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((Color concept by Werewolf of London *luffs*))

I'm still questing for this girlie~

Thank you Were for the 50k donation! ^o^

Name: Setu'Motsomi
Meaning: Silent Hunter
Nick Name: Setu
Species: Lion
Pride/Pack: Tete'boma
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Parents: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Description: Setu is based on a leopard shark and has dark brown, ringed spots all across her back down to about her shoulder blades and hips. Her coloring is dark grayish-brown across most of her body, and her underside is a creamy white color which goes from the bottom of her chin, her belly, and along the insides of all of her limbs. Her eyes and nose are a milky orange color and on the side of her neck she has four scars (the gills!) from a being swiped/scratched in the fight that took her mate's life.

Position: Huntress
Allegiance: Old Reign

History & Personality: Setu was born to a successful Lord and Lady couple, unfortunately she was the youngest and wasn't able to take on the title. Her mother, however, taught her to look past this unfortunate circumstance and to strive for the better things in life; a daughter of a Lord should always be a Lady. From proper etiquette by day with the other young lionesses to night talks with mum about the best way to trick "those male fools" into submission, Setu learned both the white and black of being a Lady. unfortunately, when the time of betrothal came, the young Lord she was courting suddenly chose another female and left her with only one other suitor: a hunter. She grudgingly accepted her fate and her mother looked down on her as a failure, but Setu never stopped learning the darker side and began heavily twisting people to get where she wants. Just simple flirting and flattering made the males she knew pamper her with goodies only seen when courting.

Not too long after Konokubwa passed away and Kibwana lifted the isolation, her own mate suddenly found himself mixed up with a violent rogue while hunting with Setu. She was also injured, but only a deep swipe on the neck. It was a brutal attack that left her "stunned" and "questioning" why her new king has allowed these rogues to enter their pride. She returned to her parents' dwelling until she was completely healed, and she also missed the plague without worry. Her mother was less than pleased to see her darling failure, but Setu had long grown up from needing her mother's advice and approval. Instead, she became daddy's little girl and convinced him that her mother was pro-new reign and supported the new bloods entering the ranks. This convinced her parents' normally smooth relationship to become turbulent and full of hate and lies, and Setu was reaping the spoils. With her father no longer trusting her mother, she was easily able to convince him to let her return home.

Now with her dear old daddy's help, Setu is looking to move up in rank and seeking a well to do baby maker, preferably younger and pro-old reign. However, she'll settle for any young Lord who can provide her with strong offspring. To her, males are expendable and she can easily find a way to get rid of them; their only purpose in life is to pamper her and give her children. (Hopefully soon enough to "introduce" them to the new king's children~) The females turn on each other too quickly to be a real threat to her, and she is found in nearly every gossip circle with the huntresses and she looks forward to joining the Ladies' groups. For now, she is stuck helping her father with his day to day duties as well as meeting young Lords who have yet to take, or lost, a mate. It's not that she dislikes meeting fresh meat, but Setu has a very strict plan and would like to find a mate and produce offspring as quickly as possible. The sooner she has them, the sooner they grow up, and the sooner they can marry into the royal blood line. She sees her plan as flawless and will do anything to achieve her goals, no matter how many lives "accidentally" become extinguished.