This sub-forum is titled "Things We Care About" because it is intended to be about things happening in the world that we would like to see happen or change. Let me give you an example:

Things to post here: Is there a bill in congress that you'd like to raise awareness about? Is there something awful happening in the world that you feel something must be done about? Is there an organization that is dedicated to helping people that you'd like to shine some light on? In short, if it's large-scale, it probably goes here.

Things NOT to post here: Things that happened to you at school today that don't affect the rest of us, name dropping, bump threads, threads that require little to no effort or thought to write or reply to, etc.

What you might see here: Topics in this subforum are expected to be long, maybe drawn out, & possibly boring, if it's not a topic that interests you, but are not required to be any of the above. There may be some very spirited debates, or some serious talks, but we must remember that no matter how serious the conversation, it's just talk. Everyone has their own opinions, & even if it's not something you agree with, please try to keep a cool head & throw a well educated comment out, rather than an insult.

& as always, remember to have fun. ^_^