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A nitetime adventure - Ufunuo/Ubele/Peke/Kuruka/Hifadhi -FIN Goto Page: 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 11:54 pm
Curled against the earthen floor, deep in the darkness of sleep, the cub dreamed. He dreamed of warm sunny days, peaceful skies, and childish games, of dancing around the paws of his parents, following in their steps, trying to understand the world as they did. In his dreams he saw all that he treasured, his parents, his sister, his friends, all that had been at his side before the world shook, all that he hoped he would find again.

But the dream was different, changing, the sun wasn't warm. Cold, he was cold, his small form curling tighter as if seeking a warmth that had suddenly left his side. There was movement in the darkness, pawsteps, voices, breaking through the sunlight, stirring him from his peaceful dreams.

Ufunuo stirred, a faint groan, the twitch of a paw, jaws parted in a yawn. His head lifted from its rest against his paw, eyes barely opened to catch the shimmer within the shadows. Was he still asleep, was this just another dream?


Words came in a jumbled mutter, spoken before his mind had awakened. Blinking once, twice, his head fell back to rest on his paw. Definitely had to be a dream, why would anyone wake him up at this time of night?  
PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 7:35 am
-Curled up in a den not far away Kuruka slept peacefully at her brother's side, finding herself more and more drained each day. Whether it was less food, or the physical and emotional strain that each day brought, the cub had found the night to be a happy refuge from it all.

They'd been moved closer to the pride center when their mother had dissapeared, a tiny den of their own that left them secluded and yet still under the protection and watch of the remaining group members. Lucky thing though that they hadn't forced all the cubs to sleep together. Did the adults even know the explosive aggression in which Peke and Ufunuo shared? In these close proximeties, they'd probably figure it out soon enough.-


Dedicated Sweetheart

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 8:07 am
White...it was white. Peke's brows furrowed together as his gaze was fixed upon a white raven-like bird. Weren't ravens...black? The fact that this bird was not confused the young cub as he slowly tilted his head. Was it coming towards him? He didn't have the chance to figure it out because of the shadow. The dark shadow came from above the white bird engulfing it with the dark. Eyes widening he started forward his maw opening to call out to the bird, to rescue it somehow. Then...there was nothing.

Peke woke with a start to someone nudging him. "Go away..." He mumbled sleepily lifting a paw and waving it up and down wanting to go back to sleep to dream of that white raven-like bird. He wanted to see what would happen. Unfortunately he wasn't left alone. Grumbling he groggily opened his eyes blinking a few times as his vision adjusted. "What do you want?" He mumbled his paws pushing down on the ground as he tried to stand up.

He turned his head toward whomever it was that woke him squinting in the darkness. "Hifadhi?"
PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 7:38 pm
Hifadhi felt riddled with guilt as he woke the children from their dreams. He didn't want to wake them so late... but they had to move, and they had to move fast so no one would see them leave.

Dumu though... Where was Dumu? Hifadhi would have cursed aloud had he not been aiming for stealth. So he smiled at the children, showing no nerves, "All of you, come with me... Quickly now, quickly. I'm going to take you out exploring... Come on now, we're going to search the boarder. But be quiet now, we don't want anyone to know where we're going. It's a game." He told them, smiling kindly as he nudged them all awake, one after the other.

"Do any of you know where Dumu is...? We don't want him to miss out on all the fun." Hifadhi said, glancing around again for the missing cub. Where was he? The stupid child... but he couldn't leave the others, and he had to leave immediatly. They wouldn't get another chance if things went wrong now.


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai

PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 9:48 pm
A groan, paw draped over his eyes, ears folded against the voice that cut into his darkness. No, it wasn't a dream, why was he being woken up in the middle of the night? Go away, he wanted to go back to sleep, to return to his dreams.

But the familiar voice had cut through the darkness, shaking the sleepy haze from his mind. Hifadhi? Why was he waking them up in the middle of the night? Now he'd never be able to get back to sleep.

"Huh? What's up?"

Jaws parted in a yawn, limbs reaching in a stretch, eyes blinking the sleep from his eyes. Reluctantly Ufunuo rose to his paws, taking several steps toward the old lion. Exploring? In the middle of the night? What kind of game needed to be played at night? He wasn't sure he liked that idea remember the last adventure he'd agreed to. But if Hifadhi was taking them, it would be okay right? And the others were coming to.

"What kind of game?"

Wait, where was Dumu? Looking around the darkness outside the den, he saw no sign of his friend. Why wasn't he here?  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:32 am
"Mama?" -The whispered question sounded softly as Kuruka's mouth openned in a wide yawn. It was a habit, for it was only ever really mother that attempted the wake the little girl. However as she left the depths of slumber and her mind cleared, she softly looked to Peke, seeing if it were him.

