Calisto and the other cops file into the cell. "Looks like we have to walk ya by yourself. The judge says it too dangerous to let you go out together." A cop each takes a gaiaholic and leads them out of the police station for a little walk. [Zigaroma] and his cop are walking though a wood area around the back when he spots a lone glass of untouched Guinness. "Ahh well if noone wants it, I dont mind if I do" The cop seems to of wandered off some where, CRACK [Zigaroma] slumps over. "Ahhh shite, oh well it was worth it." The rest of the gaiaholics and cops run into the woods. Calisto is as always is first on the scene "Ahhh what a waste" She picks up the half drunk Guinness and drinks it down. "Much better.... Alright get this body out of here"