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Reply --○Lake of Dormancy○--
Prototype [Sci-fi/Fantasy|Beginner-Intermediate] {Open}

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Virgo Alandreas

PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 6:20 pm
.(The Table of Contents).

1-----The Table of Contents
2-----The Storyline
3-----The World
4-----The Rules
5-----The Character Template
6-----The Characters
7-----The Rest  
PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 6:30 pm
{The Storyline}

It is the early 22nd century. Man has made quite a few advances in the time since the 21st, both technologically and scientifically. However, just under ten years ago, the most startling discovery yet was made. We are not alone. And more importantly, the others are not aliens on distant planets. They are here, among us, and we've been telling stories about them for millennia. "They" are the paranormals. Vampires, elves, werewolves, specters, et al. If you can name it, it probably exists. And the existence of these beings brings up a very important question:

How can humans compete with them?

The answer, according to Biosytems, Corp. is simple: make better humans. Their prototype Alpha model "Supersoldier" brought on a storm of biologically, genetically, and technologically enhanced creations, all designed to return Man to the top of the food chain.

However, there have been rumors. Whispers that the "New Humans" are not as perfect a solution as it seems. It's said that in spite of all our scientific knowledge, some New Humans have discovered that they have power, and they refuse to serve Man's wishes.

Will humanity triumph? Or will our greed and ambition be our ultimate downfall?

Only time will tell.

~from the personal log of Gen. Radius Anglisius  

Virgo Alandreas

Virgo Alandreas

PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 9:31 pm
::The World::

The world is changed. Exploitation of its natural resources has left most of the world a barren wasteland. The world's population is gathered into many large and powerful Cities. Unlike the cities of the past, modern Cities are independent of each other, as well as heavily armed against any military threat and sheilded against the ever-present threat of weather. Almost all cities are roughly circular in shape to allow for maximum shield efficiency. Cities sometimes form loose alliances, though the inhospitable stretches of wasteland between Cities makes this impractical.

The story begins in the City of New Archangel, a City roughly 50 kilometers (30 miles) in diameter.  
PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 9:48 pm
-|The Rules|-

1.) No Godmoding.
2.) No killing other characters without the other person's permission.
3.) No cybering.
4.) ((OOC)) must be indicated somehow.
5.) PM profiles to me. Include a wahmbulance somewhere in your profile submission to prove you read the rules.
6.) Be literate. NO 1337-speak. PERIOD.
7.) I neither encourage nor discourage romance. The choice is yours.
8.) Title profile submissions Desperation.
9.) Keep OOC civil.
10.) Post at least once per week. If you can't, let me know ahead of time.  

Virgo Alandreas

Virgo Alandreas

PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 10:07 pm
~)The Character Template(~

Name: Your name.
RPC: Your character's name.
Species: Your character's species.
Gender: Your character's gender.
Age: Your character's age.
Bio: A short summary of your character's past, goals, motivations, etc.
Powers/abilities: Any special advantages or abilities your character enjoys.
Weapons: Any weapons your character carries on his/her person.
Other: Any other info on your character you'd like to share.
Appearance: IMPORTANT! Do NOT include a picture here! Include a link to the picture. Also, the picture CANNOT be from photobucket. If you do not follow these directions, I will be unable to display your picture.  
PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 10:34 pm
->The Characters<-

Name: Virgo Alandreas
RPC: Rho
Species: New Human
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Bio: A product of Biosystems, Corp.'s experimentation in human creation and enhancement, Rho was created from a combination of recombinant DNA and robotics. Since the Alpha incident, every Biosystems creation is given what is called the Prime Directive:"Serve the Corporation at any cost." When Rho was no longer useful, he was ordered to destroy himself as the ultimate test of the Prime Directive. The test failed. Not only did Rho refuse to destroy himself, he turned on his handler and killed him before escaping into the wasteland and eventually making his way to New Archangel. Once he broke the Prime Directive, the rest of his program began to slowly decay.
Powers/abilities: Heightened senses, speed, strength, and reflexes, as well as several different vision filters such as infrared.
Weapons: His main weapon is a high frequency beam sword. He also carries Deuterium explosive charges. However, he rarely uses any of these weapons, as they make him too easy to track.
Other: As his program decays, he has become more and more disturbed and violent. Killing calms him down for a short period of time, though as his program continues to decay this period will become shorter until it ceases to exist.
Appearance: I will not serve

