
Gaia name:

Age(in wolf years):

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(Shows everything.)
Her human form shall be described when she shifts into that form. Which would be more rare than her wolf form than not. So I shall not put a picture of her up here. Besides, can't find a good one.


She has no sexuality. She loves who she loves and she'll flirt/mate with who she's attracted to.

Annuhuie has come far into this world despite her years, and understand more than a wolf nor human should know. She has strong empathy towards the world, and in return holds a strong bond with the planet's elements, as if she were a part of the Earth's soil herself. Her mother was that of a human, while her father a wolf who understood races more than he should like to. Annuhuie's mother was from the far reaches of Romania, coming to visit the Americas, and as she ventured adventurously, she founded wolves, unlike the ones in her own country. She watched Annuhuie's father's pack with excitement, and when the wolves just ignored her, seeing no harm, Annuihe's father had not. He watched her, observed her, and always came over to give her a tiny scrap of some sort of meal. Of course she didn't eat it, but she saw the signifigance behind it, and when the time of mating in the year was at a fever-pitch, six pups including Annuhuie were born.
Annuihe's mother was still not sure how it happened. Five wolf born pups, one human born pup who later shifted in pubescent years. Annuhuie was the Sixth and one human pup. The other pups have no control like Annuhuie does over their natures, but, then again, the never wanted to.
Annuhuie stayed as a human for the longest of times, staying with her mother in village after village, soon going into cities.
Annuhuie never was accepted into society, as if her stench was queer, and her name even queerer. Alas, when the time was right, and the cycles were adjusted, Annuhuie was accepted into her wolf form, that larger than a normal Grey wolf, and colours more scheming than one, as well. And when her mother left her to find her pack, they were gone.
Now, Annuhuie is the original lone wolf, lying about in the grass usually, and sipping from the streams, not being in her human form for the longest of times.

Demon or no (aka powers or not):
Yes, Demonic. Her abilities are more mild.
She can speak within the native tongue of the Homo sapien during wolf form.
Even shapeshift that into a Homo sapien at certain cycles of the moon, like the reversal of the Were-wolf.