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Reply [IC] Kizingo'zaa Lands [IC]
[PRP] Lovely Bunch of Pirates [END]

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 2:20 pm
A lopsided grin remained on her maw, even now, as she walked away from the cover of the trees. Sure, she had left Kisi with a slight pout on her little mug, but these little skirmishes always ended up making her laugh more than anything. After all, the little klipspringer had more or less agreed to going, she was just prolonging the inevitable to try and get a little more attention. She'd left her making a face against a log, and the simple thought of that face made her own grin even wider.

With a little yawn, she made her way down towards the beach, strolling along at a leisurely pace. She paused atop a dune to peer down at the cove that she and Panu had played in, where she had last seen him. Not seeing him at first glance, she gave a slight shrug and made her way down, thinking about maybe doing some fishing while she didn't have Kisi tagging along.

Panu had been sleeping. It was a common activity for him, done whenever life allowed him a few free minutes. Despite all appearances, this habit wasn't one born of laziness, but survival. It wasn't often that he was allowed uninterrupted sleep, and so a nap stolen every few hours had to be the replacement for a few straight hours.

It was this same habit that made him sleep lightly, and when Sewti ventured to close to his sleeping spot it woke him. The male stretched his pink marked paws out before him and dug trenches into the sand as he gave a great yawn. Shaking the mane that was beginning to come in about his shoulders, Panu stood up from behind the bushes that had been screening him. "Well goodmorning!" He chuckled at the fisher as she made her way down to the shore.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 12:18 pm
Sewti tensed lightly as she heard his words, but the only emotion on her face as she turned to look at him was amusement. A smile stretched wide across her maw, her tail flickering behind her, and a little laugh escaping her mug. "You making a job out of sneaking up on lions, hm?" Oh, she knew what he had been doing, she could see it on his face, but that didn't stop the tease. The was the second time she'd been surprised by not seeing him before he spoke to her.

She made her way slowly towards him, flopping down into a sitting position with a nod. "Good morning to you too, though," she muttered with that lopsided grin still in place. Her eyes drifted to the sky, then slowly towards the ocean. It was a beautiful morning, truthfully, and she didn't understand why Kisi was back in their little clearing sulking. Just as well, though, she liked alone time just as much as Panu seemed to like naps.

"Well, in my position you have to practice a lot.." He paused, "As you're well aware, I think." Panu grinned, indicating his fur colours and hers with an idle paw. Indeed, on a pigment basis alone they could have been related. His eyes, too, went to the sky and he laughed at himself, "Almost didn't make morning, though. Not that i'm disused to it. How'd the feed bag take your suggestion?"

"Oh, I completely understand," she said with a wicked grin, "like learning to hunt. Always at somewhat of a disadvantage to others." She smirked, glancing over his pelt, then slowly at her own paws. They certainly were of similar colors, although she did envy him of his markings. Her own had always made her feel somewhat out of place in her own fur, despite how pretty they seemed to be.

"Well, she put up a good fight, just like you'd expect. She huffed, cried, made a good show of it." She let a smirk cross her maw, turning her eyes away from the ocean and back to him instead, "but she finally agreed to go. She thinks it's a better idea than she's letting on, but she has a reputation to uphold and all. What would I think of her if she just went along with what I asked, eh?" She chuckled, shaking her head at the thought.

"Oh yes, what indeed? Why, you might actually start to think she's helpful." Panu replied with a serious nod and features. He was teasing, of course, but it wouldn't do to make that so very obvious. He cracked a smile a minute later, "She'll just have to get used to it. Who knows, it may surprise her."

"Oh, Kisi being helpful? I think the world might end, then. She makes sure to be show me the negatives in every situation and balances out every good thought I ever think. If she wasn't there, well, I might just be too happy all the time." She tried to be just as serious, though her smirk faded slightly to a grin and gave her away. She understood her little friend quite well and tolerated her, she was actually quite amused by most of her silly little complaints. She often was the voice of reason, and she'd saved her from doing a number of stupid things on impulse. "I think she'll be quite pleased to be somewhere she doesn't have to look over her shoulder all the time, somewhere she can relax. Sure, it's more lions, but they're friendly - she knows it. She just has to put up her little show first."

Panu shook his head with laughter. "Just wait until she meets my father. He's...." There was a slight pause as Panu warred with his guilt over the whole situation and the reality of it. "He's something like a child, most of the time. Not... underdeveloped, he just doesn't understand the real world very well. Everything is innocent and good, unless it proves itself to him that its not. Too trust worthy.. .... he likes to play. With everything."

She let out a peal of laughter, relaxing into a laying position with her grin widening by the moment. "Oh, but he does sound fun. She'll leap out of her skin if he tries to play with her, though, being that she's so small compared to lions and everything." She let out small giggles as she tried to imagine a big fluffy lion trying to play with her moody little friend, shutting her eyes as they continued to pour from her mug. "Oh, but your home does sound more and more appealing the more you talk about it."

