Are you going to do something? |
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Total Votes : 6 |
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 9:59 am
I know and I've heard Muslims say that Islam is a "religion of peace"
fighting in Middle East aside, is this what you call...being a religion of peace? (this is just something that happened in Paris)
This is the first genocide run in Sudan, started by Muslims.
Women and children alike are raped and tortured and forced to flee into severe poverty by Arab Muslims
This is not something that happened overnight. This has been going on since 1971. It's not something you can blame Christians or Jews. This is done by MUSLIMS. What do they do? Eradicate anyone who opposes them, who wants equality of ALL faiths, who just want to live in peace without having to being forced to convert to Islam. You can't blame the media for a false portrayal of the faith. Slaughter Christains for refusing to convert Genocide continued Arab Militants, part of the military group, Janjaweed, rape girls and women at pleasure Arab Muslims continue to support the genocide, those that are part of Janjaweed
You might say, "well they claim themselves to be Muslims, but they're not real Muslims" ----SO WHAT?! The fact of the matter is NOT whether you think they are Muslims or not, but that these people are caught up in this self-righteous fervor and believe themselves to be true blue Muslims acting upon the will of Allah!
Who will condemn them? What Muslim leaders will take action (aside from inside the country) to discourage this type of fighting?! What will you guys do? Saying that Allah will judge them eventually isn't good enough. People are starving, dying horrible deaths, being raped, forced against their will to follow a religion as the country continues to tear itself apart because of fundamentalist Muslims!
Are Muslims, good Muslims just going to keep silent and watch this tragedy continue? Are you going to let fundamentalists spread the name of Islam in their own, twisted, demented way? Is this how you truly want the world to see you guys as? What are you going to do? Blame someone else, have another group as a scapegoat? This is 21st century, here, we're not in the Crusades. This is in Africa, not the holy land. You have nothing to blame but yourselves; those within Islam that seek to twist the word of Allah to meet their own needs...and those that do nothing to hinder that belief. Not Christians, not Jews, not Hindus, not Buddhists, not George Bush, not the "corrupting power of the USA".
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 1:12 pm
Quote: Who will condemn them? What Muslim leaders will take action (aside from inside the country) to discourage this type of fighting?! If you think that Sudan is the only corrupt Muslim country then you are very wrong dear. -The Russian Muslim countries think they know Islam but don't care about it. -In the United Arab Emirates the Muslims don't care about Islam but still find it necessary to persecute my community. -In Pakistan there is persecution. -In Bangladesh there is Persecution. -Saudi Arabia doesn't have a care in the world as long as they have oil and horses. -Iraq and Iran's only care is to find a chance to rip each other apart. -Afghanistan and Iraq are still devastated because of what the US did. -Palestine doesn't have enough power because the US supported the ripping apart and massacre of many Palestinians just so Israel could be created........ Do you want me to continue? There is NO Islamic nation that is willing to do something or is in the position to do something. All the Islamic countries don't care about Islam and that is the reality the Muslim Ummah is facing right now. They have become too involved in chasing after worldly desires. Of course they say "they love Islam" but that is not actually a love for Islam but a love for the culture that they were brought up in. The ONLY Muslim community that is doing something is my religious community even if we are being persecuted by the same Muslims that we are trying to help. Quote: What will you guys do? Saying that Allah will judge them eventually isn't good enough. People are starving, dying horrible deaths, being raped, forced against their will to follow a religion as the country continues to tear itself apart because of fundamentalist Muslims! Allah will not judge them harshly, they are trapped in a destructive cultural setting that needs to be changed. Who Allah will judge (in my opinion and my opinion can be wrong (I don't know God's will)) harshly is the Muslim nations who are not facing these problems. Who He will also question is the Muslims who remain silent on these issues and don't investigate the cause. The cause is: That in ALL Muslim countries Zakat (charity) is mandatory for every single Muslim citizen and even outside of the Muslim nations Muslims around the world give Zakat...........but poof the money