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PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 9:11 pm
Msiba rose from where he sat, glancing at Werevu in the process. The cape vulture was not only a close friend, he was also what Msiba considered his co-conspirator, and confidante. With the exception of Mchawi, the handsome lion shared the most with his partner.

"So, Werevu," He started, as the cape vulture half opened his wings to join Msiba on his walk. "How much progress do you think we have made?" His eyes danced with the thrill of the very nature of what they were discussing, and though they tended to talk of it in snippets and always rather vaguely, they both understood perfectly what the other meant.

"Plenty," The cape vulture replied, hopping forward to match Msiba's pace. "There is little to worry about at the moment," He added. "We have some time."

"Time, Werevu," Msiba said with a small shake of his handsome head. "It will run out before you realize."

The cape vulture paused, gazing back at Msiba.

"That is what you think," He quipped. "There is time aplenty. If we use it correctly."
PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 9:29 pm
Hisia, like Msiba, was chatting with her bird companion. Though she was chatting about different things, and instead of carrying that 'secretive' type of aura, she looked frail, sad, or 'under the weather'. With the recent news of Ficha's passing, Hisia had become very sad. Sometimes she'd be happy, but that only happened when she remembered fragments of Ficha, only fragments...

"Hisia," the voice sounded stubborn, angry. She turned her eyes to stare at the bird. Samahani was a very stubborn bird. He usually complained about a lot of things.

"Yes Samahani?" She called with slight anticipation. There was a scent in the air, the scent of Msiba. Hisia's eyes darted over, as she spotted the handsome male padding...

Oh dear. Don't let it be her. "Uhm-" Samahani fumed, having been forgotten. "Hello Msiba." She couldn't think of a proper greeting, her eyes were only on him, and when she stared at him, she noticed the cape vulture Werevu. Hisia smiled lightly, not taking any concern that her face was starting to feel hot.

Sasu Berry


PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 1:25 am
"Yes, but if-" He was abruptly cut off as Werevu issued a sound, something between a chirp and a caw of sorts, and Msiba's gaze left the ground he had been watching. It landed on the creamy pelted lioness.

Hisia. He was rather fond of the lioness, if for no other reason than for that fact that it was never a secret what she was feeling. She had, he recalled, also been instrumental in the rogues' acceptance as pseudo-members to the Aka'mleli.

"Hisia," Msiba greeted the lioness with a broad smile, one that seemed to say, There's the lady I've been looking for. What a perfect way to brighten my day!

"I," He added, inclining his head to the lioness, his gaze never leaving her beautiful face. "Never got to thank you." He let a pause hang in the air for a moment. "For trusting my... crew... and I. Without you, we wouldn't still be here."

From the side, he heard what seemed like Werevu's little scoff, meant only for him. That scoff, Msiba had come to realize, was clearly meant to tell him that the cape vulture did not have time, nor did he appreciate, such bullshit.

Msiba flicked an ear in acknowledgement. He was working his magic. He was in his zone. So for now, Werevu and everyone else could just damn well go to hell.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 1:51 am
Her blush deepened. She attached her paws together nervously, and her ears flicked back, embarrassed. Hisia didn't even care to hide her emotions. If she could, she'd probably grow even more nervous.

What am I going to say? What am I going to do? Thoughts plagued her mind furiously. Her tail stood dead still, and she looked down, face easily seen; changing colors. The once creamy color was turning a much darker color. Almost red, the creamy lioness gulped.

"There is no need for thanks," Hisia nodded slowly. "The pride needed more hunters, and your crew is a great help, even though prey is hard to find." Msiba was almost too much for her. She tilted her head to the side, trying very hard now to hide her emotions.

"Tell me." A statement, with another nod, "H-How has your day been?" Someone would have expected better from her. Hisia was nervous, and the caws of Samahani in front of her weren't helping her little situation.

Samahani stopped for a moment. His eyes squinted down, glaring. The bird let out a breath. His sigh was light and quiet. With wings raised he soared (lowly, thanks to the vultures), landing on Hisia's back. He'd watch their little meeting from her back, so he wouldn't 'interrupt'.

