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Reply [IC] Kizingo'zaa Lands [IC]
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PostPosted: Fri May 30, 2008 8:02 am

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Idril sighed. if it were not for the strange tang in the air, she could almost feel as if this place was home. The ground felt right, the trees and plants looked right. Only the soft distant crashing noise and the smells carried to her upon the air were wrong.

I want to go home, she thought. A tired little messenger bird every few moons is not enough to stave off homesickness. She'd sent the last such bird back with a message that she'd be returning soon. The sickness had finally left and the Clan Leaders were getting anxious with no Royal about to give orders. Though thankfully, not so anxious that they were ready to try and replace her. Snorting in amusement, she cast a sideways glance at her two companions.

Her father had been very clever when he'd decreed that the Gods had chosen Biz as the pride's future Wise One. He'd been even cleverer when he'd given Nafasi leave to roam the pride's borders freely. Normally, the pride would have torn a wild dog to shreds had they found him in their lands. But not every wild dog came acting as surrogate brother and guard to a lioness cub either. Such a thing was unheard of and Idril's father had been quick to use that fact to make more than a few shrewd political moves designed to protect his daughter.

Finally, shaking her head to clear her thoughts, the white lioness paused and tilted her head at her two traveling companions.

"Well," she began, "I haven't seen anything all that terribly interesting here. Have either of you? I thougth we could start to go back towards home within the next few days."
PostPosted: Fri May 30, 2008 8:37 am
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"Not a thing."
The lionesses reply came from Idril's side.
"Home? While I would love to return there, I can't help but shake the feeling that something worthwhile can be found around here..."
It was a nagging feeling, but something was here for them to find. Something...important. And if they returned without finding it the thoughts of what it could have possibly been would surely drive Biz mad.

Walking close at Biz's side, Nafasi lifted his head to join in the conversation.
"I'm not quite sure I share the same feeling, but it'd be nice to think there was something of interest to find out here while wandering. Right?"
Surely they hadn't wandered all this time to find nothing. He and Biz had spent a good chunk of their childhood wandering, and while the path had been tough they had eventually found home. If that epic journey could end in success, this one surely must hold something to find as well.

The two's thoughts wandered back to when they were young. It was hard not to think of back then when out traveling like this. Each abandoned in their own way, the alliance they formed had originally been out of desperation to belong. It wasn't too long before it grew into something more, and now Biz and Nafasi were practically inseparable. Nafasi treated Biz as a younger sister, and fiercely guarded the lioness. This sense of duty had transferred over to their pride, and when at home the wild dog often patrolled the border as a makeshift guard. Any other would have been driven out, but due to his strange appearance with Biz he was allowed to stay. It wasn't the same as being in the lands, at Biz's side always, but it was still a home.

Neither could help but wonder what had happened to their other childhood friends. Hopefully the two had found their own place to belong.  


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PostPosted: Fri May 30, 2008 11:37 am
Idril watched the two from lowered eyelids. She trusted their instincts absolutely, knowing that neither would have lasted long wandering without strong instincts and hunches.

"Well, if you both think so, I suppose we can look about a little longer. But we can't delay too much. I already told the bird to let the pride know we'd be returning soon. And what is that crashing noise?" she flicked an ear irritably. It wasn't threatening sounding. Merely odd and frustrating because she couldn't place it.

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Kere lay curled in some shade, hoping that the heat would lessen a little so he could go visit the shore and think. He'd been having the oddest dreams lately and even the Rain didn't seem to have any insight. Finally, he rolled to his feet, feeling too restless now to stay still. It didn't matter if the sand would burn his paws. The sea water would cool them again.

Walking through the plantlife, he caught a murmur of voices and after a moment's thought, crept closer, grateful for the still breeze. It wouldn't bring him any scent, but then again, it wouldnt' carry his to whomever was talking either.

Finally, he could see a white form and he heard a feminine voice speaking. Forcing himself to hold his laughter in at her indignation, he heard her ask what the crashing noise was. Unable to contain himself, he poked just enough of his nose through the bushes, so they would only see his face and chuckled.

