This is the place for people to state problems they might be having with love, life, & the mysteries of the universe. Just post a thread stating a problem that you'd like advice on, & others will be able to give you their opinion on the situation. Or if you want to help some one, you can start a "Ask {Insert name here}" thread, where others can come to you personally for advice on any topic.

Things I wouldn't like to see here:
One thing that I see commonly in places where people are asking for advice on things they are insecure about is insults or negative suggestions. I'll give an example:

NiceGirl124: I'm having problems with my boyfriend. Is it because I'm ugly?
BigJerkFace: Yes. You're ugly, you should kill yourself & just die.

I see this sort of thing all the time on advice threads, particularly dealing with people of a specific sexual orientation (in other words, gays). If I see it here, you will be banned from the guild. No questions asked, no negotiations. This includes racial slurs & other flames. This should be an obvious one, considering that it's in the TOS, but some still don't get it.

As usual, the the same rules apply here as in the main forum.