Panu grinned slowly, "yeah... " His ears raised and mouth spread wider as she did seem to truly enjoy it. It was almost comical how it appeared to dawn on his face that his home really was appealing and that was a good thing. "they're all pretty silly sometimes... even mom, though she's a bit more level headed. my sisters are sweet.. and my brother..." He caughed, "Well i can't really call him that. He's a sister, really."

"Well, silly is a good thing sometimes," she said softly, thinking back to her own family with a flicker of her tail. Her parents had been rather serious, as had her brothers once they were all grown, but growing up it had all been fun. She missed that easy going life, the fun, the games. "Sisters?" she said with a little grin, turning her eyes back towards him, "I've never had a sister. Only a bunch of boring old brothers." Although, she did catch that last bit about his brother being a sister, but decided not to question it. She figured she'd find out soon enough and there was no sense in making the situation awkward.

"hey!" He laughed, "There's nothing wrong with brothers." Panu snorted, pretending to be offended.

She snorted and glanced sideways at him, narrowing her eyes slightly. She shifted her paw, spraying a bit of sand in his direction, then simply snorted at him. "You try being the only girl with a whole mob of them, and then we'll talk pretty boy."

"Pretty boy?!" He gaped with a bark of laughter. "i'll beg your pardon! I'm ALL man!" The boy puffed out his chest and proceeded to strut about the sand looking a fool. He stopped only to spray some sand back in her direction. "I was the only boy in a mob of girls."

She coughed slightly as the sand went her direction, but her grin never faltered. "Aye, that doesn't surprise me at all, being that you look so much like one." She smirked, pushing herself up to her feet, smirking at him with a little laugh on her mug.

"Oh she strikes me to the quick!" Panu put a paw dramatically to his brow and collapsed to the ground. "Such a tongue! What harm did I ever do to her! Oh the pain! The torture!"

She smirked and walked over him, peering down at him calmly. For a moment, she just watched, standing a touch away from him. Then, with a little grin, she let out an amused whisper, "if you die, can I have that necklace of yours?"

"Pirate." He glared at her, then laughed. "sure. If you kill me of cruelty you can take my necklace."

She snorted and shook her head, sitting down on the ground beside him with a thump, and huffing lightly at him. "Why does it have to be with cruelty? Why can't I be a happy pirate and kill you with kindness?"

"I don't know, you're the one being cruel," He teased and turned on his back a little. One paw raised to bat at her legs like a playful cub. It was almost reminiscent of his own father, but so unconscious a gesture that he didn't recognize it as such. "You're the pirate, though, I suppose its your decision how you kill me."

She wriggled her legs slightly as he batted at them, moving to kick back lightly at his paws with a little huff, as if she were irritated with him. "Give me a minute to think then, I'm not used to being a murderer." She made a face at him and sighed, as if it were all a huge inconvenience to be doing this at all.

He swatted his paws back at her, almost as if it were a very weak game of slap-paw. Panu stuck his tongue out. "I don't believe that, Pirate. Not for a minute.

She huffed at him, kicking her legs back at him with that same irritated little act, only half hearted in the least. "If I was a murderous pirate, you think I'd be traveling around with that silly little loud mouth? I don't think so. She'd probably be first on the list."

"But you wouldn't tell me that if you were a murderous pirate! You'd probably carry her around with you to make innocent creatures--like myself--less suspicious of your dastardly ways." Panu retorted with another slap to her paws. He grinned opening, and tail twitched in the sand.

She huffed again at his batting paws, though this time it did seem a touch more realistic. Reaching out with a bit of a playful growl, she kicked back with a touch more effort. "Maybe you're the one that's really the murderous pirate, and you're saying all this to confuse me and make me less suspecting of your ways, eh? Then I'd be the one with my guard down and completely unaware of your intentions."

"Well if you're a murderous pirate and i'm a murderous pirate, and the Feed Bag is our distraction, does that make us a band of brigands?"

She paused for a minute, eyes narrowing on her paws as she thought, and then nodded with a little chuckle and a smirk. "Aye, I suppose that does. A band of brigands we are! Though, I wonder if that means we have to start pillaging and calling everyone scallywags?"

"Hmm, that is a conundrum." Panu rubbed his chin with one paw, looking rather silly doing such a thing while on his back. "I suppose we could give it a try, and see how it fits."

She rolled over onto her back to mimic him, staring up at the clouds as she did so, stretched out on the sand. "What would we pillage though? There's nothing much around here, to be honest. I suppose we could always pretend, but that doesn't have the same affect, y'know?"

"Not always... " He paused, "We could steal the coconuts."

She paused, glanced up slowly towards the beach, a wry grin spreading over her mug. "Oh, yeah, we could. Horde them all for ourselves and hide them away. That'd make us right good pirates, wouldn't it?" She imagined she looked quite strange, laying on her back with her head tilted so far backwards and staring at the beach, but she had little mind for that.

"Yar! We'd have the best coconuts for miles! All lined up in a row!" .... Panu paused for a minute then grinned. He chucked, then burst out singing, "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts, dee-deedly-dee!"

Panu jumped up to his feet and began to trot off to find a coconut half buried in the sand, "Here they are a standing a row! big ones, small ones, some as big as your head!"

