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MAY 2008

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collage of original art by Josephine Wall and others (unknown)

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April was an amazing month!!! We had our Guild Mule Makeover Contest - CONGRATULATIONS TO Miss_Rowen for having such a great sense of style. We know that MidnightLetter certainly appreciates it!!! We also started our combined Earth Day and Beltaine/Samhain celebrations. Congratulations to all of our contest winners:

Bump Contest Winner: Brandi West
Beltaine Tek-Tek Winner: Luna-Wiccan Princess
Party Puzzles Winner:Miss_Rowen
Earthday Tek-Tek: 3 WAY TIE eek ...Luna-Wiccan Princess, Indigo Star Child and x0Taste0the0Rainbow0x

Also a big THANK YOU to everyone who participated in both events.

We have a lot of great things going on this month as well. Be sure to check out all the new classes in the Academy!!!
Skadi-The-Elf...The Elements
Cariaith...The Stones
The 19th Lord of Salem...The Celts
Beatrice_McDumples...Protective Magic and Shields
Siren Stern...Goddesses
The 19th Lord of Salem...Totem Animals

Looks like some very interesting don't want to miss out!!!

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1: Beltane
1: Samhain (Southern Hemisphere)
5: New moon at 8:18 am
19: Full moon (Flower Moon)at 10:11 pm

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Dates: 20 April - 21 May
Element: Earth
Quality: Fixed
Symbol: The Bull
Nature: Feminine
Day: Friday
Metal: Copper
Gem: Emerald
Color: Mauve, Pale Blue, Green
Governs: Neck, Shoulders, Throat
Key Words: Practical, Sensual
Positive Influences: Calm, Reliable, Loyal, Affectionate, Sensuous, Ambitious, and Determined Character
Negative Influences: Laziness, Inflexibility, Jealousy, and Antipathy
Ruler: Venus (the earthy side of her nature)

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The Simple Facts:

arrow Beltane: Beltaine, Mayday, Bealtinne (Caledonii), Festival of Tana (Strega), Walburga (Teutonic)
arrow A celebration of the approach of summer, when the breezes are scented and the evenings getting warm, and the divine union of Lord and Lady!
arrow Celebrations include weaving a web of life around the Maypole and leaping the Beltane fire for luck
arrow Lilacs and hawthorn should be brought inside on this day, along with flowers of all kinds to represent the fertility of the earth.
arrow A festival of love, lust and fertility.
arrow This Sabbat celebrates life above all else.
arrow It is a festival of fertility to bring on the bountiful crops planted at the beginning of Spring.
arrow Pagans at this time used to ride broomsticks and jump into the air to show the crops how high to grow (hence the myth of Witches flying on broomsticks).
arrow The Maypole was also used during this celebration to symbolize the union of the God and Goddess with the weaving of ribbons together in mock sexual union.
arrow The Goddess enters the "Mother" phase at this time.
arrow Wiccan handfastings are common at this festival.
arrow This is a time of self-discovery, love, union and developing your potential for personal growth.
arrow The Sabbat of perfect unity!
arrow Beltaine is the time of new life! It is a time when baby animals are born. New plants grow shoots. Flowers bloom. Trees rebirth their leaves.
arrow It is a time when all things male and female unite to become one.
arrow Many like to celebrate Beltaine by decorating their homes and themselves with fresh flower garlands, or by stringing up greenery around their homes and places of work.
arrow Sending flowers to loved ones, planting new gardens, cleaning out the cupboards and general spring cleaning are all traditional Beltaine gestures.
arrow A lot of witches celebrate fertility at this time, focusing on the cauldron for their main spell ideas, the cauldron representing all that is feminine. Others prefer the older traditions of dancing around the May Pole, a far more masculine symbol of fertility.
arrow Favorite Beltaine past times include plaiting and weaving, and in general, anything where you join two substances to make a third.
arrow For the simple feast, which is a blessing of abundance, traditional foods were based on dairy, such as custard and ice cream, but anything representing the sweetness of life would be appropriate!
arrow A good Beltaine chant is "United are we in Perfect Harmony".
arrow Celebrate love and life!


