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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 9:04 pm

Transfiguration is generally one of the hardest branches of magic. Students are required to take it 1st year throught 5th year and with the optionel N.E.W.T level as 6th or 7th year. Transfiguration is the art of changing the physical form of an object into another physical form of another. It can vary from a rock to a dog or something smaller as changing the color of your eyes. Like the subject 'Charms' , Transfiguration is achieved from concentration, precice wand movements and proper incantation pronucation. However it is much harder then Charms and requires great focus.

Teacher: Professor McGonagall - x--a i n O a h --x
PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 12:32 pm
Neville Harry Longbottom II
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Will you stay awake for me?
I don't wanna miss anything
I don't wanna miss anything
I will share the air I breathe,
I'll give you my heart on a string,
I just don't wanna miss anything.

I'm trying real hard not to shake. I'm biting my tongue,
but I'm feeling alive and with every breathe that I take,
I feel like I've won. You're my key to survival.

He walked down the staircase slowly, rubbing his eyes trying to get rid of sleep. He fell asleep on the couch in the common room and woke to a small group of first years in awe that the son of the famous neville longbottom was alseep in their common room.

He turned onto the first floor seeing Albus run ahead of him and he dragged his feet towards the classroom. He stood infornt of the door as the bell rang and opened it. He glanced at Professor McGonagall who glared at him like she always did to late students. He jumped at the sound of her high pitched voice and her talk about sleeping in.

"sorry Professor"

He sat down and folded his arm on the desk and rested his head there. He almost fell alseep but McGonagall woke him up with a high pitched 'Longbottom!'
Say my name. I just want to hear you.
Say my name. So I know it's true.
You're changing me. You're changing me.
You showed me how to live.
So just say. So just say,

That you'll stay awake for me.
I don't wanna miss anything.
I don't wanna miss anything.
I will share the air I breathe,
I'll give you my heart on a string,
I just don't wanna miss anything


Petite Hibou

Dapper Explorer

PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 1:37 pm
[R]iley [E]lizabeth [R]enolds
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Professor McGonagall stood in front of Neville LongBottoms desk. He was dozing off in her class, Along with being late. This did not make her a happy teacher. Yet alone a happy Headmistress. The woman’s eyes gazed over the class as she spoke. As I was saying I shall not tolerate that of lateness due to, sleeping in or other small mishaps that can be avoided. Is that clear Mr.LongBottom? “ The woman made her way back to the front of the class as she looked the room over once more. ”At least it wasn’t you again Miss.Redolds. That seemed to be a rather big habit of yours last year, Maybe this year shall change, Yes?” The woman stood with a stern look upon her face as the Slytherin girl she had addressed tried not to let her face turn into an embarrassed shade of pink. Taking out her own book she spoke. ” As I have said once before, Transfiguration is some of the most dangerous magic you will ever learn at Hogwarts. Anyone Messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned. I speak this once a year. I will watch closely, and if you do not fallow by my rules I shall escort you from my class.” Taking her book she opened it and skimmed the pages until she found what she was looking for. ”Please turn your books to page thirteen. Miss.Wolfe shall read first. Then Miss.Renolds, please. “ After her directions a Ravenclaw Fifth year began to read aloud ” Transifuration, Chapter one." The girl stopped. She seemed to pass a few sentances in the process. McGonagall was not happy for this, but let it slide. "Transfiguration spells were cast in ancient times as well. Circe, a witch who lived in the Greek island of Aeaea, was famous for turning lost sailors into pigs." The Ravenclaw stopped. She looked as though she was passing more words once more. Opening her mouth again she spoke once more. " The opposite of Transfiguration is Untransfiguration, which would be returning something to its proper form." The Headmistress nodded at her in a thanks. "Thank you Miss. Wolfe. Now, Miss. Renolds, if you would."

