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Age: 24

Sex: Male

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 175 lbs

Build: Lean Muscled

Race: Human

Pets: None

Profession: Magic User

Bio: Jarrick grew up with and was raised by his mother, a lovely but frail woman. As soon as he was old enough he was working to help support them, as his father had died many years before, taken by illness. As he got older he started to gain an interest in magic, and found he had talent enough for it. Though with his mother in the state she was he was unable to go to a proper school to learn. Instead he taught himself as best as possible in his spare time, sneaking away anytime he was free to train in empty buildings or within open fields.

On his 20th birthday his mother, knowing he wished to get out and see the world, learn more of the magics it held, went to stay with her sister. After a long goodbye, both joyful and sad, Jarrick departed with naught but a few possessions with him to learn what the world was willing to teach.

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Spells - Level One: Magic User

    -Spark- “Neisti”
    Energy Shocks the target numb upon physical contact with caster.

    -Energy Burst- “Orka Springa”
    Burst of magic energy hits targets within a 5ft radius of caster. Hits friendly and non-friendly targets, with no way to select.

    -Chameleon- “Kameljón”
    Causes caster to blend in with surroundings, effective at a distance, not so at close ranges.

    -Demoralize- “Znemravnit”
    Sap the energy of your target.