thorn bush and see how you like it," she retorted, pulling the last one free. "There, now, if you'll come with me I can clean it-" she began, but was cut off by the hare hopping off as fast as it could manage. Her ears drooped and she sighed.
"Ameh, let it not get diseased," she sent the soft prayer to her goddess and shook her head before standing up.

Afiya cleared his throat. "I'm sorry, i didn't mean to interrupt, i have a friend whos a hare, his mother always boxses his ears, he's probably much worse off than a hare with a backside full of thorns." he grinend sheepishly, he clearly hadn't made a good impression.
Moving from the shadows he stood ebfore her, striking a pose almost so she could see his whole thick set frame. "I did honestly think someone needed help though." he raised a brow, giving a very handsome roguish smile accompanied by a puurr.

Auri watched him as he stepped from the shadows. She was quiet as she surveyed him from paw-tips to the tip-top of his mantle, nose to tail.
"You're rather large for a cheetah," she said frankly and tilted her head a bit at his smile and purr. 'Lovely,' she thought, 'A rogue.'
She rose a paw to walk back towards where she had last seen her sister, but noticed it still had hare-blood on it. She resumed sitting and rose the dirty paw.
"It's nice to know there are those out there that come running to the sound of trouble, wanting to help," she said, her very sky-colored eyes watching him for a moment before she began cleaning her paw.

Afiya chuckled lightly. "Well my mother taught me that someone ineed of assistance is worth helping. I'll never turn away from a fight." shame there hadn't been a fight here really, he was starting to feel that boredom creeping up again. He had hoped for a damsel in distress, some beast locked in the throws of fear, soemthing to do to proove his skills. instead he'd found a leopard and a hare with thorns in it's butt.
Not too exciting really, thoguh at least a chat was a differnt change of pace. "Exeryone says that, suppose I take after my name, Afiya, btw, means strength."

"Auri'kauta," Auri replied after she had cleaned up the last bit. She smiled a bit, her head tilted and lightly shrugged her shoulders.
"Well, I think you're in the right place for that. The jungle usually has someone in distress, even if it is just a young hare caught among thorns. I'm not much of a fighter, so I couldn't tell you there's many good fights to fight, but I'm sure you'll come across some lovely little princess in need of rescuing or whatnot," she said mildly, even though the last comment about the princess needing rescuing was a little... biting in the way it was phrased, as if she thought it was a rather silly concept. She didn't have much acceptance of creatures who thought they were better than others just because they had a special title. In her mind, only the gods were greater, and even that belief was a little iffy.

Afiya took a breath and looked as if he was about to comment, only to close his mouth again, he let a frown form on his face and his tail twitched irritably. "Well theers nothing else to do, the only thing I have, the only thing I know is my strength, if a princess, as you put it, needs my assist I'm not going to turn away just because she's a princess in dispair." he huffed and blew his fringe from his eyes.
"I suppose you spendyour days chasing little hares making sure they are all bandaged up?" He raised a sceptical brow. He neevr understood healing, you got cut, it scabbed over or your leg fell off end of story.

Auri's fur bristled slightly and her eyes flashed for a moment before closing her eyes and taking a slow breath. She opened her eyes once more and the smile was back on her face.
"No, actually, I don't. I wander where I feel like and if I come across a creature in need, I help them, if I can," there she frowned a bit and her eyes flicked slightly down and to the side.
"And sometimes all I can do is speed up the process, or stay with them in their last moments..." she trailed off and shook her head, ridding it of those thoughts.

Afiya cleared his throat, he saw the flash of anger and a wave of guilt washed over him. "Hey look ,my bros always call me a barbarian, fraid I speak before i think most of the time, action first questions later and all that fun stuff. I'm sure you do alot of good int he world." He twitched his ears forwards and smiled wakly his paws shuffling in the dirt. he hadn't felt so guilty since his mother gave him one of her famous guilt trip stories.
"Maybe I can help you for a bit, might give me something to do? How about it? Just say yes okay cause I'll follow you any way" he chuckled a little his honey golden eyes glistening playfully.

Auri blinked at his ramblings, but mostly at his final comment. Her look of confusion quickly turned to one of skepticism, as if to ask him if he was joking or not.
"It doesn't sound like I have much of a choice, now, does it? What with you following me anyways," she replied with a small laugh. She stood and started walking back towards where she had decided to "camp".
"I don't mind your company," she told him over her shoulder, pausing to see if he'd really come with.

he was perfectly serious, of course, he would probably get bored in a couple of days and find soemthing mroe interesting to do, but for the moment, this was certainly top of his list. Flickering his tail he followed the small leopardess with a jaunt in his step. "Well i have nothing else to do, maybe helping helpless bunnies will give me something to do for a while." he grinned cheekily, his golden orbs capturing the light in just the right manner.

She rolled her eyes again and shook her head.
"I rarely see hares around, I'll have you know. I mostly work with birds, as they;re more common here. Babies fall out of nests and whatnot," she replied, ducking under a low branch and coming into a clearing. The clearing had a small pond, fed by a trickling stream that went through one end and out another at an almost 135 degree angle. She had decided to hunker down beneath the low branches of the largest tree in the area, the carpet of grass at its base thick and soft-looking.

"So, what does the warrior think of the healer's camp?" she asked, her smile just barely hinting a smirk.

Afiya chuckled, and raied a brow, he took to his paws and padded all the way around the clearing, making as if to inspect it, when infact, he was simply showing off to the female, she intreagued him, she was completely unphased by him it seemed.
"It'll do for the warrior, He does so like a nice comfortable patch of grass to rest his borish head upon." he smirked himself, a single brow raised, "The healer certainly knows how to pick good sleepin' spots."

She laughed at his antics, closing her eyes in her mirth.
"Oh, I wouldn't call you boorish. Perhaps a little set into your way of thinking, but not boorish," she replied and strode forward, padding to the pond for a drink.
"And, I do rather know how to find them. I'm rather picky when it comes to places I plan to stay in, so I search for a good bit for just the right place," she added and glanced over her shoulder, standing at the water's edge. "Don't you?"

Afiya chuckled lightly and followed her to the waters edge dippign his long neck to lap from the waters edge. he was silent for a long moment as he took his drink before he replied. "Not really, I'll sleep on anythign as long as i get sleep. Comes with the territory of traveling, you find any place to lay your head and if you get more than an hour you're set for the rest of the week." He grinned cheekily raising his head ansd stretchign out his long limbs. "This place is probably the comfiest place I'll have slept in for a long time."

