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End of the Road (Msiba/Macha/Peke/Hifadhi/Umoja/Mapa) FIN Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer

PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 5:37 am
((Not enough room in the subject line for Machafuko's full name. XDD I hope nobody minds that I shortened it~))

Machafuko had just one thing in his mind: Peke. Grab the stupid cub and run, that was it. He was so eager to get out these lands it was ridiculous, but he knew that there would be no running until the cub was grabbed. Well, there was running now, so that wasn't entirely true. Machafuko's sapphire eyes darted this way and that as he ran alongside his paler brother, the pair of them searching for the unfortunate cub and his bonded. Mtalia flew overhead, quite a ways up in the air to get a better vantage point. Though, they had yet to spot him. It wouldn't be long, though... Unyevu and Ukweli hadn't caused that much of a delay, Peke couldn't possibly have gotten too far, nor had the time to pick out a decent hiding spot.

Both Machafuko and Mtalia kept their senses wide open, waiting for Peke to make a mistake that would reveal his whereabouts. That, or to catch his scent. Either would do.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 5:48 am
His senses were still on hyperalert. Killing another lion tended to have that effect on him. Adrenaline pumped through his body, he could hear the rush of blood pounding in his ears. Every muscle was keyed up, everything he passed, he took in with his eyes, his nose, his ears. He ran with a sure-footedness that, while not entirely visible, was not something that he came by every day. It was an extra boost of confidence, more than anything.

And yet, his mind was off somewhat, brooding about the events that had transpired only moments before. It ahd been quick, oh so quick. Lasted only moments, and yet. He could still hear it, see it in his sparkling blue eyes. The moment of realization that had flickered through Unyevu's eyes, as the crimson seer knew he was about to die. And then the regret that had passed over his face, just before Msiba had ended the red lion's life.

Regret? For what? He remembered some of Unyevu's last words, begging for Peke to go unharmed. Begging for someone else's life in the face of his own death. He could not get past it. Why? Why would he do that? He sought comprehension within the dark recesses of his mind, but he could dredge up nothing.

The cub. You have to find him before someone comes. That voice. It sounded in his head, reeling his attention back in. Then it struck him. The noises of the brawl that had just happened was bound to attract some nosy ears. Lions who followed their ears would arrive to find Unyevu dead, Ukweli bleeding and badly battered.

They had to work fast.

Msiba glanced over at his brother. There was such motivation in Machafuko, though what fueled it, Msiba really had no idea. Perhaps it was the notion of leaving these lands. If it was, the pale lion agreed completely. They were so close to the finish line, so close he could almost touch it, and he was more than eager to take his leave of this valley and its lions.

"We've got to move," He said finally, eyes scouring the area around them for any sign of the cub.



PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 7:04 pm
Peke was exhausted. Every muscle in his body was screaming out in pain from being overworked. He had spent so much time running in the last few days. First during the earthquake, then the attack by vultures, Mchawi and now these two. He didn't understand it, why they were after him. The only thing he understood was that he was a seer, he knew that after his dream had come true. Nguvu had been attacked by a shadow, Mchawi. He didn't see how that mattered however.

His breathing rather harsh he tried to keep it down fearing that he would be discovered in the bushes at any moment. Fear shivered through his body as his blue eyes flickered over to his bonded who now rested upon the grass. He didn't have any idea what he should do. He was so exhausted that he just wanted to fall to the ground and sleep but he couldn't do that. No, not when he could be found at any moment. It was inevitable and he knew it but he couldn't help but hope that they wouldn't discover him hiding in the bushes.

He kept close to the ground so that he wouldn't be seen but his muscles screamed in agony from the rather uncomfortable position he was sitting in. He was perched in a crouched position looking as though he was ready to pounce with his body nearly pressed against the ground. He had to keep low and he had to be ready to run as soon as he was spotted. However he was worried about Nguvu. If they were spotted he couldn't exactly wait for the bird to hobble onto his back. Yet he couldn't leave the white raven behind.

His blue gaze met the pink gaze of his bonded who had a solemn look upon his features. He didn't know what they would do either. All he knew was that they needed to stick together and pray that they wouldn't be found. If they were they could only hope the Hestia would save them and send someone to help that wouldn't have to die like Unyevu or Ukweli.

