A lone boy lays still in an old alley his chest barely moving up and down and life begining to fade. "This is the end. At least my existance will no longer cause others trouble." the boy thought. Suddenly someone appeared by his side. "Don't give up yet. It's not your time." the stranger said softly as he concentrated his chakra to his right hand. The stranger passed his hand over the boy healing him. The stranger had bright green hair, plae skin and dark circles under his eyes. "What is your name child?" "I...I...I don't have a name." "Then we'll have to change that won't we?" The stranger smiled gently and offered the boy his hand to help hjm get up. "My name is Shoto, and don't worry, I won't hurt you like the rest of them. Where are your parents, they shouldn't left you without even a name?" "My mother never wanted me, so she didn't even bother to name me. She left when I was three, and forced me to live on the streets. I don't know who my father is. All I know is that I'm just an annoyance to everyone. No one wants me, or cares about me. No one." "I know how you feel, I used to be just like you, but I found people who cared about me and things got better. Now it's time for things to get better for you."
"Are you sure that's the name you what?" "Yes, I'm sure." Shoto stared at the memorial stone in Konoha and at the name the boy had chosen to be his. Uchiha Obito "All right. From now on you will be known as Obito." "Thanks father!" "Father...I never imagined that I would end up adopting a kid...let alone be called 'Father'." Shoto thought to himself. "Let's go home." "All right!" Obito replied as he grabbed Shoto's hand.
Itachi stood in a small forest clearing and listened to the world around him. He cursed himself for over using his eyes, because he now he couldn't see anything. Suddenly, Itachi heard the bushes rustle behind him. He turned around with a kunai withdrawn ready to fight if nessesary. 'Relax Itachi, it's just me, Shoto." "What do you want?" "I wanted to tell you something. Something that will change your life...forever." "Well, what is it?" "You have a son Itachi." "What!?! You better not be messing with me, or I'll kill you Shoto!" "I'm not messing with you. In fact he's here with us. Obito, come here. There's someone I want you to meet." Obito hesitantly step out from behind a tree and approached Shoto and Itachi. "Obito, this is your real father. He didn't abandoned you Obito, he didn't even know you existed." Obito looked up at Itachi and then stepped up to him. "Hello...father." "He sounds so much like me...could he really be my son?" Itachi thought to himself. Itachi kneeled down to see Obito face with his hands. "His face is just like mine... he is my son after all." Obito felt something awaken in him, something familiar yet new. He opened his eyes and when he looked at Itachi he saw something he had never seen before. He was seeing the past. Obito stood there for several moments as he watched his father's past play befor his eyes, when he suddenly started crying. "Obito...what's wrong son?" Itachi asked softly. Obito embraced Itachi and sobbed, "It's not fair!!! It's not fair!!! Why did they frame you father!?! Why!?! Why did they betray you!?!" "What are you talking about Obito?" "Why did the hokage frame you and force you to leave the village when you were just following orders father?" "How do you know about that? Shoto!!! Did you tell him about that!?!" "No! I swear I didn't. I don't know how he found out." "Obito?" "I...I saw your past when I looked at you. I don't know how I saw it, but I did. But it doesn't matter, because I know the truth and I will love you anyway father." Itachi stood there silent not knowing what to say. He then hugged Obito and cried silently, because he knew he couldn't take care of Obito. He knew that if Obito stayed with him, that Obito could get hurt or killed. "Obito, I love you and I always will...but I can't take care of you, I'm sorry." "It's okay, I understand father." "Goodbye son." "Goodbye father."