Okay, this main forum is for games, events, and general talk. (I wanna see a Monk/Psych crossover!)

My hope in making this guild is to take two great shows that a lot of people like and be able to talk about them in the same place. I think most people who watch one end up watching the other, so it's a perfect combination for a guild!

The Monk and Psych subforums are for anything and everything about their respective shows. There is more info in the subforum.

The chatterbox is for anything off-topic.. you get to know your fellow members that way! ^^

The crew-only subforum.. well.. you don't need to worry about that right now. ninja If something comes out of there, it's probably gonna be a lot of fun! razz

The Recycle Bin is where the deleted threads will be moved to, so you can still see what's going on rather than deleting everything.

There is a final subforum that I still don't know what to do with.. maybe over time, we'll discover it together! 3nodding