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Reply [IC] Aka'mleli Lands [IC]
[PRV] Never the Same [Peke x Ubele][FIN]

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 9:06 am
A heavy sigh escaped the cub's maw as he fell down on his stomach burrowing his head in his paws. It was too much, all the responsibility that had been shoved upon him, Ubele and that new cub who came with the prince when he returned. There had been so many deaths, so many that were his fault. Of course they didn't have to interfere but they did, to save him thus making it his fault for their deaths. Then there was the needless death of his sister that lingered in his mind. Was Kuruka's death his fault as well? He couldn't be sure.

What Peke was sure of was that...that he missed her. Missed her terribly. There wasn't a day that went by that he wasn't thinking about her. He knew that it would be better if he let go but he couldn't help but feel as though he was the one to blame. If he had just paid better attention she wouldn't have gotten lost, then she wouldn't have ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Then she wouldn't be death.

Suddenly he pushed himself up his teeth clenching together as he let out a snarl, a snarl at himself, before smacking his paw against the ground harshly. Ignoring the pain that shot through him at the idiotic action. "Why had I been so stupid?" He yelled throwing his head back as he did so.

His bonded looked at him with a worried expression. Lately things like this had been happening more and more frequently. And with each occurrence Peke grew moodier and moodier. "Peke..." Nguvu began hobbling closer to the cub touching him with his good wing. "It was an accident, you couldn't have stopped it." He stated trying to console his bonded only to have the opposite effect.

"Shut up!" He growled whirling around glaring at the bird. "Shut up! You don't know anything! I could've stopped it, I could have saved her life. I could have stopped all of them from dying!" He shouted getting into the raven's face. "If I had kept a better eye on her she wouldn't have gotten lost, then I wouldn't have left the other and ran into that witch!" He left out the part that if those events did not happen he would have never met Nguvu.

"Peke! Do not speak to me like that!" Nguvu ordered his eyes narrowing into a warning glare. "Things happened the way they did for a reason and you damn well know it so stop throwing yourself a pity party because I'm sick of it!"
PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 9:45 am
Ubele sighed, pacing back and forth. It was an activity that seemed to monopolize a great deal of her time lately. Still, there was a lot to think about, and for whatever reason, the repetitive motion of walking back and forth, back and forth, seemed to help her collect her thoughts. That is, if she could hear herself think.

Ube jumped, startled when she heard a loud voice from nearby. She had thought she'd been alone. Not many of the pride members ever came out to his particular part of the lands, which was why she had chosen it. The yelling continued, and Ube's expression grew sad as she recognized the voice.

Peke . . .

The other cub had once irritated Ubele to no end because of his behavior toward Ubele's brother. However, after all that had happened with the earthquake and the events after it, Ube could no longer feel angry with Peke. She understood his sense of loss. He had lost a sister and Ubele had lost her mother.

Unable to help hearing what was going on, Ubele listened and was concerned at the tone of Peke's voice. Frowning, she moved quietly and followed the sound until she found them: Peke and his bonded, Nguvu. Ubele watched with a horrified expression as the two snapped at each other. She was certain that they didn't mean to be hurtful to each other, but it was not right for a bonded pair to raise their voices at each other. She couldn't help herself as she cried out.

"Stop! Please stop. Don't yell at each other," she cried out, mournfully, taking a step towards the pair. She didn't want to get too close. Peke had gotten angry at her before for interfering, but she didn't care this time. It was too painful to listen to them yelling at each other.


Tactical Tycoon


PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 10:30 am
Peke couldn't believe that Nguvu was speaking to him like that, yet...yet he couldn't help but listen. Something about the fan-tailed raven always made him listen, even if he didn't want to. Then Ubele crashed into their argument and his first instinct was to snap at her but the tone of her voice. Something about the tone of her voice prevented him from doing so. She seemed so...so sad, depressed.

He stepped back his ears folding against his skull. "Ubele..." He started the anger in his voice vanishing. He couldn't help but feel ashamed of himself without understanding why. Maybe it was because she was going through the same kind of thing he was. Where they both had heavy responsibility as the pride's seers and they had lost family. Family they were both close to.

He couldn't help but be grateful that it was Ubele not Ufunuo who had come across him. He wasn't sure if he was up for an actual fight. He bit down on his lip as he lifted his head to look at her. "I'm sorry." What? Was he actually apologizing for something? What had happened to him?!

Even Nguvu was surprised, surprised to the point he jumped back immediately arching a brow in wonder. "Peke?" He mumbled tilting his head as he hobbled closer.

The cub ignored his bonded and instead focused upon the other cub. "How..." He paused trying to figure out the nicest way to speak to her. One point in time he wouldn't have even bothered to be nice but after recent events he was tired. He was just so tired of fighting. Of course if Ufunuo had been around he would have happily fought. Maybe. "How have you been doing?"