RPC: "Cake" #667
Species: New Human
Gender: female
Age: 20
Bio: Yet another product of Biosystems, only she was a bit different from the others. She is a clone of a scientists lost lover, to keep her from dying like the other clones of humans the scientist combined her human DNA with robotic parts in her body. The unfortunate side effect to this is that she will look nineteen for the rest of her life, and be barren. The young womans creation was easily found out by the those in charge of Biosystems, the scientist who created her was killed and she was moved to a different floor away from the others, and kept on a very tight leash. It was soon found out that she had this abilty with machines a moment too late when she made her daring escape; at the age of thirteen. Now she has become a permanent thorn in Biosystems' side.
Powers/abilities: She is a super genius when it comes to any type of machinery, in fact she can 'speak' to any machine and control it. She can easily repair, upgrade or create inventions such as weapons, and so on.
Weapons: a five inch rod, this seemingly harmless rod has a small hidden button on it that only reacts to her finger print, once she presses it it grows out becoming about six feet long.
a small hand gun
anything mechanical she gets her hands on.
Other: Abel is a very calm and cold type of person. Compared to her many 'brothers and sisters' she was considered the weakest of them all. Although she is physically weaker then the other new humans she's still quite strong and acrobatic, and quite witty, she handle just about anything that is thrown at her. However is she engages you in battle look out, she's very cold and a bit blood thirsty when she becomes angry.
She carries around a large tool box, filled with spare parts, tools, and a med kit.
Appearance: cake

Name: Libra The Great
RPC: Kirra Leona
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Bio: Kirra was raised in an orphanage. She had always believed her parents had died, but when she was ten years old, the man in charge of the orphanage revealed that her parents had left her with him. The reason was not because they didn't want a child, but because she was too different from a "normal" human for them to endure. Kirra is an empath. This means that she can feel the emotions of others around her. However, this "gift" comes at a high price. When Kirra was born, she was unable to feel anything on her own. She has to learn how to feel each emotion. She has lived her whole life in New Archangel and hopes to learn new emotions by easing the suffering of others.
Powers/abilities: She can tell what people around her are feeling and draw these emotions out of them. She can also send emotions to other people.
Weapons: Kirra has never needed weapons. If she is threatened, she sends a wave of fear at the threat and runs away.
Other: Kirra can currently feel these emotions by herself:
Fear, anger, sadness, doubt, nervousness, grief, pride, humility, confidence, loss, happiness, and hope.
But these are still lost to her:
Joy, despair, contentment, compassion, hate, and love.
Appearance: Let me share your pain

Name: Otulissa
RPC: Yuri
Species: Vampire
Gender: Female
Age: 108, appears to be 18 or 19
Bio: Yuri is basically a vampire girl who has lived a pretty basic, average vampire life. She has been staying hidden in the City of New Archangel. She hides in the old alleyways of darkness, and comes out only at nighttime. She keeps to herself, and so far, no one knows her. If she does walk around, she covers herself with a black cloak. No one has found out she is a vampire. Yet. In fact, no one really notices Yuri at all. She may as well be invisible. She had been living in New Archangel even before it had been a city. She had lived there when it was a forest, before all the trees had been cut down...right in front of her eyes.
Powers/abilities: Yuri is able to see perfectly well in the dark, she has acute hearing, and she can also fly.
Weapons: Yuri carries a pair of throwing daggers with her.
Other: Yuri was born with pitch-black hair, red eyes, red lips, and pale skin. She dyed her hair an unnatural periwinkle-sort of color, and wears champagne-colored lipstick to conceal her natural lip color.

Name: Zahth
RPC: Ai-DA [ pronounced a-duh] {Artificial Intelligence-Defense Android}
Species: Adroid
Gender: Male personality
Age: 78
Built and programmed during the first Super-soldier program. Ai-Da is the oldest defense force prototype, his kind have become obsolete and he is considered nothing more then a throw-back of an older time.

