Hi there, I'm Rainbow Spade. I'm once again searching for a roleplaying partner! biggrin

In the past, I have given vague requirements and little information about my own roleplaying habits, but I'm here to change that! 3nodding Please bear with me.

My habits:
♠I'm on every day, if I'm not, I'll try to let you know before hand.
♠I almost never know what I'd like to roleplay about.
♠I love playing the role of girl, but being a guy suits me just as well.
♠I usually, when playing a girl, make her all cute and giggly, sarcastic and evil, or very very shy.
♠When playing a guy, I make him obsessed with the girl, or so he barely notices her, and is 'too cool'.
♠I'm understanding if you don't have much to post, a slow day.
♠I don't post large amounts of paragraphs, sometimes, I may not have much to post, but usually it's just three to four lines.
♠I am completely literate.
♠I love making awkward moments for characters, it's just fun.
♠I'm into long term roleplays.
♠I love gore, romance and action.
♠Guns, sharp objects, blood....♥
♠Vampires, strange powers....♥
♠I only roleplay in PM form.

My rules:
♠ You have to be one hundred percent literate. This means you:
~Use capitalizations.
~Use puntuation. (i.e. commas, aposrophies.)
~Know how to spell correctly.
~And type out words.
I don't want to see any responses in my inbox like this.
hi i want to rp with u

Hey whats up wanna rp?

What I'd like to see is something like this.
Hi, I saw your post in the forum, and I'd be interested in roleplaying with you. I like number __/ could we do something else?

♠You have to be on at least five out of seven days of the week. I'm impatient, I don't like waiting. xp
♠You have to have a love for the roleplay itself, along with your character. Give it some life.
♠ be one of those people who isn't afraid to comment on their own post. Or mine.
(Dun dun dun!!)

(Wow. Unexpected.)

(lol, that was funny.)

Or something like that. sweatdrop
♠if you don't have much to post, don't worry about it, and just go ahead, I'll understand, I might be having the same problem, you could even tell me so.

Additional... stuff:
This time, I've got pictures that I'd like to base some roleplays on. If you don't want to, it's okay, too. But I'd suggest checking them out. I picked them for a reason, they're cool. lol. Oh, and yes, if we choose to do one of these pictures, your character is going to look like the one in the picture. Try to make your personalitly match the way they look in the picture.

Comment: Like a city type thing, maybe? Like, maybe they've seen eachother and have a secret crush on one another?

Comment: Okay, I totally love this one. I'd imagine that the guy one the right would be a vampire or something, that's just me. But look at their expressions closely.

Comment: In this believe it or not, I was thinking New York mafia. Uhhh... seems pretty fun to me. wink

Comment: They look like vampires with their red eyes, right? They look pretty fun, too.

Comment: Nineteenth century victorian? I love the idea of it, so proper, but doesn't have to be exactly like that. (*cough cough*)

Comment: Time travel?

Comment: Just a bunch of regular kids, with a twist? I suppose, though, their names just might be Vincent and Ichi?

Comment: Besties turned lovers on accident?

Comment: I really love this idea. Short, younger girl, may be fourteen, fifteen? Older guy.

Comment: Love their looks, and the concept of the connection between them through the scarf. Maybe they could possibly be connected? I dunno.

Comment: Yes, red and the wolf. I like it, don't you?

Comment: Alice in wonderland-ishhhh??

Comment: I dunno, just like 'em.

Comment: I really like this one for some reason... pwease?

Comment: I was thinking the guy won't leave her alone? He's a 'bad seed' and is sorta abusive? Cities. Alleys. (sexually, emotionally, physically, verbally.)

Yep, that's about it for the pictures.
Werewolf X Vampire
Human X Vampire
Hunter X Vampire
Boy X Girl
Demon X Thingy : sweat :
Anything. (But no yaoi or yuri, sorry. And yes, I am a twilight fan.)

Thank you all so much for baring with me and listening. I really think this was pretty well written. So um, please send me a reply (in private message form) and I hope we can get started soon!!

(Yes, you may have seen this before, but it's been revamped!)

♥Rainbow Spade