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How'd I Get Stuck With You? [ Xun / Lahn ] Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Loyal Werewolf

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 10:12 pm
bluefirez dragon
Baridi'moyo glared at the bug on the bush before her as she sat back far enough that it had a slim chance of landing on her, should it decide to move. Icky bugs... At home, they were rare because of the cold, and lived deep in the caves most of the time. At least this one was.... semi-attractive. Kinda large for a bug, which was NOT ok, but its shell had a sort of shimmery color to it, black and yet it shone rainbowy when she turned her head just the right way.

This whole place was like that bug... new, strange, sort of pretty, but she was not sure she liked it. Sure, she had agreed to come here with Sheng and Xun for the good of her family, but... well, that didn't mean she was automatically going to like it right off. In fact, she didn't plan to like this place, at least, not for a while... Hashmal was... was... an annoying little brat and any place that included him was getting a frown from her.

Growling to herself, Baridi flicked her tail behind her, her claws tearing at the ground.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 10:13 pm
Having taken shelter in one of the higher tier dens, he found it reclusive that no one was there and it was just him. After what had transpired not too long ago, he was unsure how to take it. He was the son of the Lord, he was a Duke. Unsure if he was even the next in line to claim the throne, he still had to behave and uphold the honor of the family and the pride. Of all the cubs around, of any cub, why her? Was it his father's doing? Was it just his mother's whim? He had to accept it, but that didn't mean he had to like it. lahn was his love to be and if she was going to be his mate... then well, he was going to make their relationship a rocky one.

Bored, he raised to feet and headed outside, looking down to the mass clearing. How his father and Fuku did all of this, he had no idea. But the mass clearing that placed itself in front of the den was a nice place to look out and play and continue with the daily activities. Sharp eyes looked for his "mate" only to find her in a secluded corner with her back turned toward him. "Now what is she up to?..." Xun'lin spoke, heaving a sigh. Without much to do unless told otherwise, he was gonna pester her for hte rest of the day.


Loyal Werewolf


Loyal Werewolf

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 10:40 pm
Blue eyes stared at the beetle for a long time, perhaps longer than most cubs would have the patience for, when suddenly its wing covers lifted and it burst into flight, disappearing in a rattle of wings. Baridi started at the loud sound, her ears pressed back against her skull and her eyes wide. Goodness, those things were loud... remind herself not to get too close to one in the future, it'd scare her out of her ever-loving skin if it took off like that.

Huffing softly through her nose, she settled her paws forward in a long stretched, her tail lifted high as she pulled her spine into a more comfortable position. Toes spread, she sighed happily, finding everything right in the world right now, even if she didn't much care for the place she found herself in. Well, that would change eventually. No one said she -had- to stay here her whole life... once she was grown up, well, the world would be hers! Wouldn't it?

With that happy thought, she stretched out on her stomach, lazily licking a small paw.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 10:41 pm
He watched form afar, walking tall in plain view, though behind her. He could feel the eyes of his father looking down at him from above, but he paid it no mind. Father had not given any orders or chores for him so he had nothing to do but spend time with his... "beloved mate". Seeing as she was slightly distracted with the view ahead of her, he had the chance to get on her and scare the living crap out of her.

Following his father's example, he crouched low, slowly moving himself over to her, smirking. This was going to be fun. If only there was someone around to see this and laugh with him when he does it. Slowly he moved closer and closer. Like his father, he followed exactly as he did during his hunt. Crouch low. Crawl forward. Roar and lunge. With a whimpy roar, he jumped himself into the air after her.



Loyal Werewolf


Loyal Werewolf

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 11:09 pm
The white and blue cub was too engrossed in the cleaning of her paws to notice Xun's slow creep towards her. Despite his smooth manuvering, he was still just a cub and a practiced hunter would have noticed him trying to sneek up on them... Unfortuneately, Lahn wasn't an expirienced hunter.
Getting her tongue in around a sharp little claw, the cub was taken completely by surprise when a roar suddenly sounded and a voice shouted that name she'd chosen for herself, after some thought and prodding by Sheng. A squeal burst from her as she jumped clear off the ground, twisting around as her fur bushed out, eyes wide and staring when she landed.