Auri drank while he spoke and straightened when he finished.
"Well, then I feel my job is accomplished. It's good for the body to be comfortable when you sleep and to sleep enough to be completely rejuvenated once you wake, so if I can help you get at least one good night's rest, then I've done my job," she replied, smiling again. This one was a little different from the other ones. Those had a hint of sarcasm or skepticism, and none had managed to reach her eyes. This one, however, was softer and the corners of her eyes crinkled slightly with the smile.

Afiya chuckled and gave a slow bow. "I'm sure you'll reach that accomplishment without much of a hastle." he purured padding over towards one of the trees where the moss grew thick. he then proceeded to lie down and curl his tail over his nose. "Yup, I'm gunna sleep like a log, careful you don't fall over me okay?" he chuckled lightly lifting his head to look up at the leopardess, perhaps this little endavour was keep him interested fr longer than expected, this leopardess was definately something to keep his mind occupied.

Auri snorted through her nose and gave him a disbelieving look.
"I may not be a warrior, but I'm not clumsy, either. To suggest I would trip over as something as big as you is like trying to imagine an elephant sneaking up on a lion," she retorted, chuckling a little as she walked to the spot she had chosen. It wasn't but a tail-length, maybe one and a half, from him, just by happenstance. She lay on her side and curled up a bit, closing her eyes, but not immediately falling asleep. She wanted to listen for a little bit.

Afiya smiled lightly and let a soft breath roll off his lips. Maybe he had finally found something to do to take his mind off of everything else in his life. he put his head back on his paws and chuckled. "You never know it gets dark int he jungle." he snikkered quietly closing his golden eyes, he rolled his shoulders a little, his body relaxing in to a comfortable possition. What would this endeavour bring? Who knew, certainly it held his interest for the moment any way, hopefully his fikkle nature would not kick in and he could help the challanging leopardess. For now though, sleep, a really good nights sleep.

After a couple of minutes, Auri felt herself begin to drift to the muted sounds of the jungle around her. This Afiya certainly was a character. Roguish, yes, but also a little endearing. She knew she wouldn't mind his company, for however long he deemed to give it to her. Of course, she wasn't about to do anything silly like fall for him or anything like that. That would just be irresponsible. Males like him didn't stay around for too long. At least, that's what she thought. Her breathing deepened and she fell into a soft slumber.

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 5:08 pm
Out Of Guild RP (Auri)

Auri washed her paws in a pond on the edge of the jungle, washing scales and fish innards from her claws. She had enjoyed a good, large fish for her noon-day meal and felt that since she was finished that a walk around the edge of the jungle and savannah was in order. She stood and padded out into the sunlight, relishing the warmth of the sun on her fur.

Haramu Pendu
Haramu made a running dash into the pond, she had not noticed the other creature, and frankly did not care, she had spent far too much time roaming the savannah in the sun, and her fur was soaked with her sweat already, some non-saline water wouldn't really effect her anyway. the splash that came of her dash into the pond was rather load, and displaced much of the water.

Auri jerked around at the sound of running, followed
quickly by a splash. She turned back towards the pond and blinked at the mostly-black female that was splashing about in the water, cooled by the shade. She must have been pretty hot out in the sun, especially with that color of coat, so she smiled a bit as she watched.
"Hot out, huh?" she asked, tilting her head a bit.

Haramu Pendu
Hara's head snapped in the direction of the voice, she spotted another female, and she hastly nodded her head," Extremely. I wasn't able to find any good shadows. This pond seemed to be the next best thing." She shook her head about trying to rid her ears of the water they had taken in. She signed and slowly padded out of the pond towards the other female.

Auri chuckled a bit and nodded.
"Well, it is a good place to stave off any beginnings of heat sickness and whatnot," she agreed, nodding her head in a slight bow.
"My name is Auri'kauta. You?" she asked, tilting her head, her tail flicking slightly back and forth.

Haramu Pendu
Haramu responded with her own head bow, and nodded to Auri," I'm known as Haramu Pendu, I roam the lands, never staying in one place. Might you be a pride member?" Hara tilted her head, the many prides that inhabited the lands interested her, their many backgrounds were very fascinating.

Auri laughed and shook her head.
"Dear me, no. I travel around with my sister and I, personally, enjoy this area. Whether she is fond of it or not, I'm not sure, but we come her often," she replied, holding up a paw idly.
"And it is good to meet you, Haramu."

Haramu Pendu
Hara smiled at Auri," ahh. I see. I don't blame you. This is a lovely area, and i find that prides are much to... restrictive. Roaming free is the way to go I would say." Bowing her head once more, she looked Auri inthe eyes," It is a pleasure to meet you as well Auri."

Auri nodded her head in agreement.
"A number of prides I have seen are not accepting of leopards, or other non-lion creature, for that matter. We are content traveling together in places where we don't run into hostile creatures," she explained, sitting down and curling her tail around her front paws, very proper-like.

Haramu Pendu
Hara nodded," Prides can be very odd. I don't claim to understand them much, but they arequite interesting, and it would be nice to have a place to call home, and a family." Sighing, Hara looked at her feet for a few moments, but then back up at Auri," Wouldn't you agree?"

Auri nodded at her association of prides to family.
"That's very true. A family is nice to have, and a place to stay in all the time... I imagine that'd be nice too. Do you have a family, Haramu?" she asked, uncertain of whether or not this was a good subject.

Haramu Pendu
Hara looked at the ground again, shifting the ground around with her paw," I... no, I do not have any family." She frowned, though she loved the ability to just roam, she hated being so lonely, she had no siblings, on parents, no mates, and no companions. " I am completely alone."

Auri frowned and stood, approaching the lioness. She was small for a leopardess, but still tall enough to be able to put a paw on Haramu's shoulder.
"I'm sure you'll find companions, perhaps even a mate to travel with, sometime," she replied, smiling somewhat sadly.

Haramu Pendu
Hara looked up, nodding," Perhaps. It might have to wait until I finally decide to settle down. Who knows." Shrugging, she smiled at auri," Do you plan on ever finding a mate?"

Auri smiled, her eyes closing with it for a moment and shrugged, sitting back down.
"Perhaps. I've yet to meet a male who's company I enjoy enough to be with. Some day, I might, but I am a strong spirit. He would have to put up with me," she finished with a laugh.

