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Doodle's Soq Quest

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Doodle Penis

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 1:49 pm

Working on
PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 1:50 pm

Information about Doodle

And Funds

Doodle Penis

6,800 Points
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Doodle Penis

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 1:51 pm

.:Kalona Soquili:.
Name of horse: Bloody Tears of Disillusion
Owner: Doodle p***s
Gender: Male
Temper: Scornful
Breed: O.C Cosplay
Body: Dark purple, almost black
Mane: Black with aqua streaks in it.
Wings: The membrain to be aqua and slightly transparent
Eyes: Powder blue, almost white with black all round it.
Markings: A celtic cross branded on his rump, slight aqua glow to it, like an ember. See ref for the cross.
Aqua flames up his legs, to about his knees.
Horns: antelope horns, black in color with dark purple swirled in.
Reference Image(s): *Good idea on the cross. Ignore everything else though*
Which stage you want them to start as?(basket,foal,or adult):Adult
Default accessory color(s)?: whatever looks best
Tag Frame color: Whatever looks best
Tag Feather color: Whatever looks best
Hair/Clothing edits (if any): Chain collar around his neck, the lead dangling down broken. Long and jagged, long forlock that falls down his muzzle.

2.8 Million
PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 1:52 pm

.:Flutter Soquili:.
Kind of Soquili: Flutter
Name of Soquili: Niobe
Owner(s): Doodle p***s
Gender: Female
Temper: Sorrowful
Breed: O.C Cosplay
Eye color: Dark Lavender
Body color: Dark Smokey gray..*See Ref.
Markings: Soft pink and white stockings up her front legs and on her ears.
Marking on face: Same as her brother, the elvish I love you, I hate you on each side of her face like tear markings and on her legs above her knee in dark lavender with a white or lighter lavender glow. A breaking heart on her rump with cross bones in a pale pink, with the same glow as her other markings.
Starting stage (basket or adult): Adult
Wing color(s): *Like the blue winged butterflies in the picture, but instead of blue soft pinks and lavenders mingled together with the elvish writing around the edges on the back parts where the black meets the pinks/lavenders like a border.
Mane/Tail: Long jagged mane and tail, mane goes down to her hooves and her tail pools around behind her slightly.
Mane/Tail colors: Black,light pink
Clothing edits: A silver like netting over her mane and tail, with small white diamonds sparkling here and there. A necklace like in the Ref image, in colors to match the netting.
Accessory color(s): whatever looks best
Tag frame color:whatever looks best
Tag feather color(s):whatever looks best
Tag bg:whatever looks best
Reference pictures (if needed):
Wing Ref.
Necklace Ref.
Niobe Ref. Land/Mine/fem020cert.jpg *This is the best one*

Price: 2.8 Million

Doodle Penis

6,800 Points
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Doodle Penis

6,800 Points
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  • Invisibility 100
PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 1:58 pm

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