"XUN!" She squeaked when she landed, her claws digging into the ground. Her face twisted in a snarl as she tensed, then launched herself at him, a fury of flailing claws and sharp yowl from a small through. "YOU STUPID... STUPID!" She shouted.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 11:15 pm
Xun could only laugh at her reaction. It was priceless. Her jump. Her scream. Her retaliation. All for his own entertainment. Xun purposely rolled onto his back, pawing up at her swinging and flaling claws, laughing all the while. "Oh, you should have seen your face! It was hilarious! It was like-" The male did his best impersonation as he continued to laugh. "It was great!" He was a Duke of Zhi Ming, but he was still a young one. One shouldn't always expect him to behave 100% of the time, right? At least, he felt that he should have time for himself to bother his mate.

"Hey, mate, what do you think you were doing? Sitting way down here all by yourself?"

the question was to get them off the little episode from just a moment ago. He didn't really care that she called him stupid, she served her purpose of his entertainment for the time being. At least until later. A white body marked in places from his father and mother, mostly his father laid beneath the blue-white female.


Loyal Werewolf


Loyal Werewolf

PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:07 pm
The little female puffed out her cheeks as she scowled at Xun, backing away from him stiff-legged. She was furious at him for sneaking up on her, and even more so because it was -him- that had done it. Oh, why did she have to bother with him? Why couldn't he just let her live in peace?

"I hate you, Xun! And don't call me that... I'm not your 'mate'." In her experience, 'mate' was the name for a male and female that were special to each other, like her parents, but Xun was NOT special to her in any way and she didn't like him using a name like that. It just felt wrong. "Its none of your buisness what I'm doing." She sniffed, lifting her nose before delicately licking a paw clean. She hadn't gotten any blood or dirt on it, but she had touched him and who knows where he'd been. The cub smirked a little at that, though he couldn't know what she was thinking. Sitting off to the side, she waited to see what sort of comeback he'd come up with.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:18 pm
The boy watched her move off on her own, licking her paw as she back talked him about their pre-determined relationship. They were mates, it was said and done by the decision of the Lord and Lady, his parents, but more so by the Lady. And if anyone in his family knew, she was the one to be feared, she did have control over her gigantic mate. However, he had already settled into accepting it, he was not going to be the one to slander the House and the family. If Lahn was going to be his mate, he will accept that, but as such, he could play with her all he wanted unless told otherwise.

Other than her, of course.

"You can hate me all you want, Miss Lahn," he spoke in a more regal tone befitting his position in the family. "Why mustn't I call you what you are? Do you wish to disappoint our mother? Our Lady? Our House?" He questioned her, pushing her to see what she could end up doing if she spoke openly about that. She did come on her own and his father accepted her, with some resistance but he did nevertheless. "Fine, I agree what you do is none of my business but your well being may be. I can't have you getting hurt and making myself look like a total fool to our allied prides and fellow House members." With all that said, he quietly sat himself beside her at a ... respectable distance.

He'll mess with her later.


Loyal Werewolf


Loyal Werewolf

PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:27 pm
Lahn's face curled in warning as he got closer, though he kept a good distance. That, at least, she appreciated. Placing her paw on the ground again, she flicked her tail irritably.

"I might have to be your mate because your parents said so, but I don't like you calling me that. You call someone mate when you love them, and I don't love you! If you have to call me something, then use the name I choose. Lahn. Zhi." She pronounced for him, as though he were lacking intelligence and needed the help. "Say it with me. Laaaaaahn. Zhiiiii." It made her feel somewhat better, this little jibe at him.

She huffed softly as she settled down on her stomach, paws kneading the ground. "I'm perfectly safe here. Don't you think your father's lands are safe for a cub not far from the den?" Her voice was a little acid, her eyes sparkling. "I'm right in sight, you think -anything- could happen to me here?"
PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:33 pm
"Alright, I will respect your wishes, for now, Lun Jeez, but we are mates, and one day I will get you to call me that. When you do, I will assume I will have my privileges to call you that in return," He replied. he looked at her with a more serious look. Well, he didn't like the idea either that she may be his mate, but it did disturb him that she would openly say that she hated him and she had no feelings, not even friendship as it stands, for him. If she kept this up, however, he may be pushed to retaliate her behavior.

Sinking down to her level. Or rising, however one looked at it.

"These lands are safe, that is why I have Shu, the Royal Guard and Advisor to my father. And we are close to the den in the open clearing, but anything can happen. A rogue could run through that passage, snatch you up and run away. As you're... "male friend", I suppose it is better that I keep an eye on you myself,"

Trying to be the good guy here and all she is doing is pushing me away. If I do anything bad, forgive me father, mother.


