Welcome to our Guild's roleplaying forum! This is where you post your roleplaying threads and OOC threads for discussions. You can also put up an idea to recruit roleplayers here. ^_^

First, the rules:
1. Follow the ordinary Gaia ToS, of course.
2. No godmoding, powerplaying and such. More info in the Barton OOC, it maybe on wikipedia.
3. The one creating the roleplay are the one deciding what special rules will apply to that certain thread. As long as it doesn't break these basic rules.
4. Don't use chatspeak in the roleplay. Use "...." for speak, and italics for thoughts. No *...* or such for actions. These won't be followed slavish, but it would be great if we can have some common ground to stand on when it comes to roleplaying. I know some might prefer roleplaying in first person (I) but I believe it will be much easier if you play in third person (he/she/it). And the posts should be written in novel form.

Since I'm not fond of long lists of rules, I will add no more until I deem it neccessary to do so!

How to post a roleplaying thread:
I would like if you created one IC (In Character) thread and one OOC (Out Of Character) thread, so you can keep the OOC talk and the ideas that comes when playing in one thread, and the actual roleplay in the other. That way, it will be much easier to keep track of what's happening.
The IC thread can look very different from each other, but preferably you post a short summary of the plot in the first post and, if you like, post who will be participating before starting off.
The OOC thread should present your idea, and it should make clear if you need help to complete your storyline or not. You should be able to post character bios here too.
Both should have the same name, and it might look something like this:
"A New Beginning" (IC)
"A New Beginning" (OOC)
Simple, right?

And that was all for now. Keep an eye on this thread in case it would be updated! Have fun~! ^__^