Sasu Berry


PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 2:03 am
"If we can help, then we are more than happy to be of service," He said graciously.

If Msiba realized just how much of an affect he was having on Hisia, he ignored it completely. That was something he had become good at, or perhaps had been born with such a skill, seeming to notice things selectively, although those who knew him well knew that he hardly missed a thing. It all stood to show just how far he could go to seem like the perfection so many seemed to see in him.

"My day?" He echoed, his dazzling smile widening. "Much better, now that you are here." His eyes sparkled as his spoke, a new light dancing in them, as if only his eyes, not his words, could show just how glad he was that there was a gorgeous lioness here with him.

From the side, Werevu did his best to do exactly what Hisia was doing - attempting to hide his emotions. Except his were not flattered or charmed, or anything of the sort. If there was one thing he didn't completely like about Msiba, it was the constant charming of everyone he knew. Except those he had taken into his confidence. Those saw the side of him without the fake mask of perfection. Because if there was anybody who was imperfect, it was Msiba. Only Msiba himself seemed not to notice. And those he had put under his little spell.

"But I was just telling Werevu just how much of a nuisance those vultures are. He suspects there is little we can do to make them clear out of here," Msiba said, suddenly turning somber. Then, just as quickly, he was back to the happy, handsome fellow he had been moments before. "And what of the lady's day? How has that been?"
PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 2:22 am
And Hisia didn't know him well, it was her downfall. She had only known the handsome male for only a week. Certainly not enough time to get to know someone well. Defiantly not enough time. She didn't know that. Instead, she welcomed them with full arms. The part of the pride she was left in was her sisters. There wasn't many hunters left, and Elea was injured. So, it was obvious that she would welcome them, so that the pride would live on. Even if fragmented away from the others...

His next comment caught her off guard. Now... that... she was here? Eyes widening, choosing between belief and... joy, Hisia smiled. Her paws pressed together harder. She bet her tongue, kneading on it gently so she wouldn't accidentally cause blood to overflow her mouth.

"Oh, yes... The vultures. I wish so much to find out how the others are doing..." It was obvious she was talking about the other fragmented groups. The king had been separated, which made her worry, a lot. "It's.. sad. I wish they would clear out..." A sigh.

Hisia looked down once more, tears just dieing to overflow her eyes. Remembering her sister, then the countless others who could be hurt, lost... pleading for help. "I'm not doing as well," She admitted with a shake of her head. "I'm scared for the other groups who are fragmented, and if they have been trying to contact us... If their.. hurt. Pleading."

She wished so much she could reach them, help them. Although her emotions easily got the hold of her, Hisia would do anything for the pride, even if it meant dieing to protect those that were in trouble.

Sasu Berry


PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 2:34 am
Oh, sweet innocence. It only made his job that much easier. And in Msiba's case, easy meant better. It only made sense, after all. Work smart, not hard. It was a good motto to live by, and he always thanks his stars when the opportunity came along that allowed him to save some time and energy.

"Yes, the split is worrying," He agreed, his voice laced with the concern that he was giving off. Concern that said, if only the earthquake had never happened. If only life could just go back to the way it was. If I could turn back time and fix everything, I would give my life to do it.

Seeing the tears flood her eyes, Msiba took a tentative step toward Hisia, as if not quite sure how to comfort her, but wishing he could at the same time. And he took another step, and leaned forward so his head was near hers. Gently, he bumped his muzzle against hers, reassuringly, as if to convince her that now that he was here, he wouldn't let anything happen to her. She was, at least for the moment, safe from the worries and troubles of the world around.

"For now," He said softly. "We just have to hope and believe that they are alright. And that soon, there will be a way to reunite with the other groups. And everything will be alright again."
PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:04 am
The tears finally took control, and they streamed down her face. Thoughts of sickly lions filled her mind, the lioness finding it hard to speak. All she wanted to do was believe him. Yet could he be telling the truth? What if they were the opposite of what if he was saying... what if they were dead?

Hisia sobbed uncontrollably. Her body shook furiously, Samahani flapped off of her back, in fear he might accidentally hurt the lioness if she managed to shake him off. He wouldn't let it happen, just dig his talons into her creamy colored back. He couldn't imagine what she would do. Samahani had a reason behind his name, and he didn't speak often of it.

