When posting in this area, keep in mind a few things.

  • All New Threads must follow the " Username/Style of Art/ Payment Type or Critique/Wip

    -This means that your thread's title would first have your username.

    -Then your style of art. Traditional or Digital is as broad as you can be, but feel free to be more specific.

    -The last area would be what would be the content of the thread, or how you'll take your payments.

    -You may make an thread with the following content:

    --- Freebies [no gold is exchanged; excludes tips]
    --- Art Trades [Art for art; no gold exchanged]
    --- Commissions [Art for gold. Please give an ROUGH estimate of your prices in the title]
    --- Auction [Please mirror your thread in the guild rather then place an direct link, your thread will be locked an removed if you do.]
    --- WIP/critique [ Post an WIP (Work In Progress) and ask for people's comments or help]
    --- General Help [Asking for help related to art]

    ----- You may slightly deviate from this by adding your own title after the format, as show in the third example.

    Examples of an properly titled thread,
    "Pheregames/Digital/Freebies & Art Trades"
    "Thom Sakimoto/Traditional/ Auction"
    " TDAChick/ Chibi Traditional/ WIP <-- Help please?"

    === All other threads will be moved to the proper sub-forum.

  • Do NOT post "Draw Me" thread in ANY form.

    This includes threads specifically asking for art. Don't tack on some random title and then ask to be draw.

  • Do NOT post threads specifically advertising your shop outside the guild. You may post an link to it though. All threads with "click for shop" type thread will be removed and the user will be warned and/or removed from the guild.

  • Do not excessively make threads for each piece of art you're working on. Feel free to ask help though.

  • Do not be an critic unless asked.

  • Do not steal art.

  • Do not steal art.

  • Do not steal art. Seriously.

  • If you do see art theft, please contact somebody in the guild crew, and report it [Here]

Art Guidelines

  • All submitted art MUST have your signature [user name, real name, or watermarked].

  • All types of art, digital and traditional are accepted.

  • All art must also follow Gaia's art rules.

  • Please keep your artwork an reasonable size. Do Not post wallpaper-sized images. If you do, please LINK them, and do not post the IMAGE.

  • Please read the quote about suggestive art content. Noraboo is an site Admin, you may read the orgial content, found in the R&C sticky by clicking [Here]

    Artistic nudity, images that may contain rear or frontal nudity, or unclothed but covered individuals, in non-sexualized or suggestive poses, is acceptable to be commissioned or used as samples. When posting content that contains artistic nudity, users must link to the image, rather than directly posting it, and the link should be accompanied by a note that says that the link contains artistic nudity, so that any users who do not wish to view such content may avoid it.

    Artistic nudity does not include hentai or other pornography.
    Think Venus de Milo, not La Blue Girl. If the image you want is highly suggestive, sexualized, or pornographic, you may not request it on Gaia.

    Users found to be requesting pornographic or explicitly sexual art will be warned Terms of Service violations. Please take this sticky as a preliminary warning, and adjust your request threads or contests if you are currently soliciting mature content.

    This applies equally to artists, who should not offer to do hentai or other sexually explicit material in their store or auction threads. Offering to provide these materials or posting or linking to sexually explicit or pornographic images will also result in a warning from the site.