disappears and no one cares to check up on it. That's 5% of a Muslim individuals income that disappears into thin air, or in reality into the hands of the corrupt Mullahs and religious leaders. The reason Zakat was created in the first place was so that through it the poor/persecuted and war torn countries citizens could be helped out. It was also created so that Muslims could acknowledge the fact that the reason they are successful as a country is because their are poor citizens who help out....and who need help. Another reason is so there is an equal distribution of wealth. But the fact is "apparently" this money that is gathered is not used for the right purposes, but to meet the selfish desires of the stupid and corrupt leaders the majority of Muslims are following now-a-days. If the Holy Prophet (saw) saw what is happening today to the Muslim nations he would be so grief stricken. The only community that is using its funds properly (to help the poor) is my community. Quote: Are Muslims, good Muslims just going to keep silent and watch this tragedy continue? Are you going to let fundamentalists spread the name of Islam in their own, twisted, demented way? Is this how you truly want the world to see you guys as? What are you going to do? They are going to sit there and go boo-hoo look at all the people in the world who are dying. Darn the west! And not get off their butts and do something. The only community that is doing something is my community because it is following the right path..........if the Muslims cared they would do research and then find out my community is the right community and participate in the HUGE charity projects that we have created. But, no it is good enough for them to sit on their couches and listen to the propaganda that their religious leaders spread. Quote: Blame someone else, have another group as a scapegoat? This is 21st century, here, we're not in the Crusades. This is in Africa, not the holy land. You have nothing to blame but yourselves; those within Islam that seek to twist the word of Allah to meet their own needs...and those that do nothing to hinder that belief. Not Christians, not Jews, not Hindus, not Buddhists, not George Bush, not the "corrupting power of the USA". People always use scapegoats. And that is exactly what they are doing today. (Besides my community) My community acknowledges the FACT that it is not only the Muslims who are corrupt but all nations of the world but to different levels. A nation who followed a system of complete justice would never be pointed out as being a bad nation...........but there is no such nation right now. And how you are blaming Muslims for their own problems is not correct either. The FACT is that the wealthiest nations of the world are the western ones. Half of the population in Africa is still starving. More then half of the world countries are corrupt (just look at Amnesty international). There are MANY countries where a large population can't find enough money to survive on. The people of the west don't care at all. So lets blame them. It only takes one or two dollars to feed a family for A WEEK. But, the west would rather pay celebrities millions of dollars to rip their clothes off.
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 4:14 pm
I know that Sudan is not the only country that suffers from something like this, but it is one of the better known ones.
Despite the fact that the USA is one of the (if not THE) wealthiest countries in the world, issues with celebrities, drunkeness, and corruption, we are the forefront of international aid. We pledged $1.4 billion to aid Sudan. We don't just shove money into a corrupt government's coffer, we send our OWN CITIZENS down into the DANGER OF THE WARTORN COUNTRY to help in any way possible. So dont think we are selfish brats within a wealthy country. We donate and do much more than any other European Country (or Union) or any other country in the world, IN addition to our own faults.
I personally think the only way things will get done is via military. But that won't happen until some other country gets its a** and gear and involves itself or the USA has recovered from its tussle in the Middle East (if we ever get that far)
See the problem with the USA is...we're damned if we do, we're damned if we don't.
We do get involved with countries with malicious, sadistic dictators that are terribly oppressive to the people.....we are condemned for being violent and intrusive.
We don't get involved with countries like Sudan....we are condemned for being ignorant and selfish.
And the fact of the matter is MUSLIMS are in charge of the militia, Muslims are in the Government in Sudan, and Muslims are killing and raping and pillaging. It's through twisted ideology that this is coming about. That there is this despair and sloth in Muslim countries...that NO ONE SEEMS TO DO A DAMN THING. AND WHEN THEY TRY TO DO SOMETHING, THEY'RE BEING PERSECUTED.