Haramu Pendu
Chuckling she sat down, curling her tail around her," Well, some males should be strong enough to deal with a strong female. Otherwise how will they ever survive in the first place?" She grinned, shaking her head.

Auri laughed again and nodded in agreement.
"Indeed. Part of me hopes to find such a male some day, but on the other paw, I suppose I'm fine living as I do now for the rest of my life," she replied with another shrug.

Haramu Pendu
Hara shrugged and bobbed her head in agreement," Well I suppose if you never find a male to suit you, what would be the difference?" Hara shrugged again,"However, even just some good companions would be good too, you know what I mean?"

Auri smiled shrewdly and tilted her head.
"I would have to talk to my sister, but, Haramu, would you like to travel with us? It'd be nice to have a new mind among us," she offered, tail flicking back and forth in patience.

Haramu Pendu
Hara looked up intothe skies, thinking," Perhaps for a while..." Her tail coiled around her other side,"Though I would not want to infringe about the two of you for long." She smiled a warm feeling welled up inside of her, because this was one of theonly acts of kindness towards herself she had ever known.

"Good! Why don't we go find Chaka and ask her?" Auri asked, standing and turning in the direction of where she'd last seen her sister, pausing to look over her shoulder to see if Haramu was coming.

Haramu Pendu
Hara blinked and stood to follow after Auri," Sure! I hope she won't mind." Hara scrunched her face slightly.

"I've a feeling she won't mind," Auri replied and padded off into the jungle, Haramu following.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 12:16 pm
Out Of Guild RP (Auri)

he'd woken at the first rays of the sun, the bright light of day always pulled him so forcefully from his slumbre, however just because the awakening was rude, didn't mean he wasn't on his paws in an instant. Shaking out his coat and stretching his mucles to rid himself of the acheds and pains of a decent night sleep, the large male cheetah started up a slow trot. Three circuits of the clearing later and he stood before the pool of water lapping up the cool crystaline liquid.
Rolling his shoulders he peered over to his companion and yawned, yup it hadn't been a dream, but he had had the best nigths sleep he'd had in a long time, maybe this female would be a calming influence on him?

Auri flexed her claws, having been awake for a good bit of time, but not having decided to open her eyes just yet. She rolled over, stood, and stretched languidly, yawning as she did so. She shook her head a bit and opened her blue eyes, blinking a bit in the morning light. It still shown around her, despite the wonderful shade from the trees, and her eyes needed to adjust.
"Well?" she asked, padding over to the water's edge, sky-colored gaze locked on the large cheetah. "How did you sleep?'

"Like a log." he chuckled and groomed his face for a moment cleaning away the dampness from his lips. "You sure can pick good spots for snoozing." he yawned widely and rolled his shoulders. "Don't think i'v slept as well as that since I was back home. How bout you? Sleep well? No calls of the injured to interrupt your snooze?" He smirked cheekily his golden yellow eyes shimmering ina roguish manner.

"Actually, I had been up in the pre-dawn hours to tend to someone, but you obviously slept through it," she chuckled back, sitting and cleaning one paw.
"And, yes, I did sleep well. Thank you for asking," she added, completely ignoring that obvious glint of... mischief, she guessed, in his eyes.

Afiya raised a brow. "You know, you should be careful wandering around before it's light. Theres things in here that could hurt you, or worse, eat you." he shook his head, he was being eprfectly serious. "You coulda woken me I woulda come with. I'm usually up by now, seems your perfect sleeping spot simply kept me in it's clutches for that much longer than usual."

Auri cast him a sideways glance and managed a smirk to match his earlier one.
"Is that concern I detect? You honestly believe I'm not capable of taking care of myself, don't you?" she asked, her smirk fading into a half-frown. She'd been a healer for a long time, and she'd been protecting her younger sister for even longer, going as far back as when they were cubs in a strange world. And for someone to think she was incapable of protecting herself alone... the thought irked her.

Afiya cleared his throat. "You're putting words in to my mouth." He smirked playfully and leaned forwards his golden eyes dancing playfully. "Wha I said was, be careful, theres things out there that can eat you. I coulda you know, helped you not be eaten while you were attending another careless bunny. Thats kinda what I do yanno? Help people." he raised both brows at ehr then a gentle chuckle rolling over his lips. "You're cute when you have that irked look about you, anyone ever told you that?"

Auri's head moved back a bit as he moved closer and her irritation faded. He was right, she HAD put words into his mouth. She'd jumped to conclusions and- And she scrunched up her nose at his comment about her being cute when irked.
"No, actually. I've been told it makes me look like a disapproving, old nanny," she replied, blinking at him, wondering how he would react to THAT bit of information.

"Nanny? Hmm, nope I detect no sign of goat in that furry face of yours. Only someone whom has the complexsion of a goddess" He smirked again that roguish grin hardly ever fadeing from his face, he was ever so amused, he wasn't sure if he was helping with her mood, but he was enjoying this. It had been a long while since he had had a really good banter with a female whom had an answer to everything he said. Infact, he'd never truely spoken to a femme that knew it all. he liked this one for that. She was witty, it was keeping him on his toes.

"Complexion of a..." Auri blinked again, this time taken off-guard. Only her old caretakers, the ones she only really remembered in her dreams, had commented on her appearance to that kind of a degree. The other males she had met and "sparred wits" with, if one could call it that do to the significant lack of wits on the male's part, had only ever commented on how petite she was, and the color of her fur in relation to her sister's.
"You flatter me, but you must not know much about the goddesses, for I must surely pale in comparison to their... other-worldly beauty," she replied looking away.
Good gods! She was starting to act like a cub again! As if she'd ever me a male before. Something had definitely addled her brains.

Afiyas eyes shimmered playfully. he'd caught her, but only for a moment it seemed for she had the answer. "Nownow, i'v met a few gods, and yeah, they are pretty but really, they pale in comparison to you, you're one of these natural beauties, not afraid to be you. besides, your inner beauty gets expressed in your facial features you know?" He leaned a little further forwrads this time takeing a small step so he could whisper in ehr ear. "it's been a long time sicne I'v spoken to anyone whom had an answer for everything. Anyone ever told you you have an answer for everything?" he chuckled playfully. "My ma's the same, though she always says thats because she's a mother" he steps back and cricks his neck from left to right. "Then again you look after everyone like a mum, so maybe thats why hmm?" he winks his ears flickerign forwards in question.