She blinked at him as he got up and trotted away, her expression one that could only be described as 'blank'. She watched him, mouth open slightly, and then narrowed her eyes. "What in the bloody hell are you singing?"

"Give 'em a twist, a flick of the wrist, that's what the show-man said," Panu stopped a second to grin at her as he pulled the coconut out of the sand. "Its a song! ~now that i've got a lovely bunch of coconuts everybody knows they'll make me rich. there stands me wife , the idol of me life, singing a rolly ball a penny a pitch!"



PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 12:20 pm
She pushed herself to her feet slowly, eyes narrowing at him, and gave her tail a hard flicker behind her. "Pirates don't go about singing silly songs like that. You've got to sing scurvy seadog songs!"

"Like.. songs about what you do as a pirate?" he asked.

She paused, flickered her tail again, and then finally nodded. "Yeah, songs about what you do as a pirate," she said finally, although she wouldn't have been able to tell him exactly what those songs were. She'd never really heard that many songs in her life, never really learned too many. He seemed to know quite a few, which put him at an advantage in this situation, but that was the way it went.

Panu sat down heavily as he thought. "Well.. we're pirates.. who steal coconuts.. but we don't really do many other piraty things." He tried to remember some of the things the lemurs had told him about humans and thier "pirates." They'd come from an island where human pirates had been promenant, after all, and had learned a great deal. There were some words that they'd used....

"We are the pirates who don't do anything! We just stay at home and lie around.. and if you ask us to do anything, we'll just tell you... we don't do anything!"

Panu grinned at Sewti. "Well i've never been to Greenland and i've never been to Ind'a and I've never buried treasure in Egypt or Iraq and I've never been to Athens and I've never been to It'ly and i've never been to Iceland in the fall."

For a moment, she simply watched him, staring at him as he sang, then collapsed where she had been sitting previously in a fit of giggles. She shut her eyes, putting a paw to her chest, her laughter pouring out of her mug at his song. "That is.." she said breathily, "a ridiculous song." But even as she said that, she kept laughing, eyes shut tight.  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 6:38 pm
Somehow the laughter didn't discourage Panu. In fact, it only seemed to convince him that this was an even better idea. "And I never hoise the mainstay and i never swab the poop deck, and i never veer to starboard 'cuz i never sail at all, and i've never walked the gang plank and i've never owned a parrot and i've never been to bangkok in the fall!!"

She pressed a paw to her belly as he kept on singing, flopping onto her side and rolling slightly, her laughter coming out quite a bit louder and uncontrolled. "No, shuddup" she breathed out between her peals of laughter, "shuddup Panu." She couldn't help but do much else, but the song was ridiculous and the fact that most of it made no sense to her didn't help.

Seizing the chance, panu pranced over to tickle her sides with his paws. "Cuz we're the pirates who don't do anything! We just stay at home and lie around! and if you ask us to do anything, we'll just tell you.. we don't do anything!!"

He jumped back and pressed a paw to his chest, puffing himself up to a 'regal' position. "Well I've NEVER plucked a parrot and i'm not to good at pouncing and i've never thrown my field mice up against a the wall, and i've never kissed a gopher and i've never gotten head lice and i've never been to bangkok in the fall!"

She squealed as he leaned down to tickle her side, her body convulsing and wiggling. She rocked from side to side, flailing her limbs about in an attempt to push him away, and only managed to open her eyes and clam down once he finished singing the silly song.

"No," she said breathily, "you're not.. singing that either." She shook herself and pushed herself up to her feet, tail flickering, concentrating on taking deep gulps of breath.

"I'm not?" He grinned, quickly thinking up a last verse, "AND I"VE never licked a light-bug and i've never sniffed a stink bug and i've never drawn daisies in a big old mud hole, and i've never bathed in quicksand and i don't look good in jeeewweeellryyyyyy~"

He paused, then pointed to her for the last line.

"And I've never been to bangkok in the fall," she muttered, not sing-songy in the slightest, but simply said as if she were irritated with him. She turned her back on him and started to head towards the shore.

"heyy.. what's the matter?" Panu blinked at the sudden change in attitude. He got up and headed after her.

She smirked and shook her head, turning to bat a bit of sand at him as he followed after her. "You and that ridiculous song is what is the matter," she said with a laugh, although she was slightly less happy than she had been previously. She turned towards the horizon, staring out at the ocean, pausing where she stood. He reminded her of her brothers, and while that was a good thing, she was all of a sudden reminded of how terribly she missed them all.

"Hey! that was a masterpiece, what are you talking about?"

She simply smirked and shook her head, tail flickering behind her, the tip dragging slightly in the sand. "Nothing at all, pretty boy, nothing at all."

"I am not pretty1"

She laughed at him, glancing sideways as he said that, staring at him from the corner of her eyes. "If you say so, pretty boy." She shrugged, and started to walk back down towards the beach again.

Panu rolled his eyes and made a huffing sound. He chuckled, though, and headed down the beach with her. He remained silent, though, for now.


[IC] Kizingo'zaa Lands [IC]

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