Bumping her nuzzle back with his, all she wanted to do was be with him. For that split second, she felt like she wanted to embrace every living moment with him. Unaware of his little charm towards most all lionesses and lions alike, Hisia felt he cared for her. Just like the affects he had caused her...

"Yes," Gulping down another loud sob, she spoke quietly. "They pride will be reunited once more... Where everyone can live happily together, once more." Hisia held back the fact she wanted to say we. She couldn't tell him yet she had feelings for Msiba. Not yet.

Sasu Berry


PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:19 am
He stood silently as she sobbed, knowing that little he said now would have much effect. So instead, he opted to simply be the presence, the warmth, that let her know that she was not all alone in the world, and that there were still those who stood by her and kept her company. The presence that made it feel as though everything was fine and there was not a worry in the world.

Seeing that the sobs were beginning to fade, he brushed a tear off her cheek with his muzzle. "It will happen, Hisia, it will. You have to believe." He paused, letting the moment live and stretch. Believe. It was a lot to cling to, with few promises or guarantees, but when there was little else to do, clinging to the smallest rays of hope had to be enough.

"Those who believe the longest, will come out victorious," He said, for the both of them, as if he was assuring himself of something. Then he froze. Victorious. No, that was not the right word. Not the right word at all. "With their dreams fulfilled," maybe, or even "the survivors." Something like that. But victorious was not the word he had intended.

He glanced quickly into her tearwashed eyes, hoping that, in her current state, she had not found suspicion behind his strange choice of vocabulary. Victorious from... what, exactly? His mind whirred as he attempted to come up with a suitable excuse, just in case she had noticed. Though he prayed dearly to the heavens that she did not. The word was too closely linked to his past for him to explain. And the past, that was not something anyone was about to find out. Anytime soon.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 4:05 am
Victorious...? Hisia had never heard of such a phrase put that way. Suspicion suddenly leeched from her, curiosity growing in the sparkle that had previously caused her happiness. The little sparkle was probably, also, from the tears. She smiled softly, failing to hide her concern over the word victorious.

Failure, she knew it. With a sigh- "What do you mean victorious?" she asked the simple question, completely oblivious to what the word meant to him, and his past. Hisia had lived a quiet life, helping others. She had her own judgments against others, and was thankful she had made the group let Msiba's crew help them. Because if she had not, he might not be here right now...

Not that she wanted him around, Hisa wanted Msiba around. She was almost oblivious to his charm of others, and thus she was so tempted to tell him. Though every time she thought of it, the lioness would freeze. Nervous of what his answer would be. Would he deny the fact? Or... Or return her feelings for him?

"M-Msiba," It wasn't a sob that made her stutter. She was clearly nervous, numb from her paws, and up. "I, uhm, have to..." Stomach twist, Hisia flinched. "I-I like-" And she couldn't say it. Her throat was blocked.

Sasu Berry


PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 5:18 am
He could see in her eyes that the word had caught her attention. Crap. Inwardly, he cursed himself for mixing his own drifting thoughts with the task at hand. If he had stayed focused, this would never have happened.

When it came to his past, Msiba had plenty to say. It wasn't that he froze every time he heard something that triggered old memories, it was more that, all of a sudden, he had far too much to say. Things that he felt he simply needed to get out into the world, but knew that he must not. It was not information for him to impart. Indeed, it was knowledge best kept locked safe in his head, and the others who had lived it. There would be no imparting nolstagic thoughts. Ever.

"I... mean," He paused, a pensive look on his face to cover up for his hesitation. "Victorious, in the face of death." He said after the pause, which he had lengthened slightly for dramatic effect. Ah yes, Death. It seemed to work, most of the time, when he mentioned beating the odds and coming back from the brink of death and disaster. Hopefully, it would serve his purpose this time too.