Beltaine is one of the Greater Wiccan Sabbats and is usually celebrated on May 1st, but can be on the night of April 30th, depending on your tradition or - if you are solitary - simply your personal choice. In the Celtic tradition it is celebrated on May 1st or the first Full Moon in Taurus. The Scottish tradition of PectiWita celebrate their Sabbat on May 15th.

Other names used for this Sabbat are Bealtaine (Irish Wittan), Whitsun or Old Bhealltainn (Scottish PectiWita), Bealtinne (Caledonii or the Druids), Samhradh and La Baal Tinne (Faery Wicca), Roodmas, Rudemas (Mexican Craft), Walburga (Teutonic), Walpurgisnacht (German), Walpurgis Eve, Celtic Summer, Giamonios, Tana's Day - La Giornata di Tana (Aridian Strega), Floralia, The Great Rite, May Day, and May Eve. It is also known as Cetshamain in Ireland, and is one of the few specifically Irish festivals.

This Sabbat is primarily a fertility festival, with Nature enchantments and offerings to wildlings and Elementals. The return of full-blown fertility is now very evident. Celebrants sometimes jump over broomsticks or dance around May Poles, both as symbols of fertility. Bonfire leaping and horn blowing are other forms of traditional celebration. Weaving and plaiting are traditional arts at this time of year, for the joining together of two substances to form a third is in keeping with the spirit of Beltaine. This Sabbat represents the Union of the God and Goddess, the Sacred Marriage, all new life, and fertility for all living things. Most Wiccans consider this Sabbat to be the start of the Light Half of the Year - the Summer - as opposed to the Dark Half of the Year - Winter - which begins on Samhain. Most Wiccans view this as the half of the year which is ruled by the Goddess, while the dark half is ruled by the God. As I stated above - this is a fertility Sabbat - and traditionally is considered to be the time that the God and Goddess are wed. It is also considered to be the time that He impregnates Her as they are "sexually connected" on this day. This is represented symbolically by the wrapping of the May Pole.

In the olden days, the May Pole was made from a communal pine tree which had been decorated at Yule, with most of its branches removed at this time. A few of the uppermost branches could remain if desired. Traditionally, the ribbons attached around the top of the May Pole are red and white... this is to represent either one of these: the red as the Sun God and the white as the Virgin Goddess, or the white for the Maiden and the red for the Mother. The participants dance around the May Pole carrying the ribbons - the males holding the red and the females holding the white. As they dance, they weave and intertwine the ribbons to form a symbolic birth canal wrapped around the phallic pole, representing the union of the Goddess and God. Many Wiccans choose this time to perform their own Handfastings or Weddings. Another great choice would be the next Sabbat at the Summer Solstice.

Symbolically, many Pagans choose to represent Beltaine with fresh flowers. All of the following flowers are symbolic of Beltaine: roses, bluebells, marigolds, daisies, primroses and lilac. Mirrors are also appropriate. Altar decorations may also include a small May pole and/or a phallic-shaped candle (to represent fertility), and a daisy chain. Plaiting and weaving straw, creating things with wicker, making baskets and fabrics are traditional arts for this turn in the Wheel of the Year. Other symbols used to represent Beltaine are May baskets, crossroads, eggs, butter churns, and chalices.

Appropriate Deities for Beltaine include all Virgin-Mother Goddesses, all Young Father Gods, all Gods and Goddesses of the Hunt, of Love, and of Fertility. Some Beltaine Goddesses to mention by name here include Aphrodite, Arianrhod, Artemis, Astarte, Venus, Diana, Ariel, Var, Skadi, Shiela-na-gig, Cybele, Xochiquetzal, Freya, and Rhiannon. Beltane Gods include Apollo, Bacchus, Bel/Belanos, Cernunnos, Pan, Herne, Faunus, Cupid/Eros, Odin, Orion, Frey, Robin Goodfellow, Puck, and The Great Horned God.

One key action to keep in mind at this time, is to take action on the activities and projects you had planned and/or started on Ostara. Spell work to consider include those for fertility, love, spiritual communion/closeness with deity, safety, prosperity, and conservation. This being a time of great magick, is a good time for divinations of all types, and for establishing a woodland or garden shrine. The household guardians should be honored at this time.