She was normally very calm, collected. She had to be, to be able to deal with her sister and healing others and... And this cheetah was throwing completely off her paws!
"No... I didn't know... Of course I have an answer to your questions and comments, you just happen to say the right things, I guess," she replied with a shrug. She wasn't sure how she felt about being compared to his mother, but she brushed it off.
"Well... I don't mean to act like people's mothers. I just..." she paused and considered for a short moment, looking down a bit so that she could gather her thoughts. "I found early on that a kind attitude when treating people is the easiest way to get them to calm down."

Afiya puurred, an action that only cheetahs could truely do, though this was quickly followed by a cheery chuckle. "It's a good thing, comes with the territory I suppose, healing people, making sure they don't go dyin' when they shouldn't?" he raised a careful brow and watched her. "I hope you're not offended, I admire my mother greately, she braught me and my two brothers up all on ehr own, you can imagine how much of a handful three of me is." he laughed quietly. "I admire you, only I can admire your beauty as well, you know it's so rare to find a female that keeps me interested for more than a half hour. You're somethign special, ya know that?" he purured his tail flickering and his dark golden eyes dancing.
Clearing his throat he finally turned towards the water, "So, where we headed oh healing paws?"

Something special. Now THAT was something she had heard before, many a time. But... coming from him it FELT different, had a different quality to it. A nice quality.
"Thank you, for the compliments," she replied and looked off into the trees, ears pricked forward. "You know..." she paused and turned back to him with a small, genuine smile, "I don't really know. Why don't you pick, strong warrior?"

Afiya chuckled brightly. "Lets see then, we came from that way, so how about in deeper lady healer?" he raised a curious brow. "You know my mother always said you get much further with a person with a smile than with a fist." He got to his paws and nudged her cheek with his nose. "You think a nose counts along with a smile?" He raised a brow and padded on past her with his tail quirked as a jaunty angle. "Lets go and find some thorny butted bunnies huh? I'm sure they could use your magical paws!" He laughed gently and waited for her to join him at the edge of the clearing.

"Nose?" she asked, a bit confused at what he mean, but followed him, rolling her eyes at the bunny comment.
"You're not going to forget that any time soon, are you?" she asked, giving him a rather exasperated smile and shaking her head.
"You know what's going to happen. You're going to be injured someday in some fashion and the only way you'll get these," she paused to raise one paw and wiggle the tips in his face before continuing, "magical paws, as you call them, is by allowing me to refer to you as a helpless little bunny throughout the entire session." She finished with a face her sister would be proud of, eyes shut and tongue sticking out at him.

Afiya chuckled. "The day you call me bunny, is the day we become mates okay?" he let a single laugh roll off his lips. the thought was rediculous, he was too, irstwhile to be anyones 'mate' he kenw that, he had tried the girls thing and that had just worked out horribly and not at all in his favour. No. he wasn't mate material. "Come on then healy paws get a move on, we've got beasties to rescue!" With that said he hopped off through the undergrowth with a laugh , his jauntily angled tail the last thing to be seen as he bounded off through the jungle in search of something to rescue.

"Perhaps," was all she could say to his first statement. There was no telling what Fate had in mind, so she very well might have to treat him someday, especially since he was a warrior of a sort. Her top priority was her sister. She didn't need a male in her life... at least, not right now. When he leapt ahead, leaving her lost in though, she snapped out of her revere and sprang after him, surprising herself with a laugh as well.

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 5:56 pm
Out Of Guild RP (Auri)

Auri had once more been awakened in the still darkish hours of the morning, this time by a small serval. He had heard of her from none other than the hare from a few days before and asked- no, begged her to come see his mate. She had been ill for almost a week and they didn't know what to do. She had looked over to Afiya, still sound asleep in the comfortable spot he had found, and smiled a bit. Being here, wasn't so bad. Perhaps, one day, she and her sister would stop traveling and they could settle in a place like this, where animals came to HER when sick or injured, not the other way around.
It had turned out as nothing more than a bad reaction to an insect she ate. Auri told her a specific plant to help her while the "illness" worked its way out of her system.

The world was still semi-dark as she started back towards her sleeping area, and her warrior companion.

The unmistakable laugh of the hyena rang through the trees. She was lost,s he was lost and irritable. She'd only come here because she was in search of a male. It seemed they were in short supply in the graveyard, decent ones any way and she, well she wasn't willing to settle, but she needed someone. This damned place though, she was lost alone and irritated by all the noise that went on constantly. She broke through the trees only to be faced with a leopardess. She growled, her hackles rising "Waddayou doing heer kitty? here to stare? yes I'm lost, who are you to glare/" he laugh echoed again, her hulking frame moving to circle the leopardess. She was lost and confused and running in to a leopard certainly wasn't helping matters.

Afiya heard the laugh echo through the trees, he yawned and rolled over a little. "Five more mins.." he mumbled stretching out his long slender limbs. His ears perked a little. What was a hyena doing int he jungle? Stupid beast, it was probably lost. was probably miles away laughing it's stupid head off.

Auri's head jerked back in surprise, first at the sudden appearance of the hyena, then at her... challenging tone of voice. Sure, she could defend herself, but that didn't mean she didn't get scared.
"I... I don't want any trouble," she said, slow at first, but a little more confidant as she took a small step backwards.

"No trouble? No trouble, you already have trouble, being in here. Stupid leopard!" She snapped her tongue lolling. She was, to say the least a little more irritated than usual, her deep, dark blue eyes flashing angrily. "You've led me astray for the last time kitty." Perhaps it was the heat,s he didn't know this beast, she knew taht but it felt like she did, like she needed revenge ont hsi beast fro geting herlost when really it was her own fault. Her laugh echoed once again.
Afiyas ears twitched that laugh was rather close. Sitting slowly he looked around for Auri, she was no where to be seen. leaping to his paws he scanned the clearing once before lifting his nose to the air. "Auri!" He called racing off down the path she had previously tred.

"I'm not stupid!" Auri snapped back and jerked, realizing that had been the last tone of voice she should have used with this... demented creature. From a short ways off, she thought she heard her name called; it sounded like Afiya. Now, a normal leopard probably wouldn't have been afraid of a hyena, but Auri wasn't a normal leopard. For one, she was smaller than average, partly because of her breeding, partly because of her cub-hood. And secondly, she wasn't as powerful, having spent more time focusing on the art of healing. So when she heard Afiya call to her, she yelled right back, "Afiya! Help!"

