RP Count: 8

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Age: 17 (119)

Sex: Female

Height: 4'7"

Weight: 86 lbs


Race: Dark Elf

Pets: N/A

Profession: Magic

Bio: Xzael grew up living with her family of six in one of the towering buildings overlooking Bal. Whenever the opportunity presented itself she would sneak away to explore the labyrinth like streets. One of her few loves was collecting strange and interesting stones hidden within plain sight on the ground. Her rock collection had grown quite large over the years. Kholar, her father, had to build her a "trophy" room and talked her into being more selective. Her sleeves were customized to contain many pockets for holding rocks. One sleeve was filled with rocks for combat while the other had rocks to add to her collection. While she's not very strong, she does obsess a little over having a 'rock' hard body. She’s almost a geologist. She's a dominatrix like most if not all dark elf women.

Throughout her childhood Xzael had watched her father work on carving marvelous things and listening to stories of distant lands. Her father was a stone mason of fine renown and her mother a now retired necromancer. Once she was old enough her mother, Ashirza, began tutoring her in the ways of magic. Xzael had a natural aptitude for the ways of magic and advanced quickly through her studies. Her brother Morresus followed in her fathers foot steps by training to become a highly trained and gifted mason. He’s wicked accurate with a sledge hammer. Her younger twin sisters Dultha and Shenthral decided to follow the path of necromancy. They were not as gifted as Xzael in the ways of magic and had to work harder and longer to build up their skills.

Much to her mother’s disappointment, Xzael was not going to follow in her footsteps by becoming a necromancer. Even though she understood the nature and magical properties of soil and bone she would never tame the negative energies required for this path. Knowing that there was little more left for her to teach her daughter, Xzael’s mother encouraged her to go out and apply her skills in town. Only with more experience could her powers continue to grow.

Additional References: N/A

-Descriptive Stats-

    Hair: White with Black and Lime Green Streaks.
    Eyes: Lime-Green
    Skin: Dark Grey

    Accessories: Thigh high black snack skin boots with lime green lacing up the insides of the boot.


    -Fury- “Ofsabræði”
    Fury energy fills the caster increasing casting powers slightly.

    -Energy Burst- “Orka Springa”
    Burst of magic energy hits targets within a 5ft radius of caster. Hits friendly and non-friendly targets, with no way to select.

    -Frostbite- “Oznobit”
    Give your target a slight case of Forstbite. If used consecutively on a person, it can cause gangrene.

    -Demoralize- “Znemravnit”
    Sap the energy of your target.