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September 2008

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Well the summer months sure have quickly passed us by. August brought us our Lammas/Imbolc celebration, there was lots of fun to be had by all. A big thanks to everyone who participated, and an extra big congratulations goes to the following contest winners:

Lammas Tek-Tek: Tashinada
Imbolc Tek-Tek: Sanguina-Chan
Poetry Contest: Esselean
Guestbook Raffle: Esselean
Random Number Contest: x_Yami_x, Esselean, and Ultraviolett1127

As a special treat here are the two entries that we had for the poetry contest...



Her breath warms the air
And thaws the grass
Her light is golden
The gray has past

Nests are weaved
The birds all squawk
The world is changing
Where ever she walks

Brandi West

The first wheat shall fall
So it begins... the harvest
Gather together the grain
So it begins... the harvest.

Baked in an oven of clay
So it begins... with the harvest
A new loaf to share among friends
So it begins.. with the harvest.

We gather together and sing
So we rejoice.. in the harvest
May we never go hungry again
So we rejoice... in the harvest

September sees us moving into the fall season. Harvest time, that began in August will now move towards completion. A bit later in the month we will be celebrating Mabon/Ostara, so be sure to join us again in the Gatherings subforum for more fun and games!!! We look forward to seeing you all there. You won't want to miss it!!!

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6 - 7: Pagan Unity Days (Mt. Pleasant, SC)
13: Arkansas Pagan Pride Day (Little Rock, AR)
14: Birthday of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa in 1486
15: Full Moon (Harvest Moon) at 5:13 am
20: Central NC Pagan Pride Day Festival (Raleigh, NC)
21: Mid-Missouri Pagan Pride Day (Columbia, MO)
22: Mabon
22: Ostara (Southern Hemisphere)

29: New moon at 4:12 am

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Dates: August 23 to September 22
Element: Earth
Quality: Mutable
Symbol: The Virgin
Nature: Negative
Day: Wednesday
Metal: Mercury
Gem: Sardonyx
Color: Navy Blue, Dark Gray and Brown
Governs: Bowels and Intestines
Key Word: I Analyze
Positive Influences: Practical, analytical, neat, industrious, detailed.
Negative Influences: Fault -finding, cynical, shyness, perfectionist, worrying, critical of self/others.
Ruler: Mercury


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(September 22 )

Mabon is the completion of the Harvest that began at Lammas. Once again day and night are equal. The God prepares to leave his physical body and begin the great journey to the unseen, towards renewal and rebirth of the Goddess. Nature begins to die, laying in rest for next springs bounty. The Goddess nods in the weakening sun, but fire burns within her womb. We all take a moment to pay our respects to impending darkness. We also give thanks to the waning sunlight as we store our harvest of this year’s crops. Offerings of Ciders, Wines, Herbs, and Fertilizer are appropriate at this time. Witches and Wiccans celebrate the aging Goddess as she passes from Mother to Crone, and her consort the God as he prepares for death and re-birth.

Other Names: Autumn Equinox, Winter Finding (Teutonic), Alban Elfed (Caledonii)

Correspondences and Associations

Colors: Orange, Dark Red, Yellow, Brown, Maroon, Deep Gold, Violet, and Indigo.
Foods: Corn Bread Cakes, Wheat Products, Breads, Nuts, Vegetables, Apples, Cider, Carrots, Onions, Potatoes, Wine, Ale, and Pomegranates.
Symbols: Acorns, Pine Cones, Baskets of Fallen Leaves, Ivy Vines, Dried Seeds, Dried Leaves, and Dried Flowers.
Incense: Benzoin, Myrrh, Pine, Cinnamon, Cloves, Jasmine, Frankincense, and Sage.
Candles: Brown, Green, Orange, and Yellow.
Gemstones: Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, Yellow Agates, and Yellow Topaz.
Deities: Thor, Morgan, Green Man, Epona, and Land Mother and the Muses.
Herbs: Hazel, Corn, Acorns, Oaks, Wheat Stalks, Cypress Cones, Pine Cones, Thistles, Milkweed, Pine, Cedar, and Sage.
Animals: Dogs, Wolves, Stag, Owl, Eagle, Salmon, Goat, and Blackbirds.
Work:Celebration of the Second Harvest, Ritual sprinkling of leaves, protection, prosperity, security, and self-confidence.
Tools: Red Alter Cloth and Boline.