Loyal Werewolf


Loyal Werewolf

PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:42 pm
Lahn scowled at his mispronunciation of her name, giving him a low growl. "Don't think so highly of yourself." She snapped, finally irritated enough that she couldn't hold back. "You're just a brute, Xun. You might be bigger than me and in a higher position than I am right now, but I'm not going to let you do whatever you want."

She wasn't even sure what she was talking about anymore, but with everything building up inside of her lately, she needed an outlet. He was just unlucky enough to offer himself at this particular moment. "Your father said Shu was going to look after me too. That means I'm just as safe as you are and you know no rogue could get in here without every one knowing about it. And even if I was snatched up, though I don't know why anyone would want to snatch me, Shu would chaise them down and kill them." She had implicit trust in the 'parent' figures in her life, including Sheng, Shu, and Sheng's Lady. Even if she might think Sheng too much like his son, she did trust him.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:49 pm
"And you're a brat! We are mates, get over it, you'll have to accept it eventually. Knowing that, why can't you just be a little more opened to me, huh? I am doing what I can for ya and you just knock me down again. I mean, honestly. So what if I am a higher position as a Duke of Zhi Ming. That means, as my mate, you are high up there with me. Maybe even higher than my siblings if I am deemed heir," he growled and gave a large exhale. At least he got it off his chest. That said, however, Xun raised to his feet and turned his back toward her. He didn't really care anymore how often that she yelled at him, he just wanted her to be his friend at the very least. As of now, he had nothing to work up from for them to actually become mates, but at this rate, their relationship is everywhere.

Xun didn't know her long enough, but he felt it was like he was her target to yell at. if she needed someone to yell at, it was most likely him. As long as it made her feel better, he would accept it. For now. As long as he gets his turn later.

"My father did say that, I suppose. I am just a cub, I can't help you if something did happen to you," thinking about it. "You really think Shu would do that? I mean, he is the sweetest and nicest guy I know. I can't really see him killing someone unless t was for food," If he did have a friend in this pride, he would have to say it was the Royal Guard, Shu.


Loyal Werewolf


Loyal Werewolf

PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 3:07 pm
The girl cub turned her face away from him as she closed her eyes, her nose lifted. She wouldn't admit it, but it was all really just an act, a way to keep from seeing how vulnerable she really was.

"If I'm so difficult, why don't you just leave me alone? I was minding my own business, not doing anything to you and you had to come and scare me like that... If you want to be friends, you should try a bit harder than that." She scowled at the air in front of her face, refusing to look at him right now. She'd done this for her family, but more and more, she wished there had been some other choice, some other way.

It was his questions that drew her out of her fog of moodiness and she blinked slowly as she thought about it. "I guess you're right... he is very nice. I don't know if he would or not, but isn't it his job or something? He'd kinda have to, if something bad happened to you, or to me." She said softly, suddenly not liking the thought of the kindly lion with blood all over him.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 3:13 pm
"Well, either way. I was bored. You're my mate. I thought playin' with ya would get you to open up a little," he explained. He didn't want to say much after that. He didn't know all that much about her, but knew a lot about relationship and stuff, plus things such as standards and traditions regarding the Tianxia. She was the princess of that snow filled pride, having to adjust down here where there was no cold and it was warm must have been difficult. But how long would it take for her to adjust and open up?

"It is his job to watch over the royals and the high youths, but I just don't think he is too fit for killing. Maybe watching over us and playing with us, but I don't like the idea of him killing someone. Though, if he did that rogue likely deserved it..." He looked over his shoulder toward her. "Do you think I'll ever do that if something happened to you?"


Loyal Werewolf


Loyal Werewolf

PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 3:22 pm
She cracked an eye at him when he said he wanted to play. Lahn huffed at that, blowing air through her nose.

"I wouldn't call that playing. Having something land on me isn't fun. I would have been willing to really play if you had come to ASK me, rather than tackling me like that..." She humphed, mock-swatting at him.

Lahn paused with a surprised expression, her paw falling to the ground, when he questioned her, her nodding to his comment about Shu turning into a blank sort of stare. "Why would you ask that?" She protested, jerking back. "Nothings going to happen to me. You're not going to have to fight anyone, even if you're supposed to be my mate."
[IC] Tianxia Lands [IC]

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