The huge dark figure illicited a swift sucking in of her breath, and immediately she dug her frightened face into Peke's back until he was identified by her brother, and cautiously her eyes lifted once more, trying to adjust to the dark.

She was tired, confused, a little scared. But at the same time she was a good little girl, obedient and eager to please, so slowly she pushed herself up, streching her limbs out gently to shake the sleep out of them.

Her ears twitched at the word game, and strange as it might have sounded she was suddenly more excited then scared about the whole situation. Leaning down to try and convince her brother upward, she paused simply when Hifadhi's question sound, glancing about the den curiously. Dumu? He wouldn't have gone outside in the night on his own would he? But then.. if he hadn't gone out on his own... She kept silent her worries, eyes still dancing about as if she might find him hidden in the shadows if she just looked a little harder.-


Dedicated Sweetheart

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Tactical Tycoon

PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 11:10 am
The ground was shaking. Frightened screams cut piercingly through the air. Anxious birds flew in agitated circles overhead as the earth heaved below . . .

Ubele woke with a start, limbs twitching and shaking, breathing rapidly. She was shaking so hard that it took her a moment to convince herself that it was her and not the earth moving again. Taking a few deep breaths of clean air, Ubele cleared her head. Blinking rapidly to clear her sleep-clouded sight, she looked around with confusion and caught the gaze of Hifadhi. Confused as to why the older lion would be there, her eyes sought the others.

The other cubs were all awake as well. She turned back to the apologetic gaze of Hifadhi as he explained his presence and the need for waking them. Ubele frowned, still confused. She rose to her paws, stretching her limbs lightly and took her place next to her brother.

"What kind of game?" she asked after a moment. However, before she could be answered, she was distracted. One of the cubs was missing. Why wasn't Dumu with them? What was going on?
PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 1:49 pm
"It's an exploring game." Hifadhi explained, "We're going to go all the way to the edge of the pride tonight... it's what Ngao and I used to do when I trained her. Come on now, quickly, we don't want anyone else to wake up. It's a secret, between all of us, understand?" No sign of Dumu... and none of the other cubs seemed to know where he was either. No good... he didn't want to leave the cub behind, but he supposed he would have to trust Ukweli and Ngao to watch out for him. All the other cubs were awake... it was too late to turn back now.

"I know it's late... but that's half the fun. I'll teach you all how to dissapear in darkness... maybe we'll even find something nice to eat and suprise everyone, don't you think now?" They had to leave... so he turned and moved out, "Come on now, follow me."


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai

PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:21 pm
He started to protest, pausing in his steps, searching in the hopes of finding the familiar form of Dumu. He didn't want to go without Dumu, what fun was a game if your best friend wasn't there with you?

"Shouldn't we wait for Dumu?"

Maybe if they just waited a little Dumu would come back, though Ufunuo did not know where his friend would have gone in the middle of the night. But Hifadhi seemed to really want to take them exploring, and his sister was there, and he liked Kuruka okay. And even if Peke was there, it could still be fun, and then he'd have an adventure to tell Dumu about later, he liked that idea.

He took a deep breath, silently resolving to keep his temper, that Peke absolutely would not get to him. Tonight was a time for fun, and he intended to enjoy it. A small smile to his sister, a flick of his tail, Ufunuo trotted after the old lion, wondering what the adventure would bring and what discoveries waited for them.

"Where are we going?"  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 5:09 pm
Ubele's interest was perked by Hifadhi's words. It certainly sounded like a fun game to her. Especially since it sounded like something important just for the cubs. That suited her very well. Puffing herself up proudly, she followed after her brother. It didn't bother her too much that Dumu was missing. He'd probably just decided to sleep somewhere else, or had gone to get some water. Either way, he was going to miss out on whatever fun they were about to have. She would have preferred it to be just for her and Ufunuo, but she liked Kuruka and she didn't have any problem with Peke, the way her brother did.

Besides, Hifadhi had never done anything to make Ubele mistrust him. He was always one of the adults who made her feel comfortable and important, so she was happy to follow him wherever he wanted them to go. Tail twitching in excitement, she waited impatiently for the others to be ready to go.

"Come on guys! Let's go!"


Tactical Tycoon


PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:28 pm
Hifadhi very nearly let out a sigh of relief when the cubs finally agreed to follow him. Good. Though he disliked decieving them... he was certain that he would be able to keep them occupied, possibly for days with his stories if he played his cards right. But he had no idea how long he would have to keep them away from the rest of the pride... and without Dumu... Gods, where was the boy? At a later -more convienient- date he would have to have a serious word with Ngao about putting in a night guard. If they ever had enough lions to spare to do that.