Common Associations:

COLORS...primarily white and dark green, but also appropriate are all the colors of the rainbow spectrum itself.
STONES... to use include sapphires, bloodstones, emeralds, orange carnelians, and rose quartz.
ANIMALS...associted with Beltaine are goats, rabbits, and honey bees.
MYTHICAL BEINGS...include faeries, pegesus, satyrs, and giants.
PLANTS/HERBS...include primrose, yellow cowslip, hawthorn, roses, birch trees, rosemary, and lilac. Also included are almond, angelica, ash trees, bluebells, cinquefoil, daisies, frankincense, ivy, marigolds, satyrion root, and woodruff.
INCENSE...make a blend from any of the following scents or simply choose one - frankincense, lilac, passion flower, rose, or vanilla. tune with this day (linking your meals with the seasons is a fine way of attuning with Nature) traditionally come from the dairy. Sweets of all kinds, honey, and oats are fine fare for Beltaine. Additional foods to include are all red fruits such cherries and strawberries, green herbal salads, and red or pink wine punch. Oatmeal or barley cakes, sometimes known as "Beltaine Cakes", are also appropriate.

A May Day Carol

Awake, awake, my pretty prithy maid,
Come out of your drowsy dream,
And step into your dairy hold,
And fetch me a bowl of cream
If not a bowl of cream, my dear,
A cup of meade to cheer,
For the Lord and Lady know we shall meet again,
To go Maying another year.
A branch of May I brought you here,
While at your keep I stand,
'Tis but a sprout all budded out,
By the power of our Lady's hand.
My song is done and I must be gone,
No longer may I stay,
Gods bless you all, the great and small,
And send you a joyous May.

Flowers, Herbs, and the Faeries of May

Bluebell --- If bluebells ring in your garden, an evil faery is near.
Carnation --- The red ones draw faeries who enjoy healing animals.
Clover --- Wildly attractive to faery life.
Cowslip --- The best choice for attracting faeries to your yard.
Dandelion --- Believed to be used by faeries to make beverages.
Dill --- The fresh plant has a scent faeries dislike.
Foxglove* --- A favorite of earth elementals.
Hawthorne --- Sacred to faeries, as well as to May Queen.
Heliotrope* --- Enjoyed by fire elementals.
Gorse --- Repels virtually all faery life.
Hollyhock* --- A faery favorite, particularly the pink variety.
Lilac --- The gentle scent draws faery life.
Lobelia* --- Will help attract winged faeries.
Mistletoe* --- Can also attract unpleasant tree faeries.
Morning Glory* --- Repels unwanted night faeries
Mushrooms* --- Often used by faeries to mark the boundaries of their sacred circles or portals to their world.
Pansy --- Known to attract parades of trooping faeries.
Primrose --- Believed to give faeries their power of invisibility.
Rosemary --- The fresh plant protects from baneful faeries.
Sassafras --- Enjoyed by air elementals.
Shamrock --- A form of clover Celtic faeries adore.


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The Simple Facts

arrow Samhain: Shadowfest (Strega), Martinmas (Celtic/Scottish)
Samhain, popularly known as Halloween, is the Witches' New Year.
arrow This is the last of the three harvest Sabbats marking the end of the growing seasons. Celtic custom decreed that all crops must be gathered by sundown on April 31st.
arrow It is a time when the veil between the living and the dead is at its thinnest. Deceased ancestors and other friendly spirits are invited to join in Sabbat festivities and be reunited with loved ones.
arrow In Ireland it is still custom to leave candles in the windows and plates of food for the visiting spirits. Keep a fire lit or a candle burning all night to honor and welcome the dead.
arrow If clothes are left outside overnight, they will take on bewitching powers for all who wear them.
arrow Darkness increases and the Goddess reigns as the Crone, part of the three-in-one that also includes the Maiden and Mother.
arrow The God, the Dark Lord, passes into the underworld to become the seed of his own rebirth (which will occur again at Yule).
arrow Many Pagans prepare a Feast for the Dead on Samhain night, where they leave offerings of food and drink for the spirits.
arrow Divination is heightened this night.
arrow Jack-o-lanterns, gourds, cider, fall foliage can be used as altar decorations.

