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Reply [IC] Nchi'mahadhi Lands [IC]
[PRP] Hesitant Companionship (Gumu and Kani'noe)

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Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 3:17 am
Kani’noe was not often seen walking alone. Normally he was glued to his mother’s side or tagging along with his siblings. Today, however, he wasn’t really up for chatting or for company. He was feeling down about his lack of inspiration in the realm of music. Upset that he wasn’t showing promise at all. His ears were flat against his head, his eyes were sad and his whole body looked hunched and small.

As a cub he didn’t look much different from other cubs. The only true sign that he had leopard genes in his heritage was the lack of a tail-tuft, a subtle sign that even Kani’noe had yet to notice. He probably wouldn’t ever realise that he was different until he was grown up and the signs were more distinct. At the moment he thought himself nothing more than a lion cub and an untalented one at that.

His pride thrived on music, on drums on singing and dancing. Yet Kani’noe, young as he was, had begun to believe he wasn’t musically talented at all. He was too shy to make a spectacle of himself, not wanting to be the centre of attention, and his attempts at beating a rhythm on a drum had been…a failure.

He was beginning to worry that the pride wouldn’t want him. That he’d be thrown out to fend for himself.

On his blind path, Kani’noe had strayed further to the borders of the Nchi’mahadi than he had realised. In fact he didn’t realise how far he had gone until it was too late. He paused, blinked in shock and turned his head this way and that. Fear struck him. What if a rogue got him and mother couldn’t get to him in time? His chest constricted, he felt his legs begin to quiver and his mouth opened to let a terrified mew ring out across the lands.
PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 12:44 am
Gumu was tired of his mother interrupting his games with his siblings- after all he wasn't going to kill them, he was just punishing them for not answering to his hits. He was looking at his brothers and sisters while they were playing. They seemed so boring in their game. There wasn't a note of aggressive behaviour. "Complete boredom!!!" he thaught to himself. To him a game was a game when it was rude, with alot of fighting but it seemed that no one in the world was on the same mind. Especially his family.
Looking at his siblings playing he decided he had to take a walk and decide if he has to change himself to fit in his family. He stepped forward to a land he had never seen before. It was green and beautiful. Though he was aware of the dangers there could be in this land he didn't feel a bit of fear and stepped with confidence.



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 4:17 am
He mewed again and then again just for good measure, listening to his own pleading cry ring out across the silence. Then he fell quiet himself and listened.


Was there nothing out here on the borders? Was there nothing but him and a whole lot of grass? The hybrid was frozen a moment longer, glad for the wind that carressed his face, easing him into a state of awareness. With that wind came a scent, but not a scent that he knew. It was strange and yet it held a cat-hint that made him feel far more comfortable at approaching it's source.

Surely it was another pride member, upon hearing his calls had come to find him.

"Help, help!" He squeaked. "I'm over here!" And he blundered across the ground, heading more-or-less straight for the cheetah cub.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 7:08 am
Gumu walked deeper and deeper into he unknown land. He wasn't afraid of anything and felt like he would beat up ANYTHING that tries to attack him. These were his usual thaughts.
He peered at a strange and rather ugly bird and got surprised when it flew away scared by the screams for help. These screams were unfamiliar to Gumu. He had never heard this voice before. What he had to do was crawling on his brain like a giant python. As his mother had always told him "you should run as fast as you can if you hear someone saying something on a land that you don't belong to" but as he always did- he didn't want to hear a thing about her wise advises.
"Where are you?!" Gumu yelled "I can't see you!". He decided to help the lost creature not even willing to ask what it was. After all he would have been happy if someone saved him when he got into such a condition.



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 9:35 am
"Here, here!" Kani'noe squeaked, bouncing across the rugged terrain with a wild, desperateness to his movements. And then suddenly the fawn-coloured hybrid apeared, cresting a small hill to peer down at the aiding voice.

A cub. His helper was a cub.

Well the fact that Gumu was small helped ease Kani's nerves and the hybrid slid down to the chocolate-pelted creature, panting as the relief swept throughhim.

"Found...you." He breathed, collapsing in a heap by Gumu's feet. "I'm lost and...and I thought someone was out to get me." He blinked up at his saviour. "Thank you for finding me." He smiled and pulled himself up into a sitting position. "Are you a lion cub?" Kani tipped his head slightly to the side. The cat certainly did look similar to a lion but his body shape was slender, more elegant., with more defined legs. He looked as if he'd be a good runner. Better than Kani in any case.

"I'm Kani'noe."
PostPosted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:50 pm
Gumu heard the voice getting closer. He had no idea what was this creature. Finally he saw Kani'now but even when he sat infront of him the cheetah cub had no idea what this creature was. Gumu's mother and father had told him many many stories about unbelievable creatures but this creature didn't exactly fit in his parents' stories. Weird... Was it a leopard? Or maybe a lion?
"Save you?!" the cub answered "Huh! You're whole and unhurt as far as I see! Why were you even screaming for help- you feel bad without mommy and daddy by your side?" Gumu wasn't exactly the kind and gentle type of cheetah and he never thaught before speaking.
"Kani'noe?! What a strange name! I'm Gumu by the way!" the cheetah cub said "So where do you come from? You definitely aren't from these parts. I mean- you got lost here!"



