1.Follow Gaia Rules
2.Follow Guild Rules
3.Please, no short posts unless you can't think of anything else.
4.Other characters should be involved, but I'd like to have a super good Kaiba- kun.
5.BE ACTIVE!(The inactivity of this guild is starting to get to me, someone who doesn't post will have their character taken away. By post I mean at least once, maybe twice a week.)
6.WE WILL NEED A KAIBA! (This means no RP until Kaiba- kun is on my list of characters taken.
7. If you understand, before requesting a character and posting your sample (yes I want samples) of how you'd RP that character, then put 'Puppyshipping is Yum- O!'

In this plotline Jounouchi has been found out by a group of demon hunters, despite years of carefully concealing his true nature and such. Which includes eating human foods, including vegetables, grains and milk which all make him become sick. Eating cooked meat, which though it doesn't make him sick, it's not very natural to his species and generally makes him crave blood (rich in vitamins and minerals for a demon.) And no changing of forms. (He has two Demonic and Human.) Anyway, it revolves around him getting found out by Demon Hunters (people who believe demons should just be killed off). There are rules: Holy places, such as certain graveyards, churches, and certain temples, when entered causes him great pain. Any blessed objects, crosses, crucifixes, bullets, anything blessed if touched, hit, entered by it, it will burn him greatly though not kill him right away. Blessed grounds that he can declare sanctuary in: Churches, Temples, Shrines, or any homes that have been blessed by a priest at any point and time in their history, though the homes don't hurt as much as churches to do stay in. Jounouchi's instincts/enhanced abilities can carry over into his human form, though he's fought hard to surpress the majority of them.

Characters Taken: The characters taken thus far.

Jounouchi Katsuya: Arashi Cloud