"That, miss," he stated cheerfully, "is the sound of the waves hitting the shore. I promise it's perfectly harmless unless there's a storm raging."
PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2008 6:41 am
"I quite like the crashing noise.."
While unable to place it, the sound was soothing. Ears flicking, Biz gazed off in the direction the noise was coming. Nafasi had been about to comment on the noise when the newcomer had spoked up. With an instinctive growl, Nafasi leapt in front of Biz and Idril, determined to keep himself between them and whatever lurked in the bushes.

Biz's reaction was quite a bit calmer. She was a bit startled by the sudden voice, yes, but the owner of said voice sounded so cheerful and helpful she didn't see a need to get worked up over it. And something seemed almost...familiar...about it.
"Waves, hrm? It's pleasant."
Biz smiled, peeking around her 'guard dog' to get a look at the newcomer.  


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PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2008 6:48 am

"Waves?" Idril repeated. "Waves? How big do they get?"

For a moment she felt taken aback more by the thought of the size a wave would need to get to make that much noise. She'd seen tiny ripple waves when the wind blew across the lakes at home, but they'd never made noise!

Peeking around Nafasi, she grinned back at the stranger, "I want to see this, can I?"

For his part, Kere was staring hard at the wild dog and the pink lioness. Something about them was tugging at teh back of his mind. Especially the dog's markings... Now where had he seen those before?

And when realization hit, Kere's eyes went wide enough for the others to see the whites all around and he launched himself at the wild dog with a wild, kittenish exuberance.

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2008 6:55 am
"I'd like to see this too!"
Biz piped up with Idrli, still focused on the waves rather than the newcomer himself. When he launched out of the bushes however, she scrambled back a bit to quickly get out of the way.

Nafasi gave a startled bark and tried to move, but was quickly bowled over by the excited lion.
"What?! Getoffame! How do you know my n---"
The star marked dog trailed off, going wide-eyed as a very familiar scent hit his nose.

Now it was Biz's turn to be excited. Just as kitten like as the male lion, the female leapt to tackle her long lost friend off of Nafasi.  


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PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2008 7:13 am

"Biz?!? You're here too?" Kere had just enough time to gasp out the words before he was bowled over by both of his old friends. Purring and chortling, he did his best to curl around both beasts. After a few moments, he remembered his manners and glanced up at the white lioness. Smiling sheepishly, he wrinkled his nose up at her.

"I can lead you there with no problems, miss."

Idril watched the reunion with a small, amused grin on her face. So, this black lion was one of the lions that Biz and Nafasi had been friends with so long ago. As she watched the three, a glimmering of an idea sparked in her mind and her grin deepened. This Kere was certainly handsome enough with well groomed black fur and sparkling pink eyes. He had to be strong and intelligent to have survived on his own for so long. Purring to herself, she nodded a gracious acceptance to his offer to show them the waves.

"Thank you. I can see you already know my companions, but allow me to introduce myself. My name is Idril."
PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2008 10:12 am
"Of COURSE! Nafasi and I have been together since..you know! Way back then!"
Grinning widely she and Nafasi clambered over their friend. It wasn't the most polite thing ever, but they were both so excited that they couldn't help but be reduced back to a playful cub and pup.

Nafasi calmed down just a bit faster than Biz, and was the first to speak up.
"Yes! This is Idril, we live with her pride now!"
"Yes! How have you been Kere? It's been ages!"
Purring, Biz playfully butted at the lion's side with her head.  


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PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 7:50 am

Rolling carefully to his feet and standing, Kere returned Biz's affectionate headbutt with one of his own. Smiling, he turned to the white lioness and bowed his head politely.

"It's very nice to meet you, Idril, ma'am. Thank you for giving my friends a place to live."

Then, formalities done, Kere turned to his friends and crouched playfully, ready for a game of tag.

"I've been all right, I think," he answered Biz's question. "I... joined a pride here and... and...," he paused and looked troubled for a moment. His friends were in a pride and wouldn't be able to stay. And he had a place here and couldnt' really leave either. And he did NOT want to lose his friends again.

Idril watched Kere carefully and noted the look of troubled introspection upon his face when he mentioned being a member of whatever pride lived here. Perfect. Taking advantage of his distraction, she sidled closer to her two companions and whispered just enough for them to hear without Kere knowing they were talking.

"Play along with me," she ordered. "We have to take him back with us and he won't go unless we play this just right."