Sitting to class Riley watched as the two boys came in late. Her eyes changed to the front of the class when McGonagall spoke of her mishaps of the years before. She attempted to keep her checks from turning a bright pink, but she had a bad feeling they had already did so without her permission. As the girl's name was spoke again, she found it was her turn to read. She let out a sigh.Riley hated reading aloud. She'd always had, along with that of the class in itself. Nodding once the girl looked to where the Ravenclaw had left off. Letting out a nervousness sigh the girl began "Transfiguration is subject to rules, such as Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration, which has five Principal Exceptions, of which food is one, which means that food cannot be produced out of thin air. Food can be moved from one place to another by magic, or changed, but not created out of nothing." After finishing the statement Mrs. McGonagall cut her off. "thank you Miss.Renolds. Now. Shall we try something?" The woman smiled at her class before pulling out a small cage. Riley didn't know what she was up to, but was worried and curious all in the same. Years prior she'd done a few spells wrong. Taking a Match and turning it into a paintbrush instead of a needle, was one. An odd one in her mind, but never the less she accomplished to do something that odd. The girls eyes turned to the teacher and watched now. She didn't want to mess up today.

She looked out and spoke. "Shall we try your Knowledge of last year first. I shall have each of you duplicate a ferret." Taking the dark sheet from her cage. She spoke "Now. With any other spell this acquires concentration. So for this exercise i wish for no speaking. Now listen carfully. You lift your wand and do as fallowing. Speak clearly and loudly." The woman lifted her wand and spoke as she tapped towards the cage "Geminio Ferret" Almost instantly the ferret seemed to go blurry until it was duplicated. The woman looked to her students and nodded. "Now them. You have Twenty minutes to make one copy of your Ferret. They are under your desk, if you have not noticed this by now. If you are making more than one duplicate than your mind is to jumbled and you are not concentrating enough. Good luck class." With that McGonagall Sat at her desk and awaited for the Twenty minutes to pass.

Riley listened to the Professor before letting a bit of nervousness take ahold. She wondered how she would do this well. Last year she'd made three duplicates instead of only one. Leaning to her side the girl picked up her cage and set the ferret on her side of the desk. Her friend aside her had already did so and was trying to clear her mind, and concentrate. Riley looked to the ferret before her. It's black beady eyes looked frantic, but calm all in the same. She wonder briefly if the duplication spell hurt. If it did she'd feel bad for the small creature. Exhaling once more the girl lifted her wand and tapped down as she spoke "Geminio Ferret" Instantly the small creature became blurry and soon there were two Ferrets before her. The girl smiled gleefully. She was surprised she'd gotten the spell right in the first place, yet alone have it actually work for her.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 6:27 pm

Sarah, luckily, hadn't been late. She had taken a seat next to Riley, who was in the same year as her, but a Slytherin. It didn't matter very much to her, however, since she liked everyone regardless of thier house. Even though Riley did get into mischeif once in a while, it didn't make her a dark wizard, like everyone said Slytherins were.

She followed McGonagall's every movement and hung on to every word. Sarah was the type of person who liked getting good gras and getting things done right the first time. In the corner of her desk was a blackboard and a peice of chalk, which was given to her before the start of every class. Even though she was a mute, she was usually the first one with her hand in the air, scribbling down the answer to the question even if her name wasn't called. Her grades were excellent, but on thing she wasn't sure about was jobs after Hogwarts. What job could she possibly do that didn't require her to talk?

She had learned far back how to say spells in her mind. It was something that wasn't taught until your last few years at Hogwarts, but it was a nessesity to someone like Sarah. She lifted her wand and said the spell squickly in her mind, concentrating hard. The ferret blurred up, and suddenly, there were two ferrets sitting there. She grinned and looked at Riley, who got it just after she did, and on her first try!

Sarah gave her the thumbs-up and a grin as her compliment before looking over at McGonagall. She was still sitting at her desk and observing them all, but gave her a small nod when she saw Sarah's two ferrets. Being accepted and getting rewarded for her efforts were two things that really made Sarah happy. She sat up straighter in her chair and waited for everyone else to finish.


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 7:01 pm
Sesh Kindler
"It's Professor to you!"

After making a quick run up to her room, she grabbed about a dozen Transfiguration textbooks before going down to McGonagall's classroom. She'd been asked to bring them over before class, but since she was planning on sitting in on McGonagall's class anyway, she just decided to bring them along once she was done talking to Harmony. Her old Science textbook sat on top of the pile, which was just under Sesh's chin.

Reaching the door, she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the door slightly open. She turned around and opened the door by leaning on it and backing up, immediately being hit with the smell of ferrets. Going over to McGonagall's desk, she ignored the inquiring looks and put the books down on her old brown desk.

"There you go, that should be all--"
"Why were you late? Not helping Peeves again, are you?" McGonagall cut off, eyebrows slightly raised and her mouth a thin line. Sesh rubbed the back of her head sheepishly.

