Hey people, I'm a MTG lover like all of you. So anyways, one of my favorite things to do is to learn about peoples decks. Not only does this allow me to see some cool cards, but it also helps me learn about strategies and combos I never would have thought of before. So, the point of this thread is to post the contents of your deck(s) and have them rated, simply talk about other peoples decks (No hating or flaming), and discuss strategies. Also, one thing I like to do is come up with a theme song for my decks, so if you've got a theme song for your deck, go ahead and post it. I will have my first deck up later this week. And it will be a while before I get all my decks up, cause I have over 20! OH!!!!! One more thing. In order to help people with strategies, please include a Name for your deck, and I will post the name in this post. But please be at least a little bit descriptive. Here is an example of the minimum descriptiveness: A deck that focuses around zombies is titled "Zombie deck".