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 2:56 am
Kani'noe looked suddenly sheepish. His ears and head dipped and he glanced up at the cheetah as if suddenly shy. "Um...well, I haven't been away from mummy before. I couldn't find her and I...I....got scared." Yes, he was a baby!

He didn't mention daddy. He didn't even know him, though there was no hatred held for the vacant parent. He'd probably question it a little more when he was older. For now he was extremely content with his family situation.

"Gumu. That's a funny name too." He mirrored the cheetah's speech to try and fit in. "I'll remember that one." He lifted his head then. "Oh, no, no. This is my home, the Nchi'mahadi pride. I live here with mummy, brother and sister. But...I haven't been so far away from the den before. I don't know this place very well..."

He smiled a little. "You live here too?"
PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 12:00 am
Gumu laughed louder than necessary! "So you really MISS your mommy here?! You're such a coward!" Though he loved her the cheetah male would never admit he needed his mother. For him this was a sign of early childhood and dependence! And Gumu wasn't depending on anyone or at least that was what he said. He had always thaught it was better to act like a grown-up, not that he did that in most cases. After all he was still a cub and wanted to live his childhood as fun as possible!
As Kani'noe said Gumu's name was funny the cheetah cub's smile suddenly ran away from his face and he made an angry expression. He really wasn't used to being ofended. He loved to make fun of others but could never hold his nerves when someone made fun of him. "Oh, yeah?!" Gumu said furiously "Consider that as funny too!" he rised his paw and hit the hybrid cub on the head. He didn't want to hit Kani'noe hard so he didn't. It was just some sort of a warning not to make fun of him anymore! It really wasn't fair of Gumu to hit others just like that but that was the way he was- really agressive and irascible.
The cub calmed down as they began talking about their homes. "Nchi'mahadi? I have never heard of these lands before!" he had heard stories about many feline creatures living in one place. What was the name...? Ahhh, yes! He remembered- pride! "Oh, no! I'm a rogue! I live everywhere! And the best part of that is that you live unprotected and grow up to become a warrior. Not that you'll ever understand!" Gumu let out a lie. Unprotected? What was he really talking about? His mother and father cared for their children as for their own lifes!



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 1:39 pm
"Well...um." Was it wrong of him to admit he missed his mother? That he was scared without her close by? He closed his jaw, not sure what words to summon to answer. Maybe Gumu wasn't even expecting an answer.

Then the cheetah's expression changed and Kani let out a little squeak at the cuff across his head. Immediately he flattened himself to the ground, ears drooped and eyes apologetic. He hadn't meant to make Gumu angry.

"Rogue?" He replied, hesitantly, unsure whether he should question it in case he provoked another reaction from the cub. "Everywhere? But...what about home? If you live everywhere then you don't have a place to call home. It sounds sad and...scary."

Gumu was right. Kani'noe didn't understand. "I like living in a pride. It feels safe." He paused. "What's a warrior?"
PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 2:11 am
Gumu was quite surprised seing that Kani'noe didn't fight or at least hit him. He was used to having furious fights with his siblings and it was something normal for him. It was his everyday life. And how could you not fight with such a brat like the cheetah male.
"Yes, a rogue!" the cheetah answered to the hybrid's question "It means I don't have a pride, stupid! It means I go from place to place to find good food and good shelter." Though it was great for a cub like Gumu to be a rogue he actually really wanted to live somewhere. Somewhere where there are a lot of friends, somewhere where he's safer than usual. Not that he would admit that to anybody. Ahhhhh! He just imagined the green lands, the clear ice-cold water, the prey- it would be fantastic! Gumu stopped dreaming. What was he thinking?! A pride, for him?! This was quite a funny idea! He didn't need a pride. He didn't need protection. He didn't need a home! Or did he?
"You mean you really don't know what a warrior is?!" Gumu laughed. He thaught it's really stupid not to know the meaning of such a GREAT word. "Haven't your parents told you stories about warriors? A warrior is someone who's brave, clever and defends his honour and family." Gumu stopped. He really admired such STRONG personalities like the warriors'. And he really wanted to be a warrior one day!



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 8:10 am
Kani was too meek to fight and would probably always be. Life was just easier if you let others take the lead and followed along obediently. He just wanted to fit in, to blend, not stand out and make a show of himself. And fighting, in his mind, would bring unwanted attention to him, then everyone would fuss and make him embarrased. No, better to stay quiet and accept it.

"I don't think I'd like to be a rogue. I like having mummy here and I like having the pride. It's safer than being out there all alone. It's dangerous. Besides, here I can make something of myself. Once I find the music then everyone will be so proud of me."

