if you are i might be starting a new series on youtube, as some of you know i have been using nunchaku for a very long time and recently got into freestyle and combat techniques. well i started teaching a friend of mine how to use nunchaku and he started teaching me how to use a katana. (hes a samurai, go figure XD )
anyway my judgement on these things is very flawed so i was wondering how many of my friends here on myspace might like to learn from me, i am really good and i will start off slow with what techniques i started off with. i dont have a full plan worked out but every week i would teach a new technique and every 2 weeks i would show a technique i am currently learning/mastering so that not only beginners can use my videos as references.

the series will be called: sethzack's nunchaku training

now before i confirm anything or start filming i would like suggestions, on anything really. the video, the audio/music, anything i talked about before. just give me an idea of what you would like. message me or reply to this directly, thank you smile

p.s. you dont have to be my myspace friend to reply, i would like all the input i can get.

everything above is taken directly from a myspace bulletin i just posted but im branching out, post here or send me a message and tell me what you think please mrgreen ninja

p.s. if your interested in seeing some of my other youtube videos you can go to my channel: