The Dragon's Lair Guild Rules

First and foremost, all posts, topics, and general behavior must follow all the general rules as stipulated by the Terms of Service.


This guild was made in order to get away from spammers. Any posts that are seen as spam will be deleted and the user will get a warning.

For more information about what is considered spam please see the second post.

This is a small guild where there will not be very many topics. As such, bumping will not be allowed unless the topic falls off the first page. Bumping includes not only posts saying BUMP, but also posts that serve no other purpose to bring up the thread (such as emoticons, and random words that contain no meaning to the subject at hand).

Keep on Topic:
Please keep all posts related and on the topic of the thread. If you wish to discuss something that is not within that topic, you are welcome to make a new topic.

Abuse and Flaming:
This is a guild meant to be enjoyed by all and for members to have a good time. Abuse and flaming go against this ethic, and as such is against the rules.

NOTE: Any thread that has been inactive for a while (3-4 weeks) will be deleted from the guild... EXCEPT the helpful stickies.

All rule violations should be reported to any of the crew of this guild. We will take care of it as quickly as possible.