That is what I am blaming the Muslim community. For hypocrisy. For not taking a stance. For listening and accepting bullshit propaganda. For not searching for true knowledge, and being satisfied with a twisted truth. And for trying to assault/persecute the few good Muslims that actually attempting to make a difference.
Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 6:20 am
I know what's happening is so cruel, nobody is coming out. But frankly, But I have something to say in defend of myself ( I live in the west and in the middle east as well ). I live here, I know what is it like! Countries here are from the 3rd world country, I know that Jordan is better than any other country, but frankly, it's not like other big country, it barely supports itself! You shouldn't blame us, because what we can do is little! We barely support our countries, and ourselves. But you know what, I'm going to continue to learn, regardless of what happening, because eventually I'm learning for the sake of Islam, and I go to school everyday to learn stuff that will help me and I'll be someone who will help these people. I appreciate what USA is doing for Sudan, and you're right, those people who do this are people who claim that they're muslims. ( I really like the fact you understand that ) But really, stop blaming, and get up, and DO SOMETHING!! Blaming isn't going to help!! Regardless who you are, christian, jewish!! We should gather all together to help each other!! You guys really don't understand, Islam isn't like what people who claim to be muslims like. You should really read the Quran, know what the hell I'm talking about! Do not look at what muslims do and say ( Now that's islam! ). I really am ashamed of what muslims are doing right now. Forgeting who they are, and forgeting all about those people!!
I really hope that you can understand! But I'm still preparing myself to get into the real world, and actually do something! I'm still learning, while I was learning I realised many things: 1- Islam isn't what modern muslims are doing! 2- Islam is about peace! And those people who claim to be muslims, are not muslims!
Media, I don't know what they tell you. I really hope that first, you study, then you give those things out. Even though it's in books, or internet's most trusted sites! Arab leaders aren't right yes! But at least some of my people are standing up, speaking up for themselves, we are barely supporting ourselves!! So, you really can't blame what is happening to us!
Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 11:01 am
Mini_Angel_1994 I know that Jordan is better than any other country, but frankly, it's not like other big country, it barely supports itself! You shouldn't blame us, because what we can do is little! We barely support our countries, and ourselves. It doesn't have to be much. It has to be effective. Why won't Muslim Leaders condemn it? I don't give a damn if a Muslim leader is in USA or Pakistan or Iraq or Jordan or where ever! The SILENCE. Is what bothers me. I just wanted to make sure Phoenixia knew that the USA just wasn't just loafing around while certain nations are at risk.
I know countries can't do as much as USA. but when there is NOTHING. NO ATTEMPTS TO EVEN TALK AND PUBLICLY CONDEMN AND CALL FOR A REFORM...that is where I am irritated and pissed off at the Muslim community. Even those that try to, as Phoenixia pointed out...ARE PERSECUTED FOR DOING GOOD. WHAT KIND OF MESSED UP COMMUNITY IS THAT!!!!???EVEN IF IT'S NOT ENCOURAGED, THE FACT OF THE MATTER IS THE COMMUNITY ALLOWS THIS TO HAPPEN AND DOES NOTHING ABOUT IT!Mini_Angel_1994 But really, stop blaming, and get up, and DO SOMETHING!! We are doing something. We're waiting for the Muslim community, the ENTIRE Muslim community to catch up AND HELP US FIGHT AGAINST THE IGNORANT WHO INDULGE IN VIOLENCE AND MAR THE NAME OF ISLAM Mini_Angel_1994 Do not look at what muslims do and say ( Now that's islam! ). Knowing the truth is one thing. Seeing people over and over and over who truly believe that they are Muslims and doing this killing...it's hard to not wonder. I say this every time I watch the news (multiple news stations, and i read military newspapers, and I check international sources and then some)Mini_Angel_1994 Media, I don't know what they tell you. I do my own research. Most of the information comes from humanitarian sites. I take what the media says with a grain of salt. There is some merit to them (otherwise they wouldn't be able to broadcast and publish...not here in the USA anyhow) not all say the same thing. Some are less...biased against islam than others. Regardless of which type of news reports it, these events are happening, and something needs to be done.