The large hyena laughed quietly, her dark eyes dancing dangerously just as she pounced for Auri her mouth open, jowels drooling hungrily....
The large thick set body of the young cheetah came speeding from the clearings direction, he mounced the hyena, all four thin paws meeting with ehr ribs with a crack, knocking her off course before he landed rather awquardly in front of Auri. "Are you alright? she didn't get you did she?" he fretted both eyes fixed on Auri, his golden orbs full of worry.

Auri flinched downward when the hyena sprang, and her heart swelled when Afiya knocked the hyena aside.
"No, she didn't- No! Watch out for her, she's not in her right mind!" she at first reassured him, then realized that now was probably not the time. She didn't think that the hyena would stay down for long, and the last thing she wanted was her friend being hurt because he was paying too much attention to her.

Afiya took a breath his gaze slowly leaving Auri, but perhaps he simply waited for a moment too long to return his gaze back to the Hyena for she was already on her paws, her eyes full of an unmistakeable rage "Run Auri." Afiya said simply his stance becomeing defencive as he strode towards the hyena femme "Come then, afraid to play with a cat your own size heyna?" he quipped, that cocky side comeing outof him at probably the worst moment.

Frittilaria laughed and yapped pouncing once again but this time for the Cheetah. he had hurt her, but he had only bruised ehr ribs, her thick hide having absorbed the bulk of the impact. he heavy set jaws clampped and slashed for the nearest thing available to her. This cheetah was now her target. She was goign to kill it and eat it and take it's pelt back to the graveyard where she belonged.

"No, I'm not going to leave you," she replied stubbornly. She backed out of the way, but close enough still to run in if Afiya needed her help. Ah, but what can you do? a little voice in her mind asked and she grit her teeth in frustration. She didn't want to be useless, not now. She watched the fight with wide eyes and her heart pounding in her chest, afraid still, but for a different reason this time.

Afiya kept hsi golden eyed gaze fixed ont he female hyena, staying before her at all times , he dodged and weaved occassionally biting or clawing at her as she came rushing at him. But always staying infront of Auri, keepingher out of the crazed hyenas sight.
The skunk stripped femme let a laugh roll over her lips, her maddened blue eyes searching around for an easier target than this bouncing flailing cheetah whoms he just couldn't seem to get her teeth in to. as he leapt out of her way,s eh caught a glimpse of khaki and gold and bolted maddly for Auri, she wasn't about to go away empty handed, the leopard had returned thanks to the maddening cheetah, this was clearly an easier target.

Auri's eyes widened as the hyena came for her again. Her ears flicked back and she bared her fangs, raising a paw in defense. But she wasn't a fighter and her eyes were still wide in terror. She should have gone. Should have run for help. She was just an easy target. And the hyena had found her again. It was too late for should-haves.

Having skipped left to avoid the Hyenas grasp, Afiya had allowed the beast to spot Auri nce again. Without a moments hesitationt he big male cheetah ran for the hyena once again however he knew he wouldn't be able to pulle the same trick twice. leaping forwards he locked with the Hyena his claws attaching to her back and his teeth aiming for one of her ears.
Distracted bu the hulking cheetah the femme hyena leapt and fell banging aafiya to the ground. she was confused and ehr teeth snapped out finding a leg. She bit down hard and amidst the cheetahs cru and the crunch of bone, her oww ear tore. Crying out as her tattered ear flopped over her eyes she raced around maddly finding no peace in ehr own eerie laugh. With a face streaked with blood the female hyena bolted off, her tail folding down between her back legs as she bolted. bad things happened int he jungle, she needed it's edge, she needed out baxck to her safe warm graveyard.

Auri gasped and leapt to Afiya's side after the hyena had run off, It had all happened so quickly. Tears filled her eyes when she looked at him.
"Afiya..." she whispered his name, her voice shaky. And then she looked at his leg. she bit back the cry that threatened to escape her throat and gingerly reach a paw towards it. But she stopped when she saw how it shook.

Afiya looked up at Auri and smiled, it was more of a grimmace really. "Hey, you know I need that?" He scoffed sitting up slightly though he still lay he propped himselff up with one good leg. he was putting omna brave front, his leg ached, his mind dizzied at the pain which coursed through the damaged leg. he licked his lips before looking at his foreleg. It was bad, he'd never been injured before, by anything. the assumation of invincability had always been there for him, but now, he was hurt, acctually hurt. "you can fix it right healin paws/" he smiled weakly, he felt sick, tired and dizzy in one foul moment as he tried to lay his forepaw ont he ground and put any sort of weight on it, even rpessing it to the ground hurt.

She looked into his eyes for a moment, blue locked with gold before she shut them tight, bowed her head, and allowed a shudder to go through her. When she looked up, her gaze was... blank. Neutral. It's just another injury. Just another injury. The litany played in her head as she smiled softly down at him.
"Yes," she said and it seemed she couldn't stop the light shake in her voice any more than she could have in the one in her paw previously.
"I... think she might have broken something..." she sighed and nodded her head. "I won't lie to you," she paused and picked up a thick stick. "Put this in your mouth," she said after she set it within reach of his mouth, "This will hurt... a lot and it'll keep you from biting something you might need."

Afiya nodded and took the stick from ehr holding it tightly in his jaws. It already hurt alot what mroe could she do to it to make it worse? He felt a stream of sickness wash over him. Having never been hurt before, this feeling was somehing new, something strange and sickening. He desperately just wanted it to all be a dream, he wanted to be back int he clearing about to spend the day chasing bunnys with thorns up their arses. No, he knew it wasnt a dream. he leaned forwards and prodded Auri with his nose giving her an understanding nod before he shut his eyes and waited, the stick clenched firmly in his jaws.

Auri's own jaw clenched as she turned to his leg. She'd have to get mud and leaves for it when this was over, and there was no telling how his leg would recover.
"Ameh, help me..." she whispered the prayer to her goddess before running her paws gently over his leg until she found it. It wasn't a full break that she found, which was a relief. True, it was more difficult to set a crack over a full break, but it was so much easier to heal a crack. She took a deep breath and pushed, slowly, on the half of the bone that was the most off. She tried to tune out the thought that she had to be causing him considerable pain, but tears slowly trickled from her eyes as it set in a manner of seconds and she looked down at it, taking her paw off.
"The bone is set... but I'll need to clean and wrap up your leg still. Please, whatever you do don't move."

