Hey all. Looking for something witty and whimsical to amuse you? Check out "The Chronicles of Heaven and Hell". In a nutshell, it's a religious sattire that assumes that all deity's exist (Christian, Hindu, Greek, Egyptian etc. etc.) and have to clash together in order to administer the incredibly complex system that is the "afterlife". Cue hilarity. The first 3 episodes are linked below.

Episode 1 - "Thou Shalt Be Hip Hop Slang" - in which God's advisors try to persuade God to modernise the 10 commandments.

Episode 2 - "Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Lollipops" - in which Jesus, Seth and St Nicholas have to sit on the Hell Probation board.

Episode 3 - "Thou Shalt Attend Group" - in which Ganesha, Shiva and Parvati attend family group therapy.

Anyone else got any amusing/awesome sim-made-movies to reccomend?