Mini_Angel_1994 ! But at least some of my people are standing up, speaking up for themselves, we are barely supporting ourselves!! So, you really can't blame what is happening to us! Where? Show me that some people are speaking out from your community.
Yes, I still stand by blaming Muslims for their silence. For God's sake, you're one of the fastest growing religions in the world and no one can take the time to realize that there is corruption in the faith?! And can't at least some take ACTION?!
That is where I blame Muslims. The silence the lack of action. Again, the hypocrisy of the community as Phoenixia pointed out...where those that do good are persecuted. Am I blaming Muslims for every single world event that has gone through hell? No. Sudan has multiple factors for its demise. And the silence of Muslims and lack of cooperative action is one of them.
Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 1:04 pm
I feel for your compassion, and I really would like to climb the highest mountain and take a speaker with me, and shout with the top of my lungs: GET UP, STOP EATING, DO SOMETHING!!!!!!
I really would like that, I really would like someone to get up and shout along with me. But you know, they can't hear, they don't want to hear. I feel for you, and I feel the same way you feel. The silence is killing, we should fight those who are ruining the peace between the human beings.
But I have a favor to ask, don't blame Islam for muslims actions. Islam came to teach, and it's not islam's fault for people not understanding. I really hope that you understand this point.
Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 1:16 pm
I don't agree in everything writen in those text boxes in the pictures 3nodding
And i think the muslim country's have other things to do, than helping!
They should help themself, first 3nodding
And how shall we stop it? Make a Zakistan? rofl
Cause a Zakistan, is a Parkistan!
Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 6:19 pm
Mini_Angel_1994 I feel for your compassion, and I really would like to climb the highest mountain and take a speaker with me, and shout with the top of my lungs: GET UP, STOP EATING, DO SOMETHING!!!!!! I really would like that, I really would like someone to get up and shout along with me. But you know, they can't hear, they don't want to hear. I feel for you, and I feel the same way you feel. The silence is killing, we should fight those who are ruining the peace between the human beings. But I have a favor to ask, don't blame Islam for muslims actions. Islam came to teach, and it's not islam's fault for people not understanding. I really hope that you understand this point. It is the Muslims that twist Islam to meet their selfish desires and benefits that make the faith look like a blight upon the world.
Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 1:45 am
I'm glad that you understand it that way. In the past, people got into Islam because of muslim manners. But in the mean time, I can no longer hope for someone going into Islam because of what muslims do. They take Islam as an excuse.
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 5:00 am
Mini_Angel_1994 I feel for your compassion, and I really would like to climb the highest mountain and take a speaker with me, and shout with the top of my lungs: GET UP, STOP EATING, DO SOMETHING!!!!!! I really would like that, I really would like someone to get up and shout along with me. But you know, they can't hear, they don't want to hear. I feel for you, and I feel the same way you feel. The silence is killing, we should fight those who are ruining the peace between the human beings. But I have a favor to ask, don't blame Islam for muslims actions. Islam came to teach, and it's not islam's fault for people not understanding. I really hope that you understand this point. I AM WITH YOU. There is like 100 girls who get raped in Karachi(City in Pakistan) EVERYDAY. And the top10 countries having the highest rate of rape has 6 MUSLIM countries. There are campaigns going on in Pakistan to save the name of Islam. From which "Its not us"(Yeh Hum Naheen) is the one which is leading nowadays. Their Home Page(In English) Wikipedia LinkThere innovative title songThey also have a forum but sad thing is there most of the people communicate in Urdu (National language of Pakistan)
dark__sunshin Vice Captain
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 5:48 am
Ya Allah Let This Ummah Rise again and let those who's hearts are blocked from the right path get on it and stop them from doing fitnah !!