Then, moving towards Kere and speaking at a normal level, she half purred at the lion.

"Can you show us the waves now? Oh please say yes! You see, we three have to head home soon and I would like to see the waves so I have stories to tell when I get home."

She paused and allowed a troubled look of her own to flicker across her face. It was all sham, of course, but if she didn't act a bit helpless, she'd never convince Kere to join them. And she wanted him to come with them.
PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 7:40 am
A pride? Biz could barely hide the pain in her eyes at that revelation. She and Nafasi had been so happy to see their friend that the thought the reunion might not last hadn't crossed their mind. It was almost unbearable thinking that soon they'd have to part ways once more.

But then the whispered plan came, and the hurt quickly left her eyes. Biz wasn't quite sure what Idril was planning, but if the other had an idea to leave here with Kere...well she was ready to go along with it.

"Yes Kere! Take us to see the waves...please?"  


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PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 8:16 am

Shaking off his fit of melancholy, Kere nodded and smiled again.

"Of course. Follow me."

Leading them through the lush jungle growth, Kere found himself noting that Idril seemed troubled when she mentioned her home. Well, if she was wandering, she'd probably left behind friends and family. She more than likely missed them terribly. For that matter, he thought, Biz and Nafasi seem awfully quiet too. I guess they miss their friends there too...

And for one awful moment, depression swallowed Kere whole. He was going to miss them when they had to leave again. Not even the Rain could fill the hole that loss woudl create.

Nodding with satisfaction at how quickly Biz brought herself under control, Idril made certain that she followed Kere at a respectful distance. Wouldn't do to seem pushy on another pride's territory. So, rather than chatter, she simply looked curious as a kitten and concealed her thoughts carefully. If she was judging Kere correctly, it would hurt him deeply to lose Biz and Nafasi again. So, what better way in insure he didn't than by pretending that they needed his help in escorting back home? Surely by the time they made it back, he'd be too happy at being with his friends to want to come back here. So, time to begin laying the groundwork for her plan.

"This is a lovely place, Kere. It reminds me so much of where I grew up before my father sent us away to protect us from a strange sickness. That's why we're going to go back soon. I'm just afraid of the long journey back, you see. Nafasi is very brave, but I am afraid that any marauding lions would still see Biz and I as easy prey and Nafasi as a hindrance. If we had another lion with us, I'm sure we'd be much safer. Do you know any who might be willing to escort us?"
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 2:16 pm
"Our journey here was long and perilous, I really could use the extra help..."
Nafasi chimed in, a hint of a smile crossing his muzzle.
"We've been wandering a long time, and we must start on our journey back soon. Since we aren't completely rested up an escort would be the best way to go..."

Biz nodded, adding to the conversation. Her focus however was currently on their surroundings as they trekked through the jungle. Since her cub days she had been naturally curious of all around her. She'd hold her tongue for now though. It wouldn't do to ask questions about this place now, not while Idril was working her plan.  


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eldritch stardust

Kawaii Prophet

PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 2:26 pm
Winking at the wild dog and grinning, Idril thanked all the spirits that her friend was as quick and clever as he was. Then, schooling her expression into one of Bravely Masked Worry, she continued to say the words she felt Kere had to hear.

"It's only too true. I would have us rest longer, but I can't allow it. Not if I want my throne to still be mine when I get back. And though Nafasi is very brave and very strong, he wouldn't last very long in a fight right now."

There, she thought, let's see how long it takes before you declare that you'll help us.

Keeping his eyes ahead, Kere pondered the words of Nafasi and Idril. Now, he didn't know this strange lioness, but if she was good friends with Biz and Nafasi, then, by extension, he would consider her his very good friend as well. And it was the duty of friends to help each other in times of need. Turning his shaggy head this way and that, he drank in the jungle that had become his home. He would miss Hadithi and Misae, but, his friends needed help. They needed him. There was only one way he could answer their plea for an escort.

Pausing in the spot where the jungle became beach sand, Kere stood watching the waves silently. Then, he turned until he was facing the others fully.

"There are many here I would trust to guide my friends safely home, but none that could be spared as easily as I. I will go with you."
[IC] Kizingo'zaa Lands [IC]

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