"Not at the moment. I was talking to Harmony, but don't let me interrupt. Go ahead with whatever you guys were doing that involved...erm, ferrets," Sesh took her science textbook off the top of the pile and gave her little sister, Sarah, a quick rub on the head, messing up her hair. Then she sat down in her seat at the front corner of the class, where an uncomfortable wooden chair and a small desk had been placed a few years back for Sesh's veiwing pleasure. Sitting down, she put her feet up on the table (earning a glare from McGonagall) and opened the textbook up to the page she'd left off at.
[[dunno what's with the codes today...]]
PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 9:28 pm
Albus Severus Potter
I Chose Gryffindor But Slytherin Would Have Been Fine
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And when I think of all the places I just don't belong
I've come to grips with life and realize this is going too far

I don't belong here, we gotta move on dear
Escape from this afterlife
’Cause this time I'm right to move on and on
Far away from here

He smiled at the Professor's lesson for today and picked up his wand concentrating on making one more feret.

"Geminio Ferret"

Hemade the required wand movements and the ferret became blurry and another appeared in the cage. He smiled happily and held his wand lightly in his hand. His nack for Transfiguration probably came form Aunt Hermione, or his mum. He felt bad for Neville though. Transfiguration was Neville's worst subject and he was extremely tired too.

I don't belong here, I gotta move on dear
escape from this afterlife
’Cause this time I'm right to move on and on,
far away from here

Got nothing against you and surely I'll miss you
This place full of peace and light, and I’d hope you might
Take me back inside when the time is right



PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 9:46 pm
Neville Harry Longbottom II
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Will you stay awake for me?
I don't wanna miss anything
I don't wanna miss anything
I will share the air I breathe,
I'll give you my heart on a string,
I just don't wanna miss anything.

I'm trying real hard not to shake. I'm biting my tongue,
but I'm feeling alive and with every breathe that I take,
I feel like I've won. You're my key to survival.

Neville sighed slightly taking out his wand. He didn't feel up to doing any magic right now, he didn't know why but he was really tired and he usually wasnt.

"Gemino Ferret!"

He waved his wand, horribly at that and the ferret bllurred.. Neville stood up straight seeing one ferret, two ferrets, three ferrets. He was going crazy or he cas trhe spells wrong.

"Um albus, little help?"

Neville hated Transfiguration. It was his worse class, he was best at D.A.D.A., Charms, and Herbology.

Say my name. I just want to hear you.
Say my name. So I know it's true.
You're changing me. You're changing me.
You showed me how to live.
So just say. So just say,

That you'll stay awake for me.
I don't wanna miss anything.
I don't wanna miss anything.
I will share the air I breathe,
I'll give you my heart on a string,
I just don't wanna miss anything
PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:02 pm
[R]iley [E]lizabeth [R]enolds
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Nodding to the girl sitting aside of her, the Slytherin girl smiled and nodded at her as she gave her a smile. Looking at the tow Ferrets in her cage she smiled a bit. They were kind of cute, for probably being related to a rat. The girl gazed at the small creatures before an interruption of shrieks and laughter were heard. The girl quickly turned to see Neville Longbottom's spell. The girl stood quickly as one of the Ferrets scattered by her feet. She tried not to squeal, but alas it didn't happen. Stepping a few steps back the girl pulled her wand out. Looking around the room she noticed McGonagall was attempting to settle everyone down before taking any action. The class room had become havoc. As another small Ferret passed her way the girl shivered a bit.

Making her way to were Neville was she spoke. "Neville, the one in the cage, it's the original?" She didn't wait long enough for an answer, for she figured as much as it was. Pointing her wand forward the girl spoke "Gorgio Ferret!" As the spell was cast soon ferrets began to disappear one by one. As the last ferret before her disappeared into a cloud of smoke the girl stepped back in shock as the smoke filled her face. Looking to Albus for a quick moment the girls face turned a shade of pink before adressing Neville once more. "That was smooth Longbottom, real smooth." The girl then turned from the two and walked calmly back to her seat.

