The rules are simple and common sense here in this guild. That is sort of a DUH moment. But the following rules will be enforced within the threads of this guild.

1. Do not make a new thread with one sentence and asking if someone likes this or not. This is a guild where true Otaku can come and discuss the artwork and character developments within an anime. Do not lower yourself to the normal Gaian post of ZOMG!!! or "THIS IS THE GREATEST ANIME EVER RIGHT?!"

2. Bashing, flaming, trolling or anything of the sort is absolutely NOT tolerated in the Guild. I will give 1 warning and if you are not wise enough to understand that bye-bye.

3. When you make an counter-argument against someone's claim, do not resort in name calling or any sort of fallacies, don't know them? Look 'em up. We want clean, good, wholesome arguments here that end up with both parties learning something. Through social interaction we gain the best amount of knowledge.

4. Please double-check the threads about an anime before you go about and post a new one. This way our main discussion forum will not be cluttered with double posts and double threads.

5. If you have a link or some form of information to support your argument it is advisable, not required, to utilize that information. Personally when I get into a heated debate I WANT all the information I can get my hands on so I can better understand the person I am talking with.

6. Please keep sexual connotations at a minimum. We do have underagers here and I do not want them to feel unwelcomed.

These sort of rules and guidelines will be enforced. I promise you that if I DO see any of these rules violated, you will hear from me in one form or another. I do not tolerate negative actions within this Guild and will not tolerate them just to have members. We are here for one reason, to become more tolerant of other people's viewpoints and understandings, NOT to bash them and call them stupid.