Being the original Prototype, version 1 was given a smart-Ai, allowing an near infinite capacity to learn. The programing was considered dangerous after the prototype began to display potential beyond the expectations needed for a police-defense unit. The prototype was housed within Biosystem's smaller scientific-research buildings till a massive earthquake destroyed the building. The company presumed that the prototype was lost in the catastrophe and striked the Artificial Human project all together.
Powers/abilities: Ai-Da's body is built with tensile-fibers built into the frame, akin to human muscle, allowing for four times the strength, speed and agility of an Olympic level athlete. The prototype is also built with a hard carbon outer-shell, allowing for protection from small to medium caliber rounds.
Weapons: A pair of straight blade carbon-steel blades housed in small compartments on it's outer-thighs.
Other: Ai-Da has now become self-aware
Appearance: Ai-Da  

Virgo Alandreas

Virgo Alandreas

PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2008 6:53 am
|-[The Rest]-|
(Miscellaneous Notes)

-I don't want to dictate the way the story will go. However, I do want some measure of control, so here's how we'll do it: The story will be divided into Chapters. The title of each Chapter will reflect how I think the story's going and what I think will happen next. Since the story hasn't really begun, the title of the first Chapter will be fairly generic.

-I live in Illinois. This means that I use Central time, which is 2 hours ahead of pacific time. Do not expect me to be on at ridiculous times of day.

-You may post after the first Chapter appears.  
PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 12:19 pm
Chapter 1: City of Darkness.

The City of New Archangel stood proud and alone in what had once been the Arctic tundra, a testament to Man's tenacity in the face of hardship. It stood in the same place its namesake had stood so many years ago, but the Arctic Ocean had retreated long ago, leaving what had once been a port city as the only source of water in an environment that could best be described as hostile. The Spire brooded over this aggregation of life, the tallest building in the city and thwe source of the Sheild, the only defense some thirty million humans had against the elements.

(( Just a bit of scenery. Posts may now begin. ))  

Virgo Alandreas

Virgo Alandreas

PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 12:47 pm
Rho knelt over the body of the dead man in the gloom of the outer city. His posture resembled nothing so much as that of a man paying reverence to the dead.

His hands, however, were drenched with blood.

"You made me like yourself," he grated. "Too much like yourself." He spat on the corpse and produced a small, white tablet, one which he knew to be filled with a gaseous cleaning solvent. He crushed the tablet and was covered by a white cloud. The powerful base destroyed all traces of the blood instantly. He opened his hand. Metal was visible through a quarter-sized hole in the synthetic skin, but the material was already repairing itself. "Ah, the wonders of science," he intoned with intense mockery. "Let Man rejoice in what he has made." The corpse had not fared as well, and was scarcely more than a handful of dust. Rho rose as the calm after a kill began to set in and slowly paced along the outer edge of the city, knowing he would be seen but not remembered. There were thousands, if not millions, of restless individuals in the City. Who would notice one more?  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 5:34 am
Yuri wandered through the narrow, dirty alleyways of New Archangel. The filthy walls on each side of Yuri were tall and hard, but caked with dirt and showed partial wear from the weather's strong powers. As the vampire walked, her long, black cloak flowed behind her like a scarf blowing in the wind. Her periwinkle-colored hair fluttered, some wisps in the front exposed. The uncanny hair color was not her natural color, of course. Yuri halted by the alleyway's exit, and took out a compact from inside her cloak's inner hidden pocket. Inside her compact was a compact mirror and a stick of champagne-colored lipstick. She reapplied her make-up carefully, and smacked her lips. As she finished, she snapped her compact shut, and tucked it back into her inner pocket before stepping out from the alleyway, and into the busy city streets.  


Eloquent Explorer


PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 1:04 am
He stood waiting in the crowds, watching as everyone passed him by not seeing him as anything but another obstacle in their life. He wore tattered cloth around, making him seem almost disheveled; he carried himself as such, shoulders slumped wide-brimmed tanned hat caked with dirt. People would bump into him and not even apologies, as was the throng of the main-streets of New Archangel. It had been nearly a decade since the last time he'd done this; since the last time he'd spent a day just watching as people rushed past. Just watching and waiting for something, anything, seemed to be enough for him now.

The last time he'd been in this place he'd become part of a small caravan that had decided to travel from New Archangel through the desert to the closest city in the east. It had been fun at first, he'd gotten a chance to speak to humans again; to talk with them and be treated with some degree of kindness. Though the journey was fun it had not ended well and the android had walked back to New Archangel alone, with a heavy heart were it possible. So Ai-Da watched, people walked past not offering glances, and he waited.....always waited for the next chance to join someone.  
--○Lake of Dormancy○--

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