Mrs. McGonagall hadn't noticed until people began to settle down that the ferrets were gone. With a bright look in her eyes she spoke calmly. "now now, settle down students. Now that that is over." The teacher gave a look to Neville. "Mr. Longbottom i suggest you study this spell, right?" With that the woman looked around the class. Glancing at her clock on her desk she spoke. "You still have Eight minutes. So forbid me to disturb you now. But may i say very good use of spells Miss.Renolds." the professor gave a quick nod to the Slyerhin girl and sat back at her desk. Lifting her hand she spoke once more "Proceed."


Petite Hibou

Dapper Explorer


PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 10:19 am
Neville Harry Longbottom II
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Will you stay awake for me?
I don't wanna miss anything
I don't wanna miss anything
I will share the air I breathe,
I'll give you my heart on a string,
I just don't wanna miss anything.

I'm trying real hard not to shake. I'm biting my tongue,
but I'm feeling alive and with every breathe that I take,
I feel like I've won. You're my key to survival.

He glanced at Riley as she walked over and waved her wand and muttered something. The ferrests disappeared and he glanced at Albus then to Riley and nodded at her slightly befor ehearing her comment. He laughed a bit and shook his head.

"Shut it Riley"

He was playing around when he said that, he tried to make it noticable but mostof the slytheirns here would take it to offense.

Say my name. I just want to hear you.
Say my name. So I know it's true.
You're changing me. You're changing me.
You showed me how to live.
So just say. So just say,

That you'll stay awake for me.
I don't wanna miss anything.
I don't wanna miss anything.
I will share the air I breathe,
I'll give you my heart on a string,
I just don't wanna miss anything
PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:55 pm
[R]iley [E]lizabeth [R]enolds
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As Riley sat down she heard what Neville said out of the wims of the air. She grinned a bit. A few of the Slytherin’s gave the boy a look of disagreement, and anger. Riley shrugged this off. She could tell the difference in his voice, between that of Fighting or that of just comradory. As the minutes twilled down from eight to seven to six the girl placed her hand on her check and leaned her elbow on the desk. She began to wonder, what it would be like to be as the Potter Siblings, or even the Weasley siblings. That of the Longbottoms were almost just as famous. Helping destroy he-who-shall-not-be-named made the three family’s rather favored. Rileys eyes turned to the two boys. Both Fifth years as she, and she’d never thought of this before. Her cousin Scorpius and she had a known family, among many actually. But not known for the reasons of what she’d rather be for. Her family was feared still. Even though they did not have the ’Dark lord’ to rule they still were feared. This made no since to her herself, for she knew she wouldn’t do anything, nor would her cousin. He was rather a wimp actually. She could always whip him as children. Even though they had a small tight nit family she’d always felt compassion more than the others. Being calm and collected at all time was something her mother taught her at a young age. This displeased Riley to the utmost form. She hated that. Feeling emotion was perfectly normal, and Compassion for family was a normal emotion.

Mrs. McGonagall Lifted her hand as she sat in her desk. ”Alright class. Time is up. “ Now the woman lifted the side of her robe and moved from her desk. Keeping her robe from her feet so she would not even have the chance of tripping or looking ungraceful as the headmistress she glanced around the class. ”All who have not accomplished this task will have extra homework. Mr.Longbottom.” She gazed around the room and stopped at a few other people. ”Miss.Taylor. Mr.Rough.” Stopping at a Brown haired Slytherin girl she looked confused. ”And Miss.Renolds. You also. I thought I saw you do the spell correctly? Hm. I suppose not then. Well never the less the ferret before you is simply Singular.” McGonagall pursed her lips and looked over the girls cage with curiosity. ”Right then. The four of you shall come after class and be assigned an extra assignment tonight.” The woman then stood towards the board and wove her wand. As she did so the chalk lifted into the air and she spoke. As doing such the chalk did the same as her words appeared on the board before the classTransfiguration practical: transforming a teapot into a tortoise, concerned over whether they had spouts for tails, breathed steam, or still had willow-patterned shells.” The woman stopped and looked to her class. ”Tonight’s homework is small. For it shall increase through the year, remember this, now. I wish you to only dabble with this. See what shall come of it, and create three questions you may have of the spell and it’s workings.” The woman looked to the clock on her desk once more and then began. ”I would like for the rest of class for you to all read the first full chapter in your textbooks. I advise you to read the second chapter also. Familiarize yourself with the material before class begins tomorrow.” with that the teacher sat at her desk once more. There was only about twenty minutes left of class, and she wished not to over work her students today, for it was only the first day of studies.

