As some of the more active members may have noticed, I have been doing some updates here in the manga forum. I went through every manga thread and updated all the pictures and info to the best of my ability. There should be no more broken links for pictures and all posts should be correct.

I've also created some new threads for series, which has caused some threads to finally spill over onto page two of the forum, so be aware that if you can't find a thread it may be there. The best way to find if there's a thread for the series you want is to head to the Rules and Thread List announcement. There is a thread for every Shojo Beat manga at the moment, but there are a lot of Viz Shojo manga that do not have threads. I am slowly working on changing that, but if you beat me to a series, more power to you, however, continue reading this post in regards to how to correctly start the thread; thanks.

I have gone into some of the threads and "taken over" a few posts to make them the same as the other threads, however, I did NOT delete any of the actual post that was there. If I overtook a post, the original comment is still at the bottom of the post in a quote box that should say Original Post. I hope I didn't offend anyone by doing this. The only thing I might have done to your post is take away page-stetching spaces or made the font smaller to conserve space.

New threads are welcome in this forum, as long as they are of Shojo Beat or Viz Shojo manga, are NOT repeat threads, and follow the format of all the others, ie:

Correct Thread Format
Post one:
[center]Official title art ~OR~ [size=18]title[/size]
1 :: Story
2 :: Creator
3 :: Volumes[/center]

Post two:

Post three:

Post four:
Status in Japan :: complete at _ volumes ~OR~ still running with _ volumes so far
Status in US :: _/_ released/coming soon[/center]
[b]Volume #[/b]

If the series is both a novel and manga the format is this

Correct Thread Format
Post one:
[center]Official title art ~OR~ [size=18]manga/novel title[/size]
1 :: Story
2 :: Creator
3 :: Novel
4 :: Manga[/center]

Post two:

Post three:
[b]novel creator[/b]

[b]manga creator[/b]

Post four:

Post five:
Status in Japan :: complete at 1 volume
Status in US :: 1/1 released/coming soon[/center]

If the info does not match the Shojo Beat or Viz sites info, it will be changed to be more acurate. I willingly host pictures on my photobucket if that is a problem; If not, they can be attained from or the Shojo Beat site, but please do not hotlink.

Please post any comments on the updates here.