(March 22nd)

Ostara marks the true fist day of spring. This is the time to celebrate the balance of seasons and the passage of Night into Day. The Goddess covers the earth with Fertility as she bursts forth from her sleep. The God stretches and grows into maturity. He walks among the greening earth and delights in the abundance of nature. On Ostara, the hours of the day and night are equal. This is a time of beginnings, of action, or planting seeds for future grains. As spring reaches its midpoint, night and day stand in perfect balance. (With light on the increase.) The young Sun God now celebrates a sacred marriage with the young maiden Goddess, who conceives. In nine months she will again become the Great Mother. It is a time of great fertility and growth, and newborn animals. Ostara is the time of Fertility of the Earth.

Other Names: Eostre and Spring Equinox

Correspondences and Associations

Colors: Light Green, Lemon Yellow, and Pale Pink.
Foods: Hard-Boiled Eggs, Honey Cakes, 1st Fruit of the Season, Leafy Greens, Dairy Products, Nuts, Sunflower Seeds, and Flower Dishes.
Symbols: Eggs, Rabbits, Seeds, Spring Flowers, Four-Leaf Clover, and Colored Ribbons.
Incense: African Violet, Jasmine, Rose, Sage, and Strawberry.
Candles: Gold, Green, and Yellow.
Gemstones: Aquamarine, Amethyst, and Red Jasper.
Deities: Diana, Artemis, Ostara, Eos, Eostre, Mars, Ares, The Green Man and The Maiden.
Herbs: Daffodil, Jonquils, Woodruff, Violet, Gorse, Olive, Peony, Iris, Tansy, Honeysuckle, and all Spring Flowers.
Animals: Rabbits, Hares, Robins, Dragons, Lambs, and Chicks.
Work: Planting, Coloring Eggs, Fertility Rites, Herb Work, Spells for new beginnings, prosperity, fertility, and potential.
Tools: Eggs, Baskets, and Green Clothe.


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* 1/2 cup flour
* 1/2 cup water
* Newspaper or grocery bag strips (1 inch by 3 inches)
* Petroleum Jelly (Vaseline)
* A Bowl of the size you wish to copy
* Acrylic paints
* Acrylic gloss finish *optional*

How To:

1. Tear paper into strips

2. Take a small, rounded bowl, set upside down, and cover it with petroleum jelly.

3. Mix equal parts of flour and water. A half cup of each is enough for two small bowls.

4. Dip each strip into the paste and apply the first layer of strips vertically , covering the bowls surface. Don't worry about it being uneven or jagged. It can be easily trimmed with scissors after it is dried. Apply the second layer of strips horizontally and so on until you have 5 layers.

5. Allow to dry. This takes about one full day.

6. Separate the paper-mache from the bowl. Use the tip of a butter knife to separate the two. If the inside is not completely dry, allow to dry for another day.

7. Once completely dry, trim the edges with scissors.

8. Paint with acrylics. Add symbols or sponge. Use your imagination!

9. Allow to dry and then cover with the acrylic gloss finish *optional*.

The bowl you've created can be used on your altar to hold herbs, potpourri or shell/stones, etc. It can be gently wiped out but don't wash it with water or use it to hold liquids of any kind.

***Note*** The finer the paper and smaller the strips that you use the smoother the bowl will come out. I have done these in layers using a courser paper for the first 2 layers and using thinner paper for the top layers. This creates a finer and smoother appearance. It is also fun to experiment with different types of papers in different colors (tissue and crepe are great). Sometimes I don't paint them at all and just use the different papers. Experiment and enjoy! smile


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Midnight Moon is home to a really creative bunch of is where we showcase their talent. biggrin This month we are showcasing poetry written by Rurouni92. Enjoy!!!

Beautiful Luna
Showering us with your love
Watch over me tonight

Glorious moon beams
Shining on us in the Night
Grant sweet dreams to all

A lone wolf howls to an empty night sky
Darkness consumes his lonely heart
He expects no reply
For he is far from home
He howls not to others
But to the moon
Lighting his path on the long journey home
His call is one of thanks
Thanks to the moon that guides him
On his journey through the night

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Well it should be a great month! We're looking forward to seeing everyone hanging around. If you are looking for a great way to earn some extra gold be sure to check out the Arcade - there are lots of contests and games for everyone!!! I also encourage everyone (if you haven't already) to really explore the subforums - there are a lot of things going on that you might miss out on if you never move off of the main page blaugh - not to mention we'd love to see you there!!! Also if you have any articles, art, poetry, trivia, or anything at all that you would like to submit for the next newsletter please feel free to PM it to MidnightLetter. If we use your submissions in the newsletter you will receive payment for your work - amounts will depend on type of work submitted.

Well...take care and have a blessed September!