All the could do was wait.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:23 pm
Hifadhi smelt blood. Lion blood... a scent he was unused to, unless it was his own... Finding the bodies had been enough to shock him. He hadn't stayed long when he had. Unyevu and Ukweli... he hadn't even checked on them to discover their fates. He had seen the blood, that was enough for him. He knew that he had to find what had done it... and the smell had been enough for him to know. The outsiders. Not only had they attacked one of their own... but Ukweli... Ukweli... His best friend... his oldest friend... Uweli... No. No. He couldn't think about it. His vision was clouded enough, both from rage and fear.

"Where are they?" He mumbled under his breath, before he picked up another scent... a new scent which sent a whole new jolt through his body. Peke. He could smell Peke, "Pepo!" The bird flew above his head, before he flew higher, "Find Peke! Hurry!" He kept running, as quickly as he could despite his injuries... and the one other injury... the one he had told no one about... "But be careful! Don't let anyone else see you!" He snarled, picking up his pace.

Find Peke... he was in danger. If anything happened to him... after Hifadhi had already lost him... he would have been safe... if Hifadhi had kept him in sight he would have been safe! And now the danger was more immanent. Now, death was a near certainty.

Pepo flew as fast as he could, darting through the trees and staying low so he wouldn't attract too much attention. He didn't have the same sense of smell as Hifadhi did... but at the very least, he had much sharper eyesight. Hopefully, if wouldn't take him long to find Peke... that was, if he didn't fly right over him.


Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 7:26 am
"Yeah," Mach said simply. His eyes scanned everything, bush, tree, grass. He would not let the cub get away, he was their ticket outta here. Wherever that cub was, he wasn't exactly visable... But he could make a mistake. Flick a tail, moan, or have left a good scent trail.

Now there was something Machafuko hadn't thought about. "How about smelling him out?" Mach suggested to his brother, glancing at him. "Unless you've got a better idea..." Without hesitation afterward, Machafuko started sniffing about. He turned his head this way and that, following stray scents... Intermingled were scents of prey... food... it distracted him so! He could just see himself now sitting atop a mountain of meat, all for him!

No no no! Peke. Ticket out of these wretched lands, Peke. His mind was conflicted, it continued to return to the notion of food, but that was about it. Msiba would've had his head by now if he could read minds, and with that thought, Mach redirected himself as much as he could. He returned to sniffing about for a sign of the cub, lumbering slowly along hoping to catch a whiff of him somewhere further along.

((I'm just letting everyone know- I'll be gone from now until Tuesday the second. O.o I've requested an extension until Friday the 5th. Sorry about the absence guys!))  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:49 am
Msiba's step faltered as a new scent drifted to him on the air. s**t. He worried they would be too late. Already he could identify new scents on the wind. Faint, but they were coming all the same, and that boded ill for their finding Peke.

He lengthened his stride, his eyes searching high and low, looking for the cub. Damn that little brat, how far could he have gotten?

Not far, Msiba knew, but cubs tended to be rather talented at hiding when they needed it. He scowled. Just what he wanted. A cub hiding somewhere, not wanting to be found. He had little experience with cubs, but he knew enough to know that often, when cubs didn't want to be found, they couldn't be found.

And he had a feeling, lurking inside him. The distinct uneasiness in the knowledge that soon, very soon, something bad was going to happen. Something that spelled disaster for the interlopers.

((Ahh, short. Can't do much until Hifadhi finds them xD))



PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 5:28 am
Peke longed to peek his head up to see if the coast was clear so he could at least stretch his limbs in the slightest. But he couldn't no matter how much pain he was in from his rather awkward stance. To do such an act would undoubtedly mean that he would be caught and to be caught...well it very well could be a fate worse than death. He would be used until he was no longer needed then he would be tossed away like he was nothing but a rag doll. Just like that red male that had saved him. He had been kept until he was no longer useful. Then he was killed when he was not.

Besides he couldn't let himself be captured, after all what would happen to his siblings, to Kuruka? She was closest to him and if he were to be taken away then...He mentally shook his head at the thought. He couldn't do that to her, not after they had lost their mother in the earthquake and he had just barely picked up her spirits.

