. biggrin onators & teh Luffs!:.
DonatorsSQUEE!! Thank you Luna love for the 15k!
Dixie=luff with her July '08 letter donation!!
Sillyangelkitty- awww she donated a July '07 letter!
heart Teh Luffs heart Lol so many here!!
Buffy-Cause she is my pimpin buddy LMAO
Luna- Cause she just kicks a** and is my luffie!
Libra07- For helping me come up with this insane idea!
Roneil REVOLUTION- For not only helping me hatch this sanity but cheering me on and approving of my design!! I luffs you Roni * snugs*
Lationa- Just being an all around great friend
Lorako- My wonderful amazing co-own of Momi who will be this candy boy's daddy ^_^ Thanks Lor!!
Mal- cause she is my pillow!