Rileys face fell when her name was called. Looking around the room franticly the girl wondered what had happened. Looking to the original ferret upon her cage she noted the back side had bee pulled out, more or less chewed. She scowled. The duplicate ferret, or the original, escaped, leaving her with only one ferret to be presented upon class. The girls eyes darted around the floor looking at almost every possible crevasse she was able to. Then, near the door she saw it. A small bush of fluff escaped the last viewable place through the doorway. The small ferret had made its way to the hallways now. Jeopardizing her grade was not a wise move on the small creatures behalf. Now she couldn’t just stand up and walk out of class, McGonagall would flip. She let out an aggravated sigh and glanced over to a few fellow Slytherins, one snickered softly and the other looked confused. She shrugged with a sheepish look before opening her text book. She’d find the ferret after class. Hopefully. For now she was going to begin reading. That task would be easy enough for her, for she read very fast, and obtained the information she read rather well.

Petite Hibou

Dapper Explorer


PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 1:36 pm
Albus Severus Potter
I Chose Gryffindor But Slytherin Would Have Been Fine
User Image

And when I think of all the places I just don't belong
I've come to grips with life and realize this is going too far

I don't belong here, we gotta move on dear
Escape from this afterlife
’Cause this time I'm right to move on and on
Far away from here

Albus glanced at Neville who seemed rather down for getting extra homework. He looked at Riley and smiled at her slighlty before realizing her ferret was gone..

He stood up and walked over, sitting in the empty seat beside her., He looked at her with a small smile, he dind't know if he should talk to her ofr not but he did anyway.

"Hi Riley"

Albus thought about asking Riley to the Yule Ball but decided to see if she wouldn talk to him first. She waasn't like much slytheirns either, she was alot nicer, cuter, and better all around.

I don't belong here, I gotta move on dear
escape from this afterlife
’Cause this time I'm right to move on and on,
far away from here

Got nothing against you and surely I'll miss you
This place full of peace and light, and I’d hope you might
Take me back inside when the time is right
PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 7:53 pm
Elizabeth Lapointe

Liz had aarived to class right on time. She opened her books and parchment and prepared her ink bottle and pen. Elizabeth listened carefully to the teacher's instructions and did exactly as she was told. She finished the work and handed it in. Not minding the homework load she sat back down at ehr desk and began working at it.

(sorry not my best post sad )

I'm feeling excited.

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Domina Incognita

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Petite Hibou

Dapper Explorer

PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:49 pm
[R]iley [E]lizabeth [R]enolds
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The fifth year had been sitting with her hand on her head and leaning against the desk. Her hand tapping her Quill against the desk as her book was being unread. The girl grumbled slightly as she tried to figure what kind of trouble the ferret could cause itself, and she. Glancing up at McGonagall for a moment she wondered if there’d be any way that she could escape. As the teachers hawk like gaze looked at her she quickly averted her eyes back to her book. Pretending to read. As soon as she felt McGonagall’s eyes leave her the girl looked at the door of the classroom. She wanted to get that ferret back, and she hadn’t came up with a reason how. Soon it hit her. Albus Potter soon had made his way towards her and sat beside her. Ignoring the fact that he was there an idea popped into her head. With nothing to lose the girl quickly stood up. ”Albus? Are you alright? You don’t look so well” Pausing for a brief moment she made sure attention was drawn to her. ”You look pale, do you want to go to the infirmary?” The girl’s sharp gaze saw McGonagall’s concerned face out of her peripheral vision. She tried to hide a smirk from her face.

The Headmistress had been waiting for the last ten minutes of class to end when her thoughts were interrupted. She wanted to finish her class with haste, for she had a meeting soon fallowing. As one of her students shot to her feet McGonagall’s eyes watched, and ears listened intensively. As the small slytherin girl spoke the teacher only nodded. ”Mr.Potter, if you are feeling ill, why don’t you let Miss.Renolds assist you to the Infirmary, for you do not need to be ill in my class.” Almost as soon as the headmistress gave Permission the Slytherin girl grabbed the Gryffindor by his arm and began to pull him along. This seemed rather odd to the girl, but unison between the houses was a good thing. With the families it was even better.