Samhain (pronounced SOW-in, SAH-vin, or SAM-hayne) is one of the Greater Wiccan Sabbats and is generally celebrated on October 31st, although some Traditions prefer the date of November 1st. The various names for this Sabbat are Samhain (Celtic), Shadowfest (Strega), Martinmas or Old Hallowmas (Scottish/Celtic), as well as Hallowe'en, Hallowmas, All Hallow's Eve, Halloween, Day of the Dead, Feast of Spirits, Third Harvest, Samonios, All Saint's Eve, Celtic New Year, Samhuinn, Celtic Winter, Samana, Festival of Pamona, Vigil of Saman, Vigil of Todos, and Santos. Though this Holiday is celebrated on October 31st, All Hallows Eve falls on November 7th, and Martinmas on November 11th.

The symbolism of this Sabbat is that of The Third (and final) Harvest, it marks the end of Summer, the beginning of Winter. It is a time marked by death when the Dead are honored - a time to celebrate and "study" the Dark Mysteries. "Samhain" means "End of Summer". Its historical origin is The Feast of the Dead in Celtic lands. It is believed that on this night, the veil Between the Worlds is at its thinnest point, making this an excellent time to communicate with the Other Side.

Symbols for representing this Sabbat may include Jack-O-Lanterns, Balefires, Masks, The Besom (Magickal Broom), The Cauldron, and the Waning Moon. Altar decorations might include small jack-o-lanterns, foods from the harvest, and photographs of your loved ones who have departed from this world.

Appropriate Deities for Samhain include ALL Crone Goddesses, and the Dying God or the "Dead" God. Samhain Goddesses include Hecate, Hel, Inanna, Macha, Mari, Psyche, Ishtar, Lilith, The Morrigu/Morrigan, Rhiannon, and Cerridwen. Key actions to keep in mind during this time in the Wheel of the Year include return, change, reflection, endings and beginnings, and honoring the Dead. Other meanings behind this Sabbat celebration include the Wisdom of the Crone, the Death of the God, and the Celebration of Reincarnation.

Samhain is considered by many Pagans, Wiccans, and Witches (especially those of Celtic heritage) to be the date of the Witches' New Year, representing one full turn of the Wheel of the Year. This is the time of year for getting rid of weaknesses. A common Ritual practice calls for each Wiccan to write down his/her weaknesses on a piece of paper or parchment and toss it into the Cauldron fire. Other activities might include Divination, Past-Life Recall, Spirit Contact, Meditation, Astral Projection ("Flying"), and the drying of Winter herbs. It is considered "taboo" by some to travel after dark, or to eat grapes or berries.

Spell work for protection and neutralizing harm are particularly warranted at this time of year, because Samhain is considered to be a good time to boost your confidence and security.

Many Witches use their own personal Besom, or Magickal Broom as a part of their rituals. Some Besoms are structurally different in shape from the flat ones sold today, being round on the end and having a smaller sweeping surface. They can, however, be fashioned flat or however you personally desire. These Magickal Brooms are commonly used for cleansing and purifying Sacred Space, but can be used for many other things... such as using one in place of a Wand, Athame, or finger to project your personal energy when casting your Circle.

Common Associations

COLORS...primarily orange and black, however, red, brown, and golden yellow are also appropriate. Altar candles should be black, orange, white, silver and/or gold.
STONES...include obsidian, onyx, and carnelian.
ANIMALS...associated with Samhain include bats, cats, and dogs.
MYTHICAL BEINGS...include the following - Phooka, Goblin, Medusa, Beansidhe, Fylgiar, Peryton, Erlkonig, and Harpies.
PLANTS/HERBS... mugwort, allspice, sage, gourds, catnip, and apple trees.
FOODS...include beets, turnips, squash, apples, corn, nuts, gingerbread, cider, pomegranates, mulled wines and pumpkin dishes. These are all appropriate as well as meat (especially pork) dishes (if you are a vegetarian you can use tofu).Some Wiccans leave a plate of food outside the home for the souls of the dead. Placement of a candle in a window and burying apples in the hard-packed Earth is believed to guide them on their journey to the lands of Eternal Summer.

