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τo gιvє α voιcє (reviews are greatly appreciated)

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 4:34 pm

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"It has come to our attention that a handful of our own kind is becoming corupt with some sort of disease that causes them to change into these horrid beasts. In specific, they are creatures of the night, and I must stress the dangers that they are bringing to us all.

No one can trust them.

Lock your children up at night, make sure they are safe at home. Don't let them subcome to these creatures that walk and rule the night. Report any that approach you, hunt down any that may harm our peacefull communities.

Don't let any survive. "




As you may know, those that are appauled by us have started a clensing of the surface. They will not let any of us survive unless we can stop them. But to do so, we must fight. We will not let them kill us so easily.

There are many secret villages where the young ones, the women, can hide. The men, or anyone else, can fight if they so chose, if they can. One must find these villages first, however, for this letter must be burned after it is read. No one other then ourselves can know of this letter.

Join us. Find us.


ℓιƒє is ωнaτ yσυ mαкε iτ τo вє.
----------αℓωαys нas, αℓωαys ωιℓℓ вε.

It has been 1000 years, and a 'plague' has fell upon the earth. A stem of DNA, mingled with something along the lines of vampiric qualities, had been spread through a community and over the world. The human population is scared for their lives, the haunting stories of vampires flashing through their minds. On the other hand, the vampires are scared, but don't want to die; so they fight, or they run.

The steriotypes build up and crash down instantly, but will both sides finally let the war die, and see the truth behind closed doors? Will they see into everyones souls and figure out that everything is wrong, or will they destroy everything in their path?

The year is 3050AD, to put it simply.
Global warming, at some point, had amounted to a serious problem that almost completely destroyed the earth; as such, a mass disposal effect came about in which human life reverted back to that of earlier times. Maybe not. Cars and anything that gives off pollution is obsolete and everything is now run by renewable sources (i.e. the sun and wind). Water is plentiful, trees sprout just about everwhere (there are many forests now!) and the air is clean.
There is still, however technology. It's actually rather advanced; but it comes at a high price. So most people don't have much. But that doesn't matter at all.

-----τo gιvє α voιcє
---Even if I am powerless, I will live on strongly in this destiny
NI page UNE
---Shugosha Tenshi
---I am the light that gives birth to shadow

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All comments, no matter what kind, are welcomed here!
And I appreciate them. In advanced, thank you for taking the time to read this crappy work of mine!
If you would like view more of my writing, please click here~  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 4:35 pm
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The pungent aroma of sweat mingled with fear saturated the still and humid air. But there, in a dark corner, the light had an uncanny way of repulsion though it continued to spill in through the sealed tight window. And there I sat as still as undisturbed water, baking softly in the indirect heat. It was an eerie stillness that clenched my body tightly, strangling my breathing to a dead still as I pleaded that my own heart was not roaring loud enough to be heard in the silence that consumed me.

Perspiration drenched my body, plastered into the corner as it was, starting at the faintest of noises that echoed threateningly into my ears. Was that them? Had they finally found me, ready to drag me off and leave me to die like so many others?

But slowly everything became calm in the night; no night creatures communicating softly, nothing stirring within the building or the free air that surrounded it. Everything faded away quietly, disappeared and were forgotten as the light from the outside drowned the shadows, my body weighed down like lead from its accumulation of fatigue after three days.

Unwillingly, sleep put me under its bittersweet spell. And as the dreams fluttered across my closed eyes, it was disturbed too quickly by noises that seemed real, that had caught me and struggled to pull me up from the depths.


I started, flustered and overcome with stupor.


My heart sped up, my breathing scarce and constricted; my brain overflowed with thoughts, fears and memories.

Hurried, announcing steps.

I pulled myself painfully into the wall, behind what little space had been left over by a worn arm chair in my corner; there was barely enough room left, so much that not even a baby mouse could fit. I was expecting the worst but hoping for so much at the same time. I had to stay hidden, unseen by these figures bathed in some Godly light, as many had explained to me before. But to me, this “Godly light” was nothing more than streaked blood silently following after them in streams; was nothing more than the fires of hell that they’d arisen from. This Godly light of cleansing, as that kind lady had told me; the one who grew white flowers in her yard, ones that had begun their growth much before the winter had ended, before spring had begun. Before they all stormed through houses; before it was dangerous to even breathe. The lady who had taken me in, but had just as quickly thrown me forcefully out; she was frantic, the realization that she was holding a girl forbidden of life.

Forbidden. The word itself is disgusting; for what am I forbidden? From being a little different or from something that was unwillingly forced upon me? What can I possibly do at such a young age, in such a body that cannot harm them?

Nothing. That’s what I can do to them.