Riley waited only a moment for the permission to be granted. She tried to hide her sly smile again before grabbing the boys arm. ”Shall we be off then, you do seem rather pale” The girls words were spoke as the two swiftly made their way from the classroom. After making her way down the hallway the girl finally stopped at dropped the boy’s arm. Looking back down the hallway the girl finally spoke. ”I’ve not got much time I suppose. I lost my Ferret if you’ve not noticed. I must retrieve it. I shall not fail a lesson on the count of a curious little buggar.” The girl hissed the words out angrily. She wasn’t sure where the small creature had ran off too but she wanted to find him. Turning down the hall the girl began to walk. Taking only a few steps she stopped and turned her head back to Albus. ”Shall you help me? Or stand like a baboon?” The words were sharp and serious. She needed as much help as able and she cared not from who at the moment, but she was rather happy for the company she’d found. It would have been a fellow Slytherin if not for him. Turning back down the hall the girl began to make her way towards the way she’d seen the small ferret move. She hoped they could catch it before it got into too much trouble.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:10 am
>>Nathanial Martin Ross<<

better stop crying hello and goodbye-ing
go on through me slip right through my hands
you get your time and the other half's mine
it's okay this love weighs fifty men
it's okay this love weighs fifty men
it's okay this love weighs fifty men

User ImageNathanial was terribly flustered. He hated being flustered, yet no matter what he did, he was always flustered. It was the first day of school and he was already running late for class. It didn't help that there were groups of students trying to get to class, crowding up the hallways. Nathanial tried as hard as he could to stay against the wall, so he would have to touch the smallest amount of people possible. It wasn't that he was afraid of germs. Every time he got stuck in the middle of a big crowd, his entire nervous system just broke down. Panic attacks were common to him. He was sick of being embarrassed by his panic attacks, so he looked for ways to prevent them. McGonagall continued to pester his father about a therapist, but the man wouldn't be inclined to waste his money on his non-pureblood son. So he had to do his best with what he had.

When he did make it to the Transfiguration classroom, the embarrassed flush was evident on his face. Still, it was easy for him to go unnoticed since he didn't have any friends. That is, besides his corgi terrier, Archie. He was glad that people no longer stared at him curiously. First it was the purple hair and the red eyes. It was a very strange look, but completely natural. His father even tried dying his hair blonde once, and it just wouldn't stay in. No spells could fix his deformities either. Nate was always ashamed that his appearance embarrassed his father so much that he would even be seen with the illegitimate child.

Upon walking into the classroom, McGonagall gave him a slight nod. She understood why it was so difficult for him to get to class on time. Blushing more than he already was, he took a seat close to the back of the classroom, doing his best to be ignored. He could see other students in the classroom having a good time with one another. Like Albus Potter and Neville Longbottom and Riley Renolds. Part of Nathanial wished he could have that sort of relationship with someone. Even if it just was one person. He was tired of being alone all the time, yet his fears of acting stupid in front of people kept him from bringing up the courage to speak to someone. Even when it seemed that Albus wasn't feeling so well, Riley offered to bring him to the infirmary...Nate felt like he didn't have anyone who would do something like that for him.

oh why (why) can't (can't) you take me in your arms now?
why (why) can't (can't) you take me?
why (why) can't (can't) you take me in your arms now?
why (why) can't (can't) you take me?
why (why) can't (can't) you take me in your arms now?
why can't you take me?



PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 11:07 am
Albus Severus Potter
I Chose Gryffindor But Slytherin Would Have Been Fine
User Image

And when I think of all the places I just don't belong
I've come to grips with life and realize this is going too far

I don't belong here, we gotta move on dear
Escape from this afterlife
’Cause this time I'm right to move on and on
Far away from here

He glanced from McGonagall to Riley, knwoing she was doing this for a reason. He let her lead him from the classroom and smiled slightly before nodding and pulling his wand from hsi pocket.

"Accio riley's Ferret"

Almost immediately after he recicted the spell there were sounds of tiny little claws screeching across the stone floor. The ferret turned the corner now in the air and Albus ccaught it in his arm and looked at Riley.

"Aunt Hermione taught me that, I find it rather usaful in events like this."

He held the ferret out to Riley and wondered if he should as her to the ball now.

"um...Riley I was wondering if I could ask you something"

I don't belong here, I gotta move on dear
escape from this afterlife
’Cause this time I'm right to move on and on,
far away from here

Got nothing against you and surely I'll miss you
This place full of peace and light, and I’d hope you might
Take me back inside when the time is right

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