I know, I must be rather infamous, annoying to alot of people.
And I'm not denying it!
... because I really am (are?[whatever!])
But yes, I'm back!
So, I just really need another roleplay, or a few. Because I'm running low on them, really. If you've already roleplayed with me in a past time and don't think I suck, then great, ask me for a roleplay! Orz And if you don't know me yet then... disregard the last sentence.

Yeah, I'm sure alot of you already know what I like. Sorta obvious.

Lable your letter (pm) as a vegetable! Just for fun! Some sort of vegetable, your favorite, your least favorite. Yeah, any vegetable.

lol, yes, I've been up most of the night.
Thanks, guys~ whee