Playing the part of dreadfully charming young buck with no realization nor control over his own flirtatious skills perfectly, Msiba widened his eyes in the perfectly innocent, unexpectant gesture. One of someone who was waiting for Hisia's next words, without knowing whatsoever what it was that she was about to say.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 9:59 am
Mhm... Victorious in that kind of way. Hisia still had concern, it's meaning made her think more of the other groups. Her shoulders shrugged up in a shiver, eyes closing for a moment. The weather wasn't what she had expected after the earthquake. Rainy, wet, stormy... Like the heavens was crying over the fragmented groups, and the death of some of them.

Teal eyes lingering on his face, searching out an answer to his rather... unique answer, Hisia took notice of the swirl of emotions. Yet has fast as she had noticed, it was replaced with a rather charming look, and her face suddenly felt hot again.

That face. He used it so much, why? Hisia looked down, instantly embarrassed, her paws pressing together once more. Her claws retracted nervously: What was she going to say? How could she tell him?

"I-I," Fear pumped through her veins, stomach lurching furiously. "I.. I... really like you." A flinch, clearly visible. A sigh escaped her throat, feeling slightly better she had gotten that out.

Sasu Berry


PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 5:15 pm
Oh. This part. It was one of the more delicate parts of the whole process. Sometimes, the lady didn't confess her feelings or anything. That was if he was lucky. And other times. Well, this happened. It was always something of a concern for Msiba, however minor, because it meant he really had to think and consider how to properly react.

It was different for most, he had realized long ago. There were many different ways to respond to the "I like yous" and the "I love yous" and all those other sentimental little snippets, and still keep a good relationship with the lady. The only thing he had to do was figure out which.

Hisia, he knew, was quick to emotion. So the best way, he supposed, would be to respond with equal feelings. After all, it was nothing that couldn't be quickly and efficiently ended when the time came. Just like that, nothing to it.

"Oh, w-I..." His smile morphed into one of slight embarrassment and flattery. "That can't be right," He muttered through the little grin, as if he was trying his very best not to smile, and just couldn't quite help it. "That's what... I was just going to say." He grinned helplessly at her, his gaze dropping to watch his paws, and occasionally rising up again. A healthy tinge of a little blush even crept up to his cheeks. Oh, he just got better with age.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 11:30 pm
Eyes widened, a sign she was surely shocked at his reply. Joy shook through her, the lioness wanting to burst out happily. He had feelings for her... she had feelings for him... What did that mean? Could they, be... Hisia shook the thought from her mind, excitement bubbling from every inch of her face.

She would have screamed 'I love you', if not for Samahani's eyes. They were watching her, contently. Something about the suspicion in them made her worry. The lioness turned her muzzle to face the medium sized bird, curiosity zooming through her.

Samahani shrugged. If not for how happy she seemed, he would've told her he was suspicious of Msiba... and the group he had brought along.

Hisia smiled and turned to look Msiba right in the eye. "Does this mean I say 'I love you'?" Her face was shining. Hisia's tail wagged happily, and a giant smile was curved into her face.

Sasu Berry


PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 12:29 am
Oh, she was really new at this. If Msiba had had a little more sense, or a little more care for those around him, it might have broken his heart a little bit to see just how trusting she was, completely and without question. She hadn't even paused for a moment to consider that... well, perhaps seven days was not the longest time. Or that if he could turn the charm on her, then perhaps he could turn the charm on everyone.

From where he was, Werevu decided his best course of action, at the moment, would be to scoot behind Msiba, where he would be more or less hidden from sight. He wanted to see how this would turn out, he truly did. But he could hardly put up with all this crap. Had it not been for his desperate wish to see what would happen in the following moments, he would have spread his wings and soared away, clear from all the lies and ridiculousness.

Msiba grinned sheepishly and shrugged. "Do you?" He asked. Sounded truly genuine, he noted. "Cause if you don't, then saying it... well it, wouldn't be true then."

Plus, he reasoned with himself, the three words I Love You were plenty to say, and he would never say it to someone he didn't actually love. He was vain, he toyed with girls, he didn't care. But when it came to those three words, nobody except the player he was could fully understand them. And understand them he did. He understood the power behind the three words, and he had sworn from early on that unless he actually meant it, he wouldn't use them.

So there was that reason for wanting to hold of the Loves.
[IC] Aka'mleli Lands [IC]

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