That lady with her motherly embrace, her honey sweet voice and flowing sienna hair; she chased me through those beautiful flowers, trampling their fragile and innocent frames under my feet as her shrill and terrified voice, a stranger from the one that had carefully wrapped around me, called out to the men, the ‘protectors,’ choking me in its ironically advantageous position. The lady that had no children of her own; screams of accusations that had not occurred, delusions that flooded her brain so quickly as to forget everything.

Memories like this were not good to remember, but unable to be forgotten. And as the door was smashed open by a black charred boot, I was ripped from the images and held my breath, sinking further into the small corner I had taken refuge in.

A head, a body; a whole squad of men emerged into the room. Deadly guns spewing venom of death and sins clutched in the hands, plunging into their palms. They glinted deviously in the pale light that had grown brighter while I had been away from the room. But such was not my concern; not in the least.

A wave of nausea over took me as I tried hard to keep myself from their views, from their piercing cold eyes, the souls of many captured within them. Their whole tale could be told with just one glance; the people they’d killed, the children they tore apart, maybe even the love they’d once known; the compassion that had been suddenly lost.

Just as quick as they’d come, they receded back into the corridor, their boots becoming quiet with each passing second. It took a while, but soon relief inflated my lungs again, my body becoming limp as it relaxed, my legs sprawled out in front of me and my arms draping at my sides.

I was safe.

But I couldn’t stay here. If I did, I was as good as dead. They would surely come back soon, realizing there was someone in the building, that it wasn’t vacant.

I had to escape.

And fast.

But the next question was where would I escape to? These men had all the towns and cities around here in their grasp. The only safe places were hidden villages in the forest, as my brother had told me before we’d been separated. Had he gotten there?

But how would I?

Remember all those stories from long ago.

That’s what he told me. But what would that do for me? Fairytales, memories of our elders… what would any of those words do for me? Break my heart with delusions that I could be happy, that I could truly be safe?

But even if I had to search for days, it was better than being here. Pained protection and false security; what was any of that to me, if it meant so little?

I carefully made my way downstairs, quiet as a mouse. My eyes searched the darkness for any body that may be lurking in the shadows, for any eyes that could kill me so soon as look at me. But it was clear; however, safety in such a clearing meant nothing. They could easily barge in, I realized, as my foot touched the bottom step, as my hand laid itself on the knob.

But nothing. The rising safety settled a nervous feeling within the pit of my stomach, filling it continuously as though it had no bottom but just continued to fall, giving me a sickening feeling. I had to push through this door in front of me. I had to brace my weight against it then run swiftly through the streets and take cover in the trees, continue running until I lost them; until I could feel safe enough.

The door, after moments of hesitation on my part, flung open with a bang and my feet pounded against the dirt under them, comforted by the dust it kicked up, familiar to its roughness as each step slammed down hard.

Shouts roared through the quiet night air.

Shots rang left and right.

But the forest was in sight, and in no time at all I was rushing through leaves and branches, twigs catching against my skin and causing blood to trickle down my terrified body. And the protectors followed, the noises trailing behind them dutifully.

But soon, everything was a mixed blur; dark greens, deep blues and specks of white, browns and reds… everything. There was no longer any ground below my feet, but it was instead bombarding me from all sides as my body tumbled down an unseen hill, pain thrashing through my worn state. And then everything stopped. Everything was black, and everything was quiet save for the soft rumble of voices in the distance, the voices of the protectors that I had lost with an accident. The soldiers that walked away laughing at the forbidden girl that had fallen over a cliff, which would not survive if they left her there.

And that’s exactly what they did. They left me there to die, as they had done to so many of their game – or so I’d heard them calling others – their victims. The monsters.

But I wasn’t like the others; I wasn’t going to die here.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 4:36 pm
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The streets were quiet as I walked with the other men, a gun gripped tightly in my hand. It hadn’t been two days since a lady had cried during mid-day, her voice frightened as though something had tried to rip her soul from her body, had tried to destroy her. And surely enough, another forbidden fled quickly from the lady’s house, her teenage body carried away quickly by legs strengthened by running.

But why run? They were going to catch all of them; each monster that had been born into the world in whichever way it had happened; their bodies adapted to the blood of others, to the disturbed noise that rang through a victims ears as they were sucked dry.

They thought they were innocent? How could they be innocent in the least?

They wanted to escape? They couldn’t.

They would eliminate every last one of them.

The night itself was hot, sticking to my skin in thin layers; my breath hit me hard when I exhaled, exasperated by the work that had to be done. But if this is what it took to destroy all of them, then I would do it; I would anything necessary to rid the surface of them, no matter the cost. As would the other men surrounding me, determination burning fiercely in their eyes; there was no ghost of hesitation lurking behind them, no fear or shame for all of the nightwalkers they killed.

