(no one has heard of the last name so plz read everything)
Name:Shima, Koneko
Village:Konoha (origanally from the water village)
Rank:Acadamy Student
missons: S:0 A:0 B:0 C:0 D:0
Background: Koneko was born and rised in the water village learning avrage woman task like, cooking, cleaning, things like that. Then her father had to go to war, but soon after that her samll village was attacked and her mother died protecting her beloved daughter.Koneko got away running and running until her feet started to hurt. She couldn't belive what had happend even though she had seen it with her own eyes. She was only 5 when that had happen. On her 7th birthday she found a little puppy with a broken leg. Remebering what she has saw her mom do , koneko ripped a peice of her shirt off and grabbed a small twig. She placed the twig on the puppies leg and wrapped her ripped shirt peice around it. The puppy was so greatful that she oowed koneko her life. Chuchi, the puppy, had stayed with koneko. They became friends ever since. Now they are living in Konoha , Koneko now 13 and chuchi still with her. They have lived happily ever since then.