This next contest will be an avatar contest as well. Only there will be a few rules that I will add to this one. There needs to be at least five contestants that sign up before the due date. Or the contest will just be canceled. With no donations I can't keep giving out 20k every 10 or so days. To participate in this contest post an avatar from tektek. Or post a picture of your own avatar dressed up like a Pokemon. The most interesting avatar will win you 25,000 gold. As before if you want to be a judge for this contest. Just send me a pm saying you want to help me judge. And all judges votes will be tallied to determine a winner. Just remember, you need at least 10 posts in this thread to become a judge. And as a judge you yourself will not be able to take part in the contest. But I will be giving out 2,500 gold to anyone that actually decides to help me judge this competition. So your activeness in this thread will pay off in the end. The due date for this contest will be whenever five people have submitted there avitars for the contest.

If you would like to participate follow this link to the thread.