He groaned through the stick though he tried to stay as quie as possible while she did her work, he didn't want to sound like a whimp. When she finished he laid his head on the ground and let a pant roll over his lips. "No problem. I'll just stay right here and wait." he smiled in a half roguish manner, he was trying to get ehr spirits up, though he noticed the tears on ehr cheeks. "Hey, come on healer chick, you know they can't break me." he raised a brow, his leg was searing with the pain of the break and the setting of the bone, but he wasn't about to say that. he could act tough and keep his head up. Especially since Auri seemed to need his support in this.
"So do i have to lie here all day or can I hobble back home for a nap? I tell ye them hyenas are a pain in the butt, daft things, all that laughin, could drive a sane beast nuts yanno?"

Auri's spirits rose considerably and she smirked at him. "You just stay there, my little bunny, and I'll get the things needed to wrap your leg up, then I'll help you walk back to our glade," she said and walked off, running once she was out of sight, to their little "home", as he had called it. She found a couple large leaves and some helpful plants and gathered them together with some mud, dragging them as fast as she could back to him on a much larger, stronger leaf.

Afiya tried to chuckle as she walked away but as she vanished he looked down at his leg, it was bloody, what a mess the stupid thing had made. he grimaced as he tried to move his toes without much joy. Stay still she'd said, what was she his mother?
No, she was his healer now. Bunny? Raising a brow he waited for her to reappear "hey what did I tell you about calling me bunny? Don't think you can't be my mate, I'll make ithappen missy I will." He smirked, his spirits were rising despte the pain he was in. he really jsut wanted to go to sleep where he lay but that he felt would make him look weak so he waited. he could wait for it to be dressed and presed before he went back to their home base. he just had to grit and bear it for a litle longer.

Auri snorted when he commented on the bunny thing when she returned and shook her head. "If I recall, I never agreed to that," she said and pulled her things up to his leg. I hope this doesn't hurt him too much, she thought and leaned down, gently licking the wound, cleaning it of any dirt that may have gotten in. When she was done cleaning it, she mixed the medicinal plants into the mud and smoothed the cool substance over the gash. Finally, she managed to wrap the leaves around his leg, before wrapping a vine around the leaves and somehow knotting it.
"There," she said, surveyed her work for a moment before looking at his face. She paused for a moment, letting her mind shift from working mode. But with that, came the tears. The fell slowly from her eyes and she leaned down, pressing her face to his neck.

Afiya gritted his teeth as she cleaned and bandaged his wound. He kept his eyes shut, he really didn't want her to see him afraid. It wasn't his thing "I'm fairly sure I aggreed to it" he chuckled half heartedly as she finished and she placed ehr face in to his neck.
Raising a brow the large cheetah licked ehr ear gently "Hush now Auri. I'm fine, you'll see, nothin' gets me down." He winked and nuzzled her cheek gently. "Chin up now.." He coughed and groomed her cheek softly, his voice lowering. "Warriors get wounds remember, makes us look more rugged." he smiled, he was trying so hard to get ehr to smile again, he didn't like to see ehr sad.

Auri rubbed her face back and forth against his neck for a moment and took a slow, calming breath before straightening. His nuzzle and light licking had made her feel better, though she still looked a little bit sad.
"Here, let's get you back to the- our glade," she said, completely ignoring his first retort, about the mate thing. He could try all he wanted, but despite caring for him, she wasn't sure it was THAT level of caring. They'd just have to see.

Afiya smiled, glad to see she had perked up a little. he was playing ignore the pain by trying to be his usual witty, cocky self. "Alrigthy then. Think I'm up fr a nap." He slowly got to his paws, keeping his injured leg from knocking against things was prooving difficult, but he was getting there. Taking a deep breath he eventually stood, his legs felt like jelly and for a moment he stood stillin an uneasy, dizzying fashion.
"yeah, better get back." He whispered the reath knocked from him as he tottred back towwards their clearing, his steps uneasy and a little more than drunken.

Auri jogged after him when he started walking back and stood close to his side.
"Here, lean against me. I'd offer to carry you, but... I'm not that strong and you're bigger than me," she managed a more relaxed smile when she looked at him, pausing in her stride and waiting for him to follow her advice.

Afiya looked at Auri and shook his head. "I'm fine, I can walk on my own. I have three legs." He smirked hobbling onwards, gaining his balance, that dizzy sickly feeling fadeing slowly though his extremeties felt cool and he knew this was because of the rush of adreneline fadeing from his system after the fight.
"lets just get back. I could sleep for a week after that."

Auri frowned disapprovingly at his refusal of her aid, but she shrugged it off, excusing it as his male, warrior pride. It was slow going, but their spot wasn't too far away and they reached it after a little bit. The sun had just started rising now, but there was a lot of shade in the area, so she knew he wouldn't have problems with the sun.
"I... haven't thanked you yet. For saving me," she said softly, smiling a little bit again, her gaze on the grass just ahead of them.

The big cheetah padded quietly over to the spot he had vacated not a half an hour earlier. laying down he looked up at the leopardess with a wink. "All in a days work." he chuckled laying his head slowly on his onw good paw, his otehr paw spread out at an odd angle to keep it away from his body.
"Thanks for fixing my leg." He smiled quietly, hsi eyes already closed. He was ready for a sleep, and something told him when he woke, that pain in his leg would be worse.

Auri smiled down at him as he laid down, careful of his leg. She checked it over again and nodded, satisfied with her work.
"As you say, all in a day's work," she replied and, instead of going to her spot, she walked around and stretched out next to his uninjured side.

"You were right, before. I shouldn't have gone out on my own..." she murmured, sighing over her arrogance. Of course, she'd never had that kind of trouble before, but she should have considered the possibility.

Afiya chuckled. "Hey, things happen and you can't do anything about um. Get some rest. I'll soon be up and about again." He sighed gently leaning slightly in to Auris frame. it felt comforting to hve someone close to him whom wanetd oto just care for his injuries. he was glad she was there.
Letting a wide yawn roll over his lips he sighed gently allowing sleep to fold over his already aching limbs and pull him in to a deep slumbre.

Auri smiled at his reassurance and watched him after he fell asleep. She thought about going out and looking for some pain freezing plants, in case he work up hurting, but the warmth from his body was a gentle lull, suggesting she sleep as well. It had been a very stressful morning, and sleep sounded like a good thing. And a little while of inner fretting and such, she closed her own eyes, settling her head near his and fell asleep as well.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 3:45 pm
Out Of Guild RP (Auri & Chikala)

The sun was at its height when Auri finally awoke. Afiya was still asleep and she decided now was a good time to look for those plants. She stood, licked his cheek softly and padded off into the underbrush.