>> [The central theme of Soorah Al-'Ankaboot, as some of the scholars have mentioned, is fitnah (trials and tribulations). Fitnah is mentioned right from the very beginning of the soorah where Allaah says [2]:
( Alif - Laam - Meem. Do people then think they will be left alone upon saying, "We believe in Allaah," and they will not be faced with fitnah? And verily we put those who came before them to trials, so that Allaah would make known those who have been truthful, and so that Allaah would make known the liars. )
So in this soorah, Soorah Al-'Ankaboot, Allaah mentions the varieties of trials and the foundations that they are built upon. He also mentions how a man may be saved from these kinds of trials.That is because this worldly life, in reality, is merely a test and a trial. and those who rape and do fitnah in any kind are on the deepest point of hell !!!! and again .. they aren't muslims and will never be unless they ask forgiveness and seek for it ,, how awfull this is when a Muslim in name does it .. shame on them !!! Lets become whole & proud again !! ’Cause I swear with firm belief in our hearts We can bring back the glory of our past
Ya Allah keep us all away from the Fitnah ! and let the Ummah Bring back the glory of his way !! sad
<< astagferoka ya allah >>
Wasalam ~
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 5:55 am
Thanks Tassan, But nobody seems to understand what we are saying, they'll just think that we're just making excuses for ourselves, that Allah warned us from fitnah, and we should protect ourselves. But it's not an excuse, people should realise that we're in a middle of fire and we're not aware of it!!
I personally have the desire to bring up Islam again, but one hand doesn't clap! We need two hands!
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 6:20 am
Mini_Angel_1994 Thanks Tassan, But nobody seems to understand what we are saying, they'll just think that we're just making excuses for ourselves, that Allah warned us from fitnah, and we should protect ourselves. But it's not an excuse, people should realise that we're in a middle of fire and we're not aware of it!! I personally have the desire to bring up Islam again, but one hand doesn't clap! We need two hands! More the hands, the more voice is produced. But we need to start it alone WITHIN ourselves and end it up with others. No body is perfect but we can be near to perfect, We should make ourselves ideals for those who do not follow the path of Islam and show them that Islam is a loving religion. We should be nice to non-Muslims so that they get a good image of Islam rather then being rude to them so that do not abuse behind our backs and get others the same point that Islam is not the peaceful religion.
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 11:15 am
tassan Mini_Angel_1994 Thanks Tassan, But nobody seems to understand what we are saying, they'll just think that we're just making excuses for ourselves, that Allah warned us from fitnah, and we should protect ourselves. But it's not an excuse, people should realise that we're in a middle of fire and we're not aware of it!! I personally have the desire to bring up Islam again, but one hand doesn't clap! We need two hands! More the hands, the more voice is produced. But we need to start it alone WITHIN ourselves and end it up with others. No body is perfect but we can be near to perfect, We should make ourselves ideals for those who do not follow the path of Islam and show them that Islam is a loving religion. We should be nice to non-Muslims so that they get a good image of Islam rather then being rude to them so that do not abuse behind our backs and get others the same point that Islam is not the peaceful religion. Yes, I totally agree, we should be very careful in how we behave, I don't know why everyone is just watching us for a mistake, and they want to just hold something on us. But truely if all the eyes are on this religon, which is the only one true religon, then we should do what's in it. I totally agree with you tassan, I really thank Allah for everything, and I would like to show gratitude by trying to defend his only true religon. So we might as well do it the way he told us. I'm glad that somebody understands how I feel biggrin
Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:57 am
I don't sit around waiting for Muslims (or any religious person) to make a mistake. I don't have to wait, it happens all around the world.
I'm waiting for someone to actually stand up and do something about it that is Muslim. Like Ratri said, lack of action will mean that Islam will become corrupted within.
...this sounds a lot like when the Protestants broke off from Catholicism. I wonder if Muslims are going to have the same thing. If Muslims don't all kill each other first. I mean seriously, suicide bombings? People who willingly sacrifice their own children to die, for your god or for honor, who call themselves Muslims...the future seems very bleak.