"If anyone sees Dumu... tell me. I don't want him to miss this..." Hifadhi said, keeping his words a whisper, "But I'm going to take you to an old training spot... It's where all of the great warriors of our pride have trained before you. A secret place, only Ngao and I know about. It's a long way away... But I bet you're all up for the challenge, aren't you?"

And he knew they would be. They were an engergetic bunch, and he was sure that they would rise to the occasion... anything to escape from the pride and get out and about.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 8:03 am
A yawn rolled out of his maw as he felt his siser press her face against his back. He turned his head toward her lightly resting it upon hers until he felt her relax before he pulled away and let his gaze drift back to the older male. "Dumu? He mumbled sleepily. "Does it matter? He's probably going to the bathroom." He stated as he moved to stretch his limbs. Shaking his head he let his eyes drift over the rest of the cubs only half listening as they asked about the game.

Why would they be playing a game at night? It seemed so very odd to the cub but he figured he'd listen to the explanation before possibly throwing a fit about it. Disappear in darkness? Peke thought to himself suddenly liking the idea. It'd allow him to toy with others if he knew how to do that. It sounded like fun. "I'm in." He told the others with a nod even though he knew there wasn't much of a choice for him to decide. If the others went he was sure that he would have tagged along anyway even if it was just to tick Ufuno off.


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai

PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:07 am
He barely glanced at Peke, only long enough to acknowledge the other's presence, and more importantly, to assure himself that he wasn't about to be sneaked up on. Hastening his steps, he trotted at Hifadhi's side, hoping that keeping the adult between would deter Peke's taunts, or at least slow him down.

"How long will it take us to get there?"

He kept his pace quick, he didn't want to be left behind, always trying to stay near Hifadhi, cubbish energy powering his small form. It was strange, exciting, in the darkness everything looked new and different. It was as if they had stepped into another land, or even another world, and in his childish awe he had to remind himself that this was still the land his pride called home.

He would pause at times, taking note of a stone, a twig, the sparkle of starlight against the dew covered grass. But in the night there was the unfamiliar. Shadows were darker, surrounding ominous black shapes, echoing sounds he had never heard before; monsters in the darkness.

"A-are we there yet?"  
PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 1:38 pm
Ubele's tail twitched back and forth with excitement, and she couldn't seem to keep her paws still. Her gaze was wide and bright, wondering what it was they would be doing. It didn't matter though. Just the fact that they were going to be visiting a place where all of the great warriors had trained left her filled with joyful anticipation.

She joined Hifadhi at his side. She'd always been fond of the adult male as he always gave her the attention that she wanted and felt that she deserved. So she took up pace next to him, puffing with importance and gazing around her with curiosity. The darkness of the night did not seem menacing to her, only full of energy and wonder. The moon cast enough light across the lands that left everything looking magical and completely different.

Soon however, she grew impatient to get there. She joined in her brother's query, though hers was more from impatience than fear.

"Yes, are we there yet? I want to be there now!" she snapped in a childish tone.

"I can't wait!"


Tactical Tycoon


Dedicated Sweetheart

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:04 pm
((I'm SO sorry about dissapearing guys. crying I came home Monday to my DSL being down, and after f'ing with the cords/computer for a couple hours and found out it was the actual building that provides the service. They just finally now got their power or whatever fixed, so finally internet. ))

-Kuruka fell in line with the small troupe, feeling even more excited then frightened by the prospect of the trip when she picked up on the subtle approval of her brother. And the excitement of the night quickly dispatched any worries she might have had about Dumu.

Though it was brighter outside the den, the night still ate up the land around them. The moon and stars bathed dim light, showing off the grass, the rocks, the lakes in a brand new light. However the creavases split by the quake days ago seemed like frightening pits of darkness, and it was strange... and almost suffocating the way that darkness filled the horizon. Kuruka worried softly as she looked at the blackness in the distance, worried that it might eat them too, but somehow they never seemed to to touch it. Instead the moon enveloped them in a protective glow, helping lead their way to the unknown.

As usual the little lioness kept mostly silent, simply listening to the rest of the group, or letting her attention take careful heed of their surroundings. And while she'd started out the trip in front of Peke, for fear of being at the end of the line, as the night continued her tired paws and diverted attention were being to get the best of her. She'd fallen a few paces behind now, her eyes turning to catch her brother's backside every once in awhile, before they'd turn out once more.-
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