They would all fall, and each of them would make sure of it.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw one of the men - clad in musky green jacket and pants, black fingerless gloves, and goggles that tinted the area around his eyes an amber color – waving a hand at a building, informing them that they had to check the inside, for his goggles – or should I say a piece of technology that was basically a targeting system hooked up to our weapons – were reporting the presence of something within the building.

In quick procession, we barged in.

Silence fell upon us, stillness that sent pricks so deep it felt as though they came from our bones.

“You guys take the upstairs. The rest of us will search down here.”

We proceeded up the stairs, our steps loud and rough on the quietness that had draped itself through the building.

There were only two rooms; one straight ahead and one to the right of the stairs. The one in front of us seemed shut, and the one next to us – threateningly close – was open, light streaking into the corridor. One of the men nodded his head, telling me and a few others to go on; he and another would check this room.

Our boots reverberated against the corridors slick walls, smooth to the touch and undisturbed; no blood, no scrapes… nothing. But as we all stopped at the door, we looked upon it for a moment, our muscles tightening and our knuckles turning white with the grip we’d taken upon our guns.

My foot flung itself up, contacting the door and smashing it open, a splitting bang cutting through the air easily as it collided into the wall beside it. I stepped in carefully, the cold metal of the gun raised as my eyes scanned over the room slowly before the others came in with me. The locator in the lens of my goggles franticly searched the room for a target, stopping on an arm chair next to a window, its back to the wall and ultimately no space behind; at a desk that rested below the window, a couch. Nothing was being detected, and nothing in the room was disturbed.

The room was empty.

I flung my head back, implying it was all clear, as it was. Grudgingly and defeated, we all backed out and found that the others had found nothing. Rage boiled within us, twisting our insides with betrayal; an empty mission so far. Where had that forbidden girl run off to?

We exited the house in hopes that we would find her soon, the air of the outside a shocking relief to the stuffy rooms inside the building. We stayed in a dispersed group, lingering two buildings away from our failure, questioning a young and fit man for information, for any sign or clue of where she had gone.

But just as I looked over my shoulder, a feeling of something compelling me to peer over at the building, as though a string was tied to me and had been tugged, or as though a feeling close to my heart had been sparked and there was something I needed to see over there, the young girl shot out from the building. A loud bang from the door being broken open started the birds in the trees, sending them all flying as I lifted my metallic friend, pulling the trigger gingerly.

The first shot ignited the air.

The men yelled in rough voices.

Our guns all fired, sending their piercing cry into the silver light cast upon us.

We shouted to each other, ignoring the man that we had just been interrogating kindly. Our legs carried us swiftly and dutifully through the streets, our eyes protected from the dust that was being kicked up, from the leaves and branches within the forest.

The forest was much cooler than the streets, giving us relief and a boost that we needed as we continue to chase her, pushing large hanging obstructions away.

But not far into the forest she seemed to disappear as we swatted a branch out of the way. Looking around, we only saw a drop in the level of the floor and walked sparingly towards it, peering down.

Smirks parted our lips as the girl came into a heap down below, blood covering her body. The site sent chills up my spine, but it was kindle to a fire of excitement within me, a fire of accomplishment.

“Look at that. She’s drowning in her own blood… filthy monster. It’s what they all deserve, right?!” One man yelled in triumph, a lustrous silkiness lain in his voice.

The others wholeheartedly agreed, high five-ing one another, clapping each other on the back. We were all drunk with the ecstasy of the death the forbidden had caused herself. “Dying by the blood she took from others,” one said, he and another turning on their heels, leaving an imprint in the ground, heading back off to the city.

There were cheers of approval as myself and the others started to follow after them. The rest of the ugly creatures, a curse to all of our lives, had very little hope at this point. We controlled all the cities, all the towns. Where could they hide that would not expose them for the monsters they were?

No where. They could hide no where.

Silver wisps of the moon fell upon us through the thin branches of the trees, sending blotched spots of black and the rays across our bodies, making us shine. We were protectors of everyone who was innocent, who did not deserve to have their blood drunk. We had this power that no one else contained; the power to easily kill these things that crawled the earth. We had the power to rid the surface of them, and to leave only the rest of us to live, to think back and laugh at the struggles of the night crawlers trying to fight back.

The man next to me, his dirty blonde hair making him seem almost like an angel – a guardian angel, actually – seemed to still hold onto the smirk and startling appearance of those war driven eyes as he turned to me and to the rest of the men, his voice strong and proud, defiant on their missions:

“That’s what we’re going to do to each and every one of them. Not a single one will escape.”
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*♦*The Writers' Oasis*♦*

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