If only he knew...if only.

Glancing towards Nguvu he furrowed his brows with a pained expression on his features. Unable to help himself the raven hobbled closer rubbing his head against the side of the cub only to have him crash down on his side from the contact.

Oh s**t.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 9:43 pm
((sorry guys, work and getting ready for school has been off the wall recently...))

"There!" Pepo said victoriously, circling back to Hifadhi, "Found him! Follow me!" Hifadhi took off after the bird, going at top speed, though he tried to avoid running into the outsiders... He couldn't risk that now. Find the cub, and get him out.

Hifadhi moved out of the bushes, his eyes searching for the cub until he found him, "Peke!" He cried out, relief filling his voice. Though he was careful not to be too loud... he still couldn't let them be found, "Peke!" He glanced at the injured bird, and the cub, "Come on, we have to go back and find the others..." He said quietly, "And we'll discuss your running off when I told you not to later." He added on, though not to be cruel so much as he was trying to keep himself calm. He needed to keep everything in control...

"Come on... everything will be fine. Here, I'll help your friend..." He offered a paw to the white raven, "Come on, we need to move..."

"Hifadhi..." Came Pepo's nervous voice from the tree as he kept watch -and saw- their enemies closing in, "We've got trouble heading this way fast. Really, really fast!"



PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 3:53 am
"There," Msiba hissed, nudging his brother as he caught sight of the lion. If only Hifadhi had let things be, he thought amusedly to himself, perhaps they would have walked right past Peke and not found him. It was an unlikelihood, yes, but still possible nonetheless. The thought that a lion of the pride had, in fact, aided in the location of Peke served some sort of entertainment.

Peke. The ticket out of this valley. Msiba was getting sick of it here. The place was cursed, that was what it was, and he was as glad as anyone at the thought that soon, they would be free from the strange voodoo of these lands. The farther away the better.

"That was a mistake," He said, raising his voice as they neared Hifadhi and the cub. Indeed, it was. "But no worries, you won't have to live long enough to regret it." He added, a deep growl rumbling from deep in his chest.

He took comfort in knowing that soon, Hifadhi, like Unyevu and most probably Ukweli behind them, would be dead. One less lion to meddle in his business.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 7:36 am
Panic welled up in the cub's heart when a figure came toward him. He had been caught! Now he was never going to see anyone ever again...anyone but those...outsiders. He didn't want to look up to see the face of his captors so he kept his head down heart pounding in his chest. Then the figure spoke. Peke! Come. His eyes opened and widened at the sound of the familiar voice.


Looking up his heart started to calm only to hear another familiar voice and it wasn't as happy-making as the previous. Msiba had found him. Again. "Not again." He whined scrambling to his paws as he looked to Nguvu. "Should I run?" He questioned the bird not bothering to even direct the question towards the old captain at all.

Peke wouldn't admit it but he was terrified. His body was shaking just the slightest bit with his fear. He didn't want to be captured, his whole being was telling him to run but he didn't move. He didn't want to leave Hifadhi to deal with the two males. It would mean death for the old male, Peke was certain. Afterall the two interlopers had already done away with two others with the odds being even. For the most part, one on one. However Hifadhi would be alone...and that wasn't good.

"I don't know Peke...I don't think we'd get anywhere." The raven replied looking hopefully at the adult.



PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 5:03 pm
Hifadhi looked back at the two, and realized there was no way they could escape... he would have to face Misiba, and likely his brother Machafuko any second now... alone. He couldn't win, that he knew. He was old, and tired, and these two lions were young... but he had been a warrior for a long time. And perhaps if he could not defeat his enemies, he could hold them off until someone who could came.

"Don't be frightened, Peke..." He whispered, turning to Misiba and growling low in his throat, "You have done well... If you can find a way back to the pride, if you can find your strength, then go... but if you cannot, I will protect you."

"And don't forget me." Pepo muttered, eyeing Misiba, "The road ends here."