At Gumu's exclamation that he didn't know what a warrior was, Kani slowly shook his head. "My mother doesn't tell me stories about that. She tells me about bird song, dancing and drumming." And then he thought for a moment.

"Protects their family? Well....Gumu, doesn't that make everyone in a pride a warrior? We all protect one another as one big family." He smiled softly, his silk whiskers swaying back and forth in the wind.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 12:38 am
"I don't think you could be a rogue! It isn't very easy." Gumu told Kani. "You often have to run. A lot! And being a rogue you can make something of yourself too- a great warrior." that word again. Gumu just couldn't stop using it. He felt such a strong respect to warriors. They were greater than everything for him and the fact that his mother had told him stories about these strong personalities made him respect them even more. "Music is a good thing!" the cheetah cub said. He loved the hot beats of the drums. He had heard music only once in his whole life but it was majestic. "Maybe you could play something for me?" he really wanted to hear some music. The time he heard drums he fell inlove with it. It was mysterious and beautiful.
Gumu decided to skip the part of bullying Kani when he heard the hybrid's mom told him stories about bird songs. This is really weird the cub thaught. It was no wonder the hybrid was such a coward- his mother told him stories about bird songs and, drumming and dancing. What, no battles? No warriors? This was really new to Gumu. He thaught a story should be interesting and fun and what was the fun about bird songs?
"Yeah, actually most of the pride members have to be warriors. But as I said I can't see you as a warrior!" Gumu laughed. Suddenly he returned to being his usual jerky self "You're just... such a coward!" This was likely for Gumu- he judged others before knowing them well. There he was telling stuff about that hybrid cub without even knowing if it's true.



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 5:33 am
Despite the fact that this cheetah cub was very different from himself, Kani found himself liking him. He was brash and confident and not afraid to speak his mind. He was everything that Kani wasn't. True, that made them very different, but just listening to him speak gave Kani something that he hadn't had before. A sense of understanding.

This cub would grow to be a warrior, Kani knew that, even now. He had the strength, confidence and courage to make it.

"Running is fun...but I wouldn't like to do it all the time." Kani admitted reluctantly. "I'd prefer to save me energy for singing, or dancing or playing the drum." Again he wondered if he'd be able to do any of that.

A smile was brought onto his face at Gumu's like of music. However, the smile faded again at Gumu's request. "S-sorry. I haven't found my inspiration yet." His ears drooped. "But when I do find it, I'll definately play you something." Yes, he'd find it eventually, even if he was old by the time he did.

"Coward?" He blinked. "Well...maybe but..." He paused. "I'd prefer not to use my claws...really. I wouldn't want to hurt anyone. I'd feel bad." He sniffed. "Have you ever been in a fight, Gumu?"
PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 11:44 pm
Although he ofended him all the time Gumu was starting to like Kani. He never really had a friend before and usually no one listened to what the cheetah cub said. They usually would just pretend not to see him and pass him by without even noticing that he was speaking. And Gumu's brothers and sisters- well, they weren't exactly what he would call "friends". They just fought all the time and never even had a normal conversation which sometimes was getting boring for Gumu though he didn't show it.
"Well, we don't run all the time you know!" Gumu smiled and looked cleverly at the hybrid. "Just when there's danger and when there's a need of running." Gumu started to think. Dangers didn't come often but when they did it was for the best to run and abandon the place you just found. A thought about being in a pride crossed his mind again. It would be nice to be in one and from what Kani tolg Gumu about his pride it would be fun and safe. Not that Gumu needed ti be safe. The life on the edge was a real life for him.
"Inspiration?" the cheetah cub said. "What is this? And where is it located? Is it so far away from here that you say you still haven't found it? And what do you need it for? Would it help you create your own music?" the cub was really curious to know what that word meant. It sounded so weird and new to him.



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:20 am
"It sounds like a hard life." Kani replied, somewhat impressed with how the cheetah had survived all of these challenges. "Wouldn't you rather have your family join a pride? It'd be safer and you wouldn't have to keep looking over your shoulder." He nodded. "I wouldn't leave my pride for the world. It's so nice!"

He gave a babbling little chirp and rolled a stone beneath a pad. "I suppose you do get lots of adventures though."

He perked up as Gumu seemed to take an interest in music and nodded cheerfully. "Yup, inspiration is the key to music. Without it, you can't sing or dance or even play a good rhythm on a drum. My brother and sister have their inspiration already but I don't." He sighed. "But I will find it eventually. I think...I think inspiration can be found anywhere! My brother found it in the wind but the wind does nothing to inspire me."

He twitched his tail thoughtfully. "One day, I'll have the inspiration and I'll be able to create music that's unique to me. Then I can be a true member of the pride and everyone will be proud of me." He nodded. "I think...I think in a way inspiration finds you, not the other way around. I think the problem is I've been looking too hard for it so it's shied away. So, I'm...I'm trying not to think about it too much so that it can creep up to me."

He giggled. "Do rogue warriors have music?"
[IC] Nchi'mahadhi Lands [IC]

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