Isi was out here again. Out again for one reason: Flirting. It was something she hadn't done in a while, but her daughters were old enough to handle themselves. She'd restrained herself before since they were still cubs, since they needed her to be around all the time. But now... by now they'd both completed their drum quests, they were, in her mind (and in theirs too,) grown up.

She'd left her drum back in her den, but still she had a shaker on her, just so that her walking could give her a song. She was in... a particular mood... The same one she'd been in with Ez. Though, she doubted that anyone would see her in the funk of hers today either. She'd been out for a few weeks on the borders... Every night. She wanted some random guy, she didn't care, the gods could send whoever, she'd flirt with it. It always just felt wrong to do with pridemembers, she'd see them again every day. However, strangers, passersby, they weren't awkward to flirt with at all.

She padded farther out, still just on the borders of the land, but she began to circle as she had the past few nights...

Right place, maybe wrong time. Or right time, depends on how you look at it.

The orange male was wandering. Just wandering. Unlike Isi, he wasn't looking for anything in.. particular. However, anything would be nice. Anything, at all. A bad encounter, a good one. He needed something to think of. Because he had nothing at all, or nothing he wanted to. He hardly remembered anything, really. A few snatches of memory from after he'd woken up by that lake, that lioness..

And nothing, his mind was blank. And truthfully, it sucked. With a sigh, the orange male flopped next to a tree, looking boredly at the sky. He didn't want to think about who he was. For now, he'd just hide, yes. That'd be good.

Isi caught movement out of the corner of her eye, she would have almost missed the orange lion if he'd laid down a little bit faster. She quickly jerked her head to the sight, it was a little orange with a brighter orange, but it was a ways off. She believed it to be male... After all, that did look like a mane. However, the grey and black female didn't want to get too hopeful until she got close enough to know for sure, but she'd gladly chat with the creature if it turned out to be female. She made a determined change in her course and redirected herself towards the stranger....

And the closer she got, the more she realized he was a male. A lion male. A broad smile spread on the lioness' muzzle, she couldn't have asked for anything better. At the very least, she'd get to flirt with someone tonight, though she could hope for... something more. Snuggling, at the very least. She missed the physical comfort a male had to offer. But that would have to wait, you can't just go snuggling strangers, after all.

"Hey there," Isithunzi said softly to the male when she got close enough. "Something wrong?" She asked, having seen the blank stare he had been giving to the sky. She sat down a respectable distance from him. He was handsome... "I'm Isithunzi," she introduced with a little bow.

The orange male blinked, turning his head once he heard a voice. Despite his current condition, he found himself.. happy, perhaps, that a female had shown up. Khajag was still there, in the back of his mind, and his subconsious was reacting all on its own for him. "Hello, " He said, smiling to the female and sitting up, twitching his tailtip. "Nothing is wrong. " Kind of wish it was. He felt too mcuh.. nothingness, it was creepy.

"I'm.. " he paused a bit. His name was.. what again? Khajag.. For some reason, he wasn't proud after that memory. However, it was all he had for now. "Khajag. Sorry, zoned out a bit there. " He said, inwardly surprising himself with how he was talking. "Pleasure to meet you. Fine name for a fine lady, I suppose? " At least he genuinely hought Isithunzi was a nice name. Though, any name right about now sounded good.

Isithunzi smiled at his words. "Well, I'm glad then. Not good to have something be wrong, right?" She asked with a smile. She scooted a bit closer, she'd given him a bit too much distance than was comfortable. Much better. "Nice to meet you too, Khajag. I like that name too, it sounds strong." Isithunzi said honestly. "So... whatcha doin' out here? Do you live nearby?" Isi asked with a head-tilt. That'd be interesting, and she'd wonder why she'd never seen or heard of him. Even before now, she was pretty familiar with the borders... He must not live around the area, but she never knew.

"Well, right now, " He said, furrowing his brows slightly in a mock-seriousness. "I'm meeting a pretty lady. " He grinned, though unsure of where exactly this was coming from. It wasn't so bad, really. Flirting, nice.

"But to answer your other question, no, I don't. I'm a rogue. " He was quite.. sure that was the right word, anyway. Prideless lion, yes.

Isithunzi rose to her paws at that with a purr, spurred on by his return flirting. Let the games begin. "I was a rogue once too, but I've found my pride. Still, that doesn't stop me from coming out to the borders every now and then." Her voice was slow, sultry, and her tail twitched slowly behind her. Something in her drove her, Isi's judgement was all gone, (though, by her judgement, there wasn't anything wrong with this, and it was the only way she'd live her life. She'd get sick of the same guy over and over again anyway...)

She slid over closer to him, and circled him once before sitting down beside him. "I miss being a rogue often, though. Pride life is nice, don't get me wrong, but it's so much more... lonely," she said, dragging out that last word. "I miss the good company the roguelands can provide," Isithunzi said, turning to look him directly in the eye with a rather suggestive look.

You'd think a guy with amnesia wouldn't catch the way she was acting. However, Khajag twitched his whiskers with interest. A small portion of his mind reminded him of Avani, but he quickly corrected himself. This time, she was making the moves on hm. Nothing wrong with that.

"Oh, really? Hmm.. I haven't had good company in a while, and I am a rogue, " He purred, not seeming to mind as she sat beside him, in fact, he leaned a bit closer as well. "You just gotta get lucky, really. "

"Yeah... lucky. Looks like you finally wandered to some good company, huh, Khajag?" Isithunzi asked, leaning in more until their shoulders touched. She moved her muzzle to his ear, "I've been waiting for a while for some decent company too," she whispered before pulling back just a bit, "Looks like both of us are lucky, aren't we?" Her voice was soft, the sun got to the point where it was just past dusk, though there was enough light to leave a little glow on the lands. "I'd say that the males in my pride make for good company, but... not in the way I'd hope ever. That's why I've been hoping to run into a strong rogue like you." She was so glad that this male wasn't freaking out like some do, none of that, "Oh, uh, that's great," responses, she appreciated a male who wanted to play along.

He smiled, feeling a comfort in the touch. It was good to be in a.. nic esituation, for once. "Yes, we are. " Was she thinking what he thought she was thinking? Most definately. And now he couldn't help but think it too. "I understand. Its not much fun, when you see the same face every day, hmm? " He purred quietly.

"So, want to go have some fun? i'm sure we could do more than just.. chat the night away. "

"No, not fun at all," Isithunzi said with a mock-pout that faded rather quickly. She couldn't keep on any variety of negative expressions right now. That urge that had been nagging at her would finally be tamed for a while again... And besides, it seemed like it would be fun, always was to her, anyway. The thought quickly entered her mind of her girls, but faded fast. She'd done her duty as a mother, they could both handle themselves, they proved it in their quests. She was free of obligations, she was free.

"And yeah, I'm definitely game for some fun. I'd be a bit... disappointed if we just chatted all night," Isithunzi said, her voice still soft, though now it carried a hint of melody in it. Typical for her, but it could seem a little different (though not unpleasant) to anyone outside her musical pride. She gave Khajag a lick on the cheek, then gave him a wink, an invitation.