"I will not let you hurt another member of this pride..." Hifadhi said, putting on a good face despite knowing that this could very well be his last fight. Well, if it was, it would most certainly be a good one against one of the most deadly enemies he had ever come across, "This ends here. We should never have trusted outsiders like you."
PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 5:29 am
"Or what?" Msiba asked, that same sunny smile spreading across his face. The one that the lions of this pride, at least the ones that had been around during the interlopers' time here, had no doubt gotten used to seeing. He was such a gentleman, if only on the outside, though he suspected that if he dug deep, he could find the same genuine feelings of concern as the ones that often wrote themselves across his face. And after all, if one was to face death, it would be far easier passing from this world being able to see a cheery face in the midst of all the pain. Wouldn't it?

"I personally would not consider you much of a threat, eh?" The pale lion added, his tone light and jovial, though in his eyes shone something far darker. The light of raw power and anger that lurked there, unseen to all except those who really took the time to delve into that sapphire-eyed gaze of his.

He glanced over at Machafuko, wondering if it was worth their while to take on the old lion. There didn't seem to be too much of a choice, he knew. And their window of opportunity was closing. Fast. If they missed Peke now, it was unlikely they would be able to get another shot at grabbing the cub.



PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 7:17 am
Don't be frightened, Peke... Those words echoed in the young male's mind and he almost let out a dry laugh. Don't be scared? Yeah right. Of course he was terrified how could he not be? He wasn't scared of the lions chasing him, but of the life he would lead if he were to be captured. He knew that he would be punished, harshly, every time he disobeyed any of them and knowing him it would be frequently. He didn't want to live a life of servitude! Yet he knew why Hifadhi wanted him to remain calm, to not be afraid. If he was afraid it would block his senses and would not allow him to think clearly and escape.

"Don't die." He whispered suddenly as he stood straightening himself and trying to hold himself high. He hated this whole situation. Hated. Why was he the target everyone was chasing? Ever since he had met his bonded he had been on the run always hiding. He felt like a criminal!

He had done nothing wrong...except maybe being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Shaking his head he tried to clear his rather angry thoughts as he glanced at his pursuer to his rescuer. He'd be damned if he didn't try to get away one more time. "Nguvu!" He called to the bird who immediately snapped his head up and towards the cub. "Let's go." He stated pressing his belly to the ground to let the bird climb up onto his back one more time.

"Let's find that loser Ufunuo, his sister and my family." He whispered deciding he was going to give it his all and try to run one more time. If he failed then he'd just raise hell as their captive. He would not be some toy that just complied.

Then he was running.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 8:23 am
Machafuko let out a quiet snarl when yet another old lion stood between them and their prize. "What, do I have to teach the same lesson to you too, old man?" He asked, eyes glittering dangerously. The male's tail lashed in irritation. "This place is so annoying, Msiba." Mach griped quickly without even thinking about it. Machafuko's eyes darted from their treasure to the old green lion before them until Peke darted away. "You'll regret letting that cub go, but like Msiba said, if you get the time to do so." It had been a good line from his brother that he could attempt to copy.

Machafuko glanced at his brother as if begging for the order to go. He knew this was yet another lion between him and the cub, and he needed to end up like Ukweli and Unyevu. Machafuko started to move himself into a position to attack and launched without awaiting to hear word from his brother. He knew that Msiba would be by his side. He saw Mtalia take to the sky to counter any birds that would come to harm her bonded.

Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer


PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 8:30 am
Don't die... Hifadhi only had a moment to think of those words before he grinned despite himself, "I won't..." Unlikely, but he felt better after saying it. One lion, maybe, but two? Not a chance. He was far too old for this. And that was the first time he had ever thought that.

"Try me!" He roared, leaping forward and meeting Machafuko's attack head-on, lashing out with his long claws. He remembered absently, his youth, when he would have been able to move fast enough to get to Machafuko before the other lion got to him... but alas, those days were long gone.

Pepo took to the sky. He knew he and Hifadhi would probably die during this fight... but if Peke could get away... if Peke could find Ngao and the others then maybe... maybe he could be saved at the very least. "A good day to die..." He mumbled before he aimed his talons towards Mtalia, intending to keep the other two birds away from his own bonded if he could. He wouldn't allow Hifadhi to be attacked from above. Not a chance.
[IC] Aka'mleli Lands [IC]

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