Welcome to the home of Fuzzy-Gumdrop (formerly Lonewolf_Eyes) and her Soquili

Adahy's stats
Strength: 5
Courage: 5
Speed: 7
Intelligence: 7
Luck: 5

Arathorn's stats
Strength: 7
Courage: 4
Speed: 11
Intelligence: 5
Luck: 8

Mohana's stats
Strength: 7
Courage: 12
Speed: 6
Intelligence: 5
Luck: 10
Stamina: 9

Carlisle's stats
Strength: 17%
Courage: 16%
Speed: 16%
Intelligence: 22%
Luck: 22%

Ryuichi's stats
Strength: 18%
Courage: 14%
Speed: 14%
Intelligence: 18%
Luck: 19%
Stamina: 21%

Zamir's Stats
Strength: 17 %
Courage: 22 %
Speed: 17 %
Intelligence: 18 %
Luck: 17 %
Stamina: 15 %

Faer's Stats
Strength: 41 %
Courage: 34 %
Speed: 38 %
Intelligence: 42 %
Luck: 37 %
Stamina: 39 %

Iniabi's stats
Strength: 8%
Courage: 11%
Speed: 7%
Intelligence: 8%
Luck: 6%
Stamina: 9%

Badru's stats
Strength: 10%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 10%
Intelligence: 9%
Luck: 10%
Stamina: 4%

Nalani's stats
Strength: 12%
Courage: 12%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 8%
Luck: 9%
Stamina: 10%

Evangeline's stats
Strength: 8%
Courage: 6%
Speed: 5%
Intelligence: 4%
Luck: 11%
Stamina: 4%

Alora's Stats
Strength: 4%
Courage: 7%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 12%
Luck: 11%
Stamina: 4%

Marcello's Stats
Strength: 4%
Courage: 9%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 4%
Luck: 10%
Stamina: 4%

Deseronto the Dishonest's Stats
Strength: 4%
Courage: 6%
Speed: 6%
Intelligence: 6%
Luck: 10%
Stamina: 4%

Nekomata's Stats
Strength: 4%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 6%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 8%

Shadan's Stats
Strength: 9%
Courage: 7%
Speed: 10%
Intelligence: 9%
Luck: 11%
Stamina: 8%

Sinclair the Silent's Stats
Strength: 8%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 5%
Intelligence: 4%
Luck: 10%
Stamina: 9%

Marley's Stats
Strength: 65%
Courage: 69%
Speed: 72%
Intelligence: 66%
Luck: 66%
Stamina: 69%

Kerberos' Stats
Strength: 5%
Courage: 8%
Speed: 11%
Intelligence: 6%
Luck: 7%
Stamina: 11%

Serenity's Stats
Strength: 4%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 9%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 8%

Sparrow's Stats
Strength: 10%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 5%
Intelligence: 11%
Luck: 9%
Stamina: 6%

Kuval's Stats
Strength: 4%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 4%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 4%

Казимир | Kazimir's Stats
Strength: 4%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 4%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 4%

Padmavati's Stats
Strength: 4%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 4%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 4%

Saoirse's Stats
Strength: 4%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 4%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 4%

Aviana's Stats
Strength: 4%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 4%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 4%
The Teepee

They all live by the river