Her paws made hollow sounds in her ears as the leopardess walked on what could have been called a path, maybe even a trail. The ground was more worn here and the small ground-plants stayed to either side of it, marking it as a place of heavier traffic than in other places. Her wandering eyes didn't catch any sign of the specific plant as she traveled farther and farther from Afiya and their spot.
It was becoming more and more difficult to keep the large cheetah out of her mind. The more she knew him, the more he claimed her thoughts. That roguish look in his bright, gold eyes, the way his lean muscles bunched beneath his fur as he sprang her aid- She was doing it again! Frustrated, the gold-dusted leopardess leaped off the trail and into the branches of a large tree.

Auri climbed higher and higher until she felt she was high enough, stretched out along a branch and put her paws on her head. No. There was just no way she cared THAT much about him. He was a friend.
A good friend. On who saved. Your. Life. that little voice in her mind said again, making her moan and grimace as if in pain. She wouldn't- COULDN'T fall for him, not a male like that. He was a rogue, and probably always would be. She couldn't trust him to stay with her. Besides, she had no idea whether he cared for her or not. She pressed her face to the bark on the branch.

With a sigh, Auri looked up after a few moments and folded her paws on the branch, placing her head on them. She, and the little voice, were right. Both right, actually. She couldn't trust him to stay with her and he had saved her life. And... She laughed a little, her eyes hooded as she thought, he HAD comforted her when she cried over him. Whether that meant he didn't like seeing HER cry or if it was just females in general, she didn't know. She'd only know if she asked him, and she wasn't about to do that, either.
She sighed again and lightly scratched the bark under her claws. The sounds of the jungle rolled over her, like the surf over the beach and she cared about as much over the sounds as the beach cared about the water.

He wasn't going to stay.
They never did. Something always dragged them away Auri. Auri had never known her parents, she and her sister had been taken into the Furless Ones' den when they were so very little. She smiled over the memory. The old female had loved them, doted on them with shining bands and her mate had given them tidbits at every meal. Auri hadn't realized until they were older that they had been the old Ones' companions, their familiars, but then even in retrospect it didn't bother her. Their, hers and her sister's, lives had been slow, easy. Days spent with the old female, nights spent in soft nests within the old Ones' sleeping den.
But then they had to leave. More Furless Ones came and took her and her sister from the old Ones, stole them from their very nests. They threw them in cold... things, where she could just see the world outside, but could not reach it for the cold sticks surrounding her kept her within her prison. The Furless Ones tried to move Auri and her sister, but they had hoped for that, fought back, and escaped. They knew not where they were and wandered. They wandered for a long time.
Auri wandered within her mind, remembering.

When she had come of age, males she encountered began to court her, entice her to mate with them. But Auri had always been strong of mind and quick of wit. And sharp of tongue. When the males saw this, they turned their attentions to her litter-mate. Auri would not allow them to use her sister like that, and they were quickly chased off by the protective leopardess.
Wait... Afiya had said he enjoyed her wit, her ability to return his comments and questions flawlessly with quips and answers of her own. He LIKED her wit and the strength of her mind. Hope bloomed like the flowers around her before she crushed it beneath her paw, shaking her head.
Something would happen. He would find something he didn't like. Something would happen to him. He would encounter a better female. Either way, he wouldn't stay with her.

Balancing her way across a branch, a black and white lioness stopped above a new face, a dust-and-gold leopardess, lying across a branch below her, seemingly in an emotional struggle. Picking her way carefully down the branches, Chikalawingu plopped down by the leopardess and smiled.
"Hi there!" she said cheerily.

Auri jumped at the sound of another being and blinked at the... lioness?? She sat up and flicked her tail over the other side of the branch she had been lying across.
"Uh... Hi?" she said, then shook her head, clearing it of her surprise.
"Wait a second, what are you doing in a tree?" She'd never seen a lion in a tree before, especially not this high up, nor looking THAT comfortable... And cheerful.

Chikala giggled, her eyes closing with her smile.
"I like climbing trees. My mama and papa and brothers and sisters were all leopards, so I learned to follow," she replied and studied the leopardess. Her cheery look faded slightly and she tilted her head.
"You looked so sad, earlier. What's wrong? Did you hurt yourself, or are you lost or something?" She wasn't sure a leopard COULD get lost in the jungle, but this one was even smaller than her, and she was SMALL for a lioness.

Auri blinked.
"So... You were raised by leopards?" she asked and received a slow nod. Now on the the lioness' question... Did she even want to answer?
"I was... thinking. There's a male I... well, I enjoy his company. And he seems to enjoy mine a good bit. He said he finds me... as beautiful as a goddess and likes my quick wit," she replied, looking off.

Quick wit... seemed like she was being kind of slow this afternoon.
"Okay... so what's the problem? Sounds like this male right fancies you, so he does. That should be something to be happy about, not all sad-looking," she replied, shaking her head. Goodness, she didn't understand what the big deal was. Male likes female, female likes male. They fall in love, become mates, have fat cubbies and live mildly happy ever after. Where was the problem??

Auri looked away at the lioness' words. She knew she was probably right, but... In the end, she probably didn't want to get her hopes up. She worried that if she got too deep with him, she would be left broken and hurting. And that kind of hurt even a healer couldn't fix.
"I just worry that he'll leave. He's a bit of a rogue and... I don't want to be left, do you know what I mean?"

"Oh, yeah, sure I know what you mean. My real parents left me here. But I don't dwell on it, and I don't judge people by what THEY did. Perhaps you should give him the benefit of the doubt? And, I mean, you COULD always just tell him these fears yourself. Might make you feel better, and you never know, he might surprise you," Chikala replied, shaking her head a little in disbelief. Some beasts could be so mopey and distrusting. If the male liked her as much as she said, there wasn't a doubt in the lioness' mind that he would stay with her. What the leopardess probably needed was a good talk with this male of hers.
"In fact, why don't you run along and do that now? Get it over with as quick-like as possible, that's what I say!"

Auri listened to what the lioness had to say, letting it sink in for a moment. Yes, that did seem like a good idea, talking to Afiya about her feelings for him as well as the worries that came with them.
Oh, gods, Afiya! She'd completely forgotten about why she had left him in the first place!
"You're right, I should go. Oh, you haven't by any chance seen a small grayish-green plant that grows in clumps need the ground, have you?" she asked as she climbed down.