According to Margie McArthur, in her book “WiccaCraft for Families”, the following dates are celebrated by many for the entire week preceding October 31st, called "All-Hallows Week": (dates for the southern hemisphere also included)

October 24th (April 24th)- Festival Prelude and Night of Seers - decorate and remember those who have seen the future.
October 25th (April 25th)- Night of Heroes and Martyrs - honoring members of families who died in war and peace, those who have died for their faith.
October 26th (April 26th)- Night of Artists - for remembering those who speak of the Old Ways through the arts.
October 27th (April 27th)- Night of Nurturers - those who keep the home fires burning, caring for those in need of care.
October 28th (April 28th)- Night of Remembrance of Family Pets, recalled and cherished.
October 29th (April 29th)- Night of Remembrance of Forgotten Ancestors, heritage, and origins.
October 30th (April 30th)- Night of the Recent Dead - trip to cemetery.
October 31st (May 1st) - Family Fire Festival


Halloween Pumpkin Muffins - by Gerina Dunwich

4 cups Flour
3 cups Sugar
1-3/4 teaspoons Baking Soda
1 teaspoon Salt
1/2 teaspoon Baking Powder
1 tablespoon Ground Cloves
1 tablespoon Cinnamon
1 tablespoon Nutmeg
1/2 tablespoon Ginger
1-1/2 cups Raisins
1/2 cup Walnuts (chopped)
4 Eggs
2-1/2 cups Mashed Cooked Pumpkin
1 cup Vegetable Oil
1 cup Water
In a large mixing bowl, combine the first eleven ingredients, and then make a "well" in the middle of the mixture. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs lightly and then add the pumpkin, vegetable oil, and water. Mix together well. Add the egg mixture to the dry ingredients and stir just until moistened. (Do not over stir!)
Spoon into paper-lined muffin pans, filling about two-thirds full. Bake for 20 minutes in a preheated 375-degree oven and then immediately remove the muffins from the pans to prevent them from scorching and drying out. (This recipe yields about 3 1/2 dozen muffins.)
(The above "Halloween Pumpkin Muffins" recipe is from "The Wicca Spellbook: A Witch's Collection of Wiccan Spells, Potions and Recipes" by Gerina Dunwich, page 171, Citadel Press, Carol Publishing Group Edition, 1995.)

Samhain Oil - Put in soap or anoint candles

3 drops cedarwood
3 drops clove
3 drops frankincense
3 drops patchouli
3 drops rosemary
Add a piece of dried marigold and three dried pumpkin seeds with obsidian, amber, and ruby crystals. This is a light and dark oil that captures all the mystery and ambience of this special night of meditation.


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A Sacred Circle Necklace is a beaded necklace which holds special beads to represent three different aspects of paganism: The Lunar Cycle, The Wheel of the Year, and the Five Elements. The beads which represent these aspects are chosen by the creator of the necklace. More than one necklace can be made with different beads for different representations. I have about 13 necklaces in all. Here is what you need and how to space the beads:


13 beads to represent 13 moons - can be 13 of the same, or 13 different beads.

8 beads to represent 8 spokes of the Wheel of the Year - Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltaine, Litha, Lammas, can choose 8 of the same color, or a different color/bead for each Sabbat.

4 beads to represent the 4 elements - Spirit is the Fifth Element and is represented by you when you are wearing the necklace...again can be 4 of the same color, or a different color/bead for each element.

spacer beads - to go in between the larger seed beads...usually 7-10 in a row between segments. These will be the basic color of your necklace - choose whatever appeals to you!

wire, string, ribbon, etc...for stringing your beads on - (necklace kits can be found cheap at Wal-Mart!)


Direction Bead, Spacers, Moon Bead, Spacers, Sabbat Bead, Spacers, Moon Bead, Spacers, Sabbat Bead, Spacers, Moon Bead. Repeat this cycle three more times and end with the 13th moon which will rest by the 1st moon (with spacers in between).

