Name: Aoitsuki
Gaia name: blue_wolf37
Age(in wolf years): 4
User Image
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Background: Aoitsuki, Yogen and Koden are demon wolves, who were revealed to Kira when she was dieing. She was a step away from death when the 3 appeared and protected her. As a pup, Aoitsuki knew nothing of her powers and when she discovered them, she could not control it. She has now grown stronger and controls them better, but when she is sad, they form without her say-so.
Demon or no (aka powers or not): Demon
Powers~ Aoitsuki can create shields.

Name: Yogen
Gaia name: blue_wolf37
Age(in wolf years): 5
User Image
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Background: Aoitsuki, Yogen and Koden are demon wolves, who were revealed to Kira when she was dieing. She was a step away from death when the 3 appeared and protected her. Yogen has incredible control over his powers and he is a creative, smart and knows much about their wolf ancestors.
Demon or no (aka powers or not): Demon
Powers~ Yogen can control wind and see's signs from the wolf ancestors.

Name: Koden
Gaia name: blue_wolf37
Age(in wolf years): 5
User Image
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Background: Aoitsuki, Yogen and Koden are demon wolves, who were revealed to Kira when she was dieing. She was a step away from death when the 3 appeared and protected her. Koden is a rude person at times, but he is strong and caring on the inside.
Demon or no (aka powers or not): Demon
Powers~ Koden can control fire and transport.

Name: Kira
Gaia name: blue_wolf37
Age(in wolf years): 4
User Image
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Background: Aoitsuki, Yogen and Koden are demon wolves, who were revealed to Kira when she was dieing. She was a step away from death when the 3 appeared and protected her. Kira is incredibly greatful and helps the 3 with anything they need. She loves her pack and protects them with her life.
Demon or no (aka powers or not): Not