Okay... 12 episode jobbie here. Short lived, and decent... ish... The show had, first off, a great artistic side to it. The drawing was well done and the people that actually voice casted it (for Japanese) were awesome! English... not as much so >_<. However, barring that aside, this space battle style anime was decent. Not great, based solely on the fact that it was too convenient... and all the cool characters die. I mean in the first 2 episodes 3 people die of the 40 students that seize the Amaterasu, pronounced (Ah ma ter aws), And the coolest chick died too. But, I will not reveal her name. Spoiler... me no likey >_< *ahem* Anyways... this show, as convenient as it was, really kept my interest towards the end. The battles were very well played, and it reminded me of a great chess game. The love interest though was really sad.... If you have a few hours to spare... watch this one, it will keep you entertained and unlock some of those lost emotions in us men LOL HAHAHAHA j/k j/k guys.

My questions for you

Convenience... is it really a bad thing? And why?
Is it a bad thing when the awesome characters die? And why?
What is your take on a not so cheesy love story? (this one was not that bad actually)