Now, you can vary this and get as creative as you like. In some of my necklaces I let a sequence of beads represent the Sabbats or the Elements or the Moons. For example, in stead of just 0 representing a Sabbat, I might use three beads in a sequence to represent the Sabbat like this: o0o . I would use that sequence eight times around. If you want, you can also add 2 beads to represent the Lord and Lady. This is your necklace, so whatever you feel called to do is what will be right for you.



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World Peace Experiment - Become a Catalyst for Peace:
Join the World Peace Experiment

We are seeking 80,000 people who are willing to be part of an experiment to see if we can shift the world's perception of "good and evil" to a perception of love. It won't cost you any money and will take only seconds a day. We believe we are all one mind and that if enough people (critical mass) could shift their own personal perception—change their minds—about the existence of evil, then the whole planet could shift into a perception of love. We also believe that world peace begins with each individual achieving a state of peace within themselves. We can begin to do that for ourselves by becoming aware of the "negative" influences in our lives and choosing consciously to eliminate or shift those influences. What we propose is a two-step process as follows:

STEP 1: Whenever you perceive that a negative event is occurring say the words "ONLY LOVE PREVAILS". This phrase sends "positive" energy to the perceived negative event as you stand as an observer in non-judgment. It will also help shift the perception that for good to exist, evil must also exist (polarity theory). As your perception shifts, you will perceive less and less negativity. This process therefore acts as a barometer to measure your own sense of inner peace. The less negativity you perceive, the less you will find yourself needing to affirm "ONLY LOVE PREVAILS".

STEP 2: Become aware that the news media has a profound impact on your perception. Do whatever you need to do to protect yourself from exposure to "negative" or fear-based stories in the media. This might mean giving up watching or listening to newscasts or reading newspapers, or it might mean that you filter your exposure to the news media and become very selective about what you do read or watch or listen to. Just bringing your awareness to the negativity that permeates the news media will help shift your consciousness. The media feeds us with negative reports of world events and therefore we personally get pulled into the negative energy. Very seldom does the media report "positive news" events. If we only had the media as our benchmark of what was happening on our planet, it would be easy to believe that only evil exists. The truth is, the reports of so-called negative occurrences that permeate newscasts are in most cases isolated incidences. Most of what happens on this planet falls into the "good" news area, but positive news is rarely reported because it doesn't sell newspapers. We have become conditioned to want to hear about the horror stories that the media has become so good at reporting. Many of us have become addicted to it. We feel that if enough people (critical mass) stopped exposing themselves to the "negative energy" generated by the news media and repeated "ONLY LOVE PREVAILS" whenever exposed to a report of an incident that appeared to be negative that we could shift the consciousness of the planet to a perception that ONLY LOVE PREVAILS. This would be a giant step toward achieving a state of peace.

If you would like to participate in this experiment, we would love to hear from you. You can contact us in one of two ways:

• Fill out the online form at
• Send us a postcard with your name, city, state and country to: World Peace Experiment PO Box 6722, Concord, CA 94521

In order for us to know when we reach our goal of 80,000, we are keeping track of number of people who are participating, as well as the demographics (how many in each country). We invite you to share this idea with your friends and acquaintances— with anyone and everyone. You can make a difference! You can be a catalyst for world peace!! This experiment began in December 1997. For the most current participant numbers, see our participants page. We encourage you to join in this world changing experiment and to tell your friends. Together we will create a world of peace where ONLY LOVE PREVAILS.

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Well it should be a great month! We're looking forward to seeing everyone hanging around. If you are looking for a great way to earn some extra gold be sure to check out the Guild Lotto - there is a new winner every month!!! I also encourage everyone (if you haven't already) to really explore the subforums - there are a lot of things going on that you might miss out on if you never move off of the main page blaugh - not to mention we'd love to see you there!!! Also if you have any articles, art, poetry, trivia, or anything at all that you would like to submit for the next newsletter please feel free to PM it to MidnightLetter. If we use your submissions in the newsletter you will receive payment for your work - amounts will depend on type of work submitted.

One last note: Some of you may have noticed that the guild has a new owner - me!! HiddenBeliefs turned the guild over to me at the end of April, and I want to thank her for everything that she has done and hope that she will continue to come in and hang out with us!

Well...take care and have a blessed May!