Chikala looked off in thought at the leopardess' question and looked around.
"Mama called it the Ice Fern- Oh! There's some," she said, lying down on her branch and pointing. Sure enough, near the foot of another tree was a cluster of the small plants. She remembered having to eat them once when she hurt herself really bad in a fall. She remembered out the pain froze in her injured paw, hence the name. She also remembered how terrible it tasted.

Auri quickly followed her paw and found the plants.
"Thanks!" she called up to the lioness and gathered some of the larger sets of leaves. Mouth full of the very bitter plant, Auri looked back up at the lioness and rose one paw in an awkward wave before taking off back to Afiya.

Chikala waved back, calling, "No problem!" after the leopardess. Once the female was gone from sight, the black and white lioness yawned and stretched out along the branch.
"All in a good day's work," she murmured to herself and closed her eyes, ready for a good, long nap.

Auri padded quietly back into their clearing, finding her warrior to be still asleep, as she had left him. He looked so... handsome, especially when he was sleeping. She found a nice rock to set the "Ice Fern", as the lioness had called them, on and returned to her place beside Afiya. She gently nuzzled his cheek, careful not to wake him, and lied her head on her paws, closing her eyes and falling back into a light slumber.

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 11:42 am
Out Of Guild RP (Auri)

Auri stretched, waking up after once again falling asleep at Afiya's side. Her blue eyes opened and she considered what the strange lioness had said again. How she should tell Afiya how she felt and the worries in her mind. Of course, she didn't think she'd have the courage to tell him. The "Ice Fern" was still sitting on the nearby rock, close to her paw so that, when he woke she could give some to him in case his leg pained him. She turned her head and watched him with half-closed eyes, pondering how this roguish warrior had managed to wander his way into her heart.

The big male awoke slowly, his golden eyes, half lidded looked up to the waiting Auri. he chuckled and shook his head "You know I could get very freaked out if I think you're watching me while I sleep." He smiled roguishly closing his eyes tightly as he awquardly moved his injured leg. "Ughnn" he mumbled under his breath clenching his teeth tightly until he managed to get up in to a laying possition.
"So, did I get hit by a herd of elephants?" he smirked, hiding the pain in his eyes by turning to look out at the wtaery pool at least until the pain subsided as he regained stillness.

Auri shook her head and leaned away, picking up a few of the leaves and setting them by him.
"I was thinking and you were there. You just happened to wake up when my eyes wandered to you," she replied, sticking her tongue out at him. "Here," she added. "These leaves will numb the pain if you chew them a bit. If you are in pain, that is," she finished and laid her head on her paws, thinking.
"Afiya..." she asked after a moment, "Did you mean what you said, earlier, about you setting out to make me your mate just because of that bunny comment?"

Afiya turned his gaze to her, picking up the leaves and chewing them quietly for a moment, as he contemplated what she asked. Was he being serious? He looked down at her and smiled, his deep, golden eyes glistened in the bright light. leaning down he nudged her cheek lightly and gave her one of those ever so roguish grins "I'm hardly ever not serious." He whispers grooming her cheek. he had found something here. Auri, she wasn't like any of the otehr females, she was full of wit and the whims of the world, she was beautiful and clever and he, well he loved that about her.
"What do i have to do to make you my mate Auri?" He pururs sitting back and gazing at her.

Auri's eyes closed as she listened to him, her heartbeat growing with every word. And what he asked, she knew exactly what to tell him. "Promise me something," she answered and opened her eyes. There was a tiny hint of sadness in her gaze, for this was her greatest... fear was the only word she could think to call it. The only person who'd never left or been taken away was her sister. She wanted there to be more out there than just Chaka who would stay with her, despite any trials or the will of those that would tear them apart. "Promise me you won't leave. And if we're ever separated, you'll come find me, as I would search for you."

Afiyas golden eyes rested happily on Auri. he smiled, he knew he couldn't lie to her, couldn't leave her. something in her 'rescuing' him ratehr than him speeding to her rescue had unlocked a part of his heart he had never found before with the others. He had never loved Poza and that, little lion, well she was just soemthign ont he side. Auri, she was different.
"I'll never leave you until my dying day Auri." he whispers using his good paw to chuck up ehr chin so he could gaze in to ehr eyes. "I promise" he whispers touching her nose with his own.

Auri smiled and slipped her face to the side of his, rubbing her cheek against his.
"Then I will your mate. I can't promise it'll be perfect, the gods know I'll probably tease you and you tease me in return, my bunny," she replied, pulling back and smiling... no, it was more of a smirk, but her eyes were fill with the admiration and love for the cheetah who had risked his own life to say her own. Her mate.
"But I can promise you that I'll be there to patch up every cut, break, and bruise. And love you, of course," she finished and nuzzled him again.

Afiya chuckled lightly, it was that look that kept him here, hept him sat next to the leopardess instead of just standing and walking away. he could, just walk away and not think about it ever agin but he knew full tell that, that would hurt far more than his broken limb.
"Just as well my little healer, you seem to get yourself in to fun scrapes I'm going to need my limbs patched up all the time." he chuckled and groomed her cheeks gently. "I promise to love and protect you Auri, no matetr what"

Auri scrunched up her muzzle at him. "I don't NORMALLY get into scrapes like that. That hyena was just crazy!" she defended, but hung off, shaking her head and lying it on his uninjured paw. "But I'll have no problem patching you up... once I get over my female distress at seeing her mate hurt," she glanced up at him at that and smiled.
"It was the first time I was ever scared that I wouldn't be able to fix up the creature I was healing."

Afiya smiled and draped his neck over hers nuzzling at her ears. "Hey, I'v told you I'm indestructable right/2 he whispers his golden eyes full of laughter "Especially with you at my side. I know you can heal anything you put your mind t Auri." he whispers.
"Just remember I'm not going any where. Fights will happen, I'll always come throught hem as long as you're there with me."

"I'll remember. And hold you to it," she replied, letting out a small snort of laughter before snuggling closer and closing her eyes. She knew she'd have to find her sister again soon, but she didn't want to think about that. She wanted the world to slow down, just for her and Afiya, right here in their little glade, with the sounds of the jungle muted beside the sounds of her mate.

He smiled, the big male and let his own eyes close, lost in the moment in the silence of the glade, lost with Auri, with nothing else on his mind. It was bliss, he rpeyed for the sun to stop in this moment, though he knew it could not, he was still happy to lay with her, together, alone.
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