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Age: 19

Sex: Male

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 152 lbs

Build: Mesomorphic

Race: Dark Elf

Pets: None

Profession: Melee

Bio: Kepel was the child of a respected family in Bel. His mother, a merchant of valuable wares, was killed in a raid while traveling back home across the Ajuki desert when Kepel was 6 years old. Ravaged by sorrow, his father, Mijek, turned to his son. Mijek, a member of the Dragoon order of Bel, held Kepel as his pride and joy since birth, and with the death of his wife, held him even closer up until 2 years ago. In order to keep a closer watch on Kepel in a more desperate attempt to protect him, Mijek began to pressure Kepel to become a dragoon by his side.

By nature, Kepel is very rebellious and quick to anger. One day, shortly after Kepel's 17th birthday, Mijek made clear his plan to enroll Kepel into the order, whether he wanted to join or not. Enraged, Kepel yelled that he had no right to dictate his path, and that Kepel would make his own way in the world. A fight between the two broke out eventually, and, while Kepel is very effective at combat, he couldn't hope to stand up to a seasoned dragoon. During the fight, Mijek wounded Kepel's right eye, taking the eyeball clean out. The healers did their best to help him, but while they stopped the bleeding and saved his life, they could not save his eye. After spending three days in the healing ward, Kepel swore he would make Mijek pay.

Upon Kepel's release back to home, Mijek threw him to the ground and forced him to sign the forms that would indoctrinate him into the dragoon order. Overpowered, he had little choice but to sign.

Kepel's patience snapped that day, and in the dark of night, while his father slept, he used the signed dragoon forms as tinder to burn his father's ceremonial robes, defaced the Holy symbol on his shield, stole his father's sword and horse and left Bel in a fury, not before removing Mijek's coin purse, though. Travel would likely be costly for one who has never before left the safety of the city. Upon waking to find his son missing and his honor in ruins, Mijek renounced ever having a son in a pique of anger. Kepel doesn't know this, nor would he care much if he ever learned.

Kepel made plans to begin traveling the world to find his place in it, and it was then that he decided to follow the darker path that rivaled the path of his father, that of the Death Knight.

In a social atmosphere, Kepel is very arrogant and condescending. He keeps to himself most of the time, and will work with others only if he feels it is necessary, or, while rare, finds their companionship to his liking. If he can help it, he will avoid other dark elves so as not to risk running into a part of his past, a subject he dislikes talking about. Because few people know anything about him, he seems to have an aura of mystery clinging to him. His long-term goal is to, in time, when he has enough power to do so, return to Bel, undermine his father's workings, and ultimately remove him. He will stop at nothing to achieve this goal, employ and betray anyone, if needed. His father's justice first, allegiances second.

Additional References:

-Descriptive Stats-

    Hair Color/ Style:Dirty blonde
    Eye Color: Orange
    Skin Color: Dark grey
    Clothing: Green Tunic, Light grey pants, green cloth band on his right arm, and an eye patch over his right eye.
    Weapons: Battle Axe, Mace
    Jewelry: Single black earring on his lower left ear, with three black studs along the top.
    Markings: None.

    Possessions: Mijek's stolen sword.

    Master: None yet.
    Friends: None yet.
    Acquaintances: None yet.

Abilities/Spells - Level One: Melee

    Weapon Specialty: Mace
    Choose one or two of the weapon types to gain the basic knowledge of how to use them. Each weapon type counts as one ability.
    Skull Bash (Must have mace specialty)- “Koponya Erős ütés”
    Technique that has enough force to crush a Troll’s skull.