
1. This is a LITERATE Roleplay. This means that you will always write in third person using the correct punctuation, spelling, grammar etc. I understand that we all make mistakes, but try to keep them minimal. This also means that your posts should be a decent length! I need to see at least a good paragraph, which in my book is 7-10 well thought out sentences. Even with writers' block, you should be able to manage that. I would rather that you wrote a few good paragraphs.

2. No cybering! I know this is a guild and not as many people will see it, but it's still not permitted. If you really need to cyber, please do it in the PMs or skip to after or something. Not following this rule will get you instantly banned.

3. Romance is a must, but it shouldn't rule us. So don't have your character whining about not having a boyfriend. It's annoying and it will get you nowhere. It will not make a boyfriend fall from the sky and into your lap. Trust me.

4. If you're new, please go to the Accepted Profiles/Profile Codes thread and use the codes there to PM me your character. Please follow the code as it is there. I'm sick of having to fix profiles when they're sent to me. I feel like I have no time to actually enjoy my roleplay because I'm too busy fixing these profiles. And no HUGE PICTURES!!! If you can't make your pictures smaller, just use a link instead of putting the image up.

5. I rule this roleplay. If I'm not here, the next in line is Whitesnake-kun. If you have any questions or concerns, come to one of us.

6. While roleplaying, please don't PM me asking to interact with your character or anyone else for that matter. Certain characters act in certain ways and I'm not going to compromise my character's personality just because someone wants attention. I don't mean that to be rude, but whatever happens in the roleplay...just let it happen. Don't ask it to happen, okay?

7. Only make more than one character if you can handle them all. I don't want to see any characters being dropped because you can't keep track of all of them. I will delete some of your characters if you're not responsible with all of them.

8. When you're roleplaying with a certain character, make sure to read their profile. That way, you can have some sort of feeling for what they're like. Remember, most of these people have been at the same school for years now. They should now some things about each other.

9. No "When she walked into the room, all the boys turned to look at her" unless your character is a VEELA! Or part veela. That's what supposed to happen when they walk in the room. But if you're a human, there's no way all the heads turn to look at how "stunningly beautiful she is." I know we all want to be the center of attention, but please...let's be realistic.

10. When we change days, please make sure you look for the changes made at the Date/Time/Weather thread because you need to know what the weather is doing! I don't want to see someone standing out in the sun by the lake when it's raining out. In order for everyone to be on the same page, you guys have to make the effort to know what's going on in the guild.

11. Try to involve everyone. If you notice that someone is alone, join them! Or invite them to join you. If you're the one that's alone, don't whine about it all the time, unless it's in your character's personality to be whiny.

12. Let's try to be nice to everyone.

13. Cursing is okay, but please keep it to a minimum. There's no reason to use curses every other word.

I'll probably add more later, when I remember them.