He felt so old, so tired and old. So much had happened in such little time. "I...heard about...your...mom."
PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 10:44 am
Ubele was surprised as well. The verbal attack that she had anticipated did not come. Rather, she actually got an apology. It wasn't until that moment that Ubele realized just how much Peke had changed. She hesitated slightly, wondering if he would mind, but then walked slowly over and sat down next to him. Sometimes having someone close helped to deal with the pain. And she knew that he had pain.

"I'm sorry too. For barging in on your conversation. That wasn't right. But ... it made me very sad to hear you two fighting and I couldn't help myself. So ... I'm sorry too."

Ubele listened with surprise as Peke spoke. Not only where the words nice, but the tone with which he spoke them was kind as well. That was definitely a first. Ube hoped that she might be able to give Peke a little bit of the comfort that her brother had helped her to find.

"I ... well, I've certainly been better, but I have been worse as well. How about you?"

When Peke mentioned her mother, Ubele couldn't help but look down at the ground, a wave of sadness still washing over her. Still, it was not as bad as it had been and she focused on answering him.

"Y-yeah. She didn't make it through at all. We ... we are still not sure when she ... died. But Ufu ... my brother and I made a memorial for her. It helped." She paused before adding, "I ... heard about Kuruka too."


Tactical Tycoon


PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 12:13 pm
"You shouldn't be."

He told her a light layer of harshness added to his tone as he spoke as his expression became solemn. He didn't want her apologies, nor did he want her sorrow. He never wanted anyone's pity yet he always seemed to get it. Always. Of course there wasn't anything he could do to stop people from feeling sorry for him. He could only deal with it, as much as he disliked it.

"Things just aren't the same."

He stated with a light shrug his gaze seeming to be fixed upon her but at the same time it looked as though he was looking past her or simply not actually looking at her. He slowly shook his head and let out a sigh.

"Things will never be the same will they?"

He asked her his tone quiet and monotone. His thoughts were not focused upon her, instead they wandering thinking about everything and how to make things...normal while realizing they could never be. Normal would never be an option for him again.

"We won't ever be normal will we? We won't ever have normal lives again."

He frowned deeply before moving a bit closer to her when she mentioned Kuruka. "I miss her. I miss her a lot." He admitted looking to the ground.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 12:56 pm
Ubele sighed. She should have known better than to show any sort of pity towards Peke. She knew how much she hated it herself. Pity she couldn't stand, but sympathy ... sympathy was different. Sympathy meant that you understood. Perhaps she and Peke could share sympathy.

"No. You're right. Things never will be the same. After the earth shook, so many things changed whether or not we were ready for them to change. We can't go back and change the past, we just have to live with the present and look to the future. It isn't fair," she spat, and took a deep breath.

"It isn't fair, but that is life. We have to find a way to continue on."

Ubele's mind was filled with memories of life as they used to be. Their mother was alive. She did not have these strange and frightening visions. Ukweli was alive. Kuruka was alive... But no. They were memories. Just memories. She could cling to them and attempt to live in the past, but then she would never truly live again.

"I miss it, you know. The way life used to be. Everything seemed so much simpler. But then, I look at the way I used to behave and I seem like a completely different person. It's all so confusing."

The earthquake and the other events had caused all of the pride's cubs to grow up a great deal. Though they were still young, they had seen a lot of tragedy and were forced to find a grown-up way of dealing with it.

Ubele nuzzled Peke gently, sharing his pain of loss.

"Yes, I miss her too. It is okay to miss her. I think that it is okay to be angry and to be sad and to miss her."


Tactical Tycoon


PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:28 pm
Peke knew she would understand, out of everyone he had spent some time around she was the one he had felt would understand. She did. Well the most out of any of them. He shook his head and let out dry bitter laughter.

"You know what sucks? I know what the future holds for me and I don't want a part of it but there's nothing I can do about it." He scoffed scrunching his nose up in the process. "I have to stay here, here in the pride where I lost my sister and protect the pride from outsiders when they couldn't really protect us." He closed his head snorting as he did so. "Not only my sister died but so did Ukweli and that other outsider. They died because of me." He told her not like he was trying to get her to feel sorry for him. He simply said it because he needed to say it.

He hated the fact that his life was decided, that he needed to stay here because they needed him. He couldn't leave them no matter how much he wanted to. He had an obligation not only to the other pride members but to those that had sacrificed themselves for his sake.

"I don't plan on dwelling on the past, that'd be idiotic. But that doesn't mean I'm quite willing to let go just yet." He shrugged thinking about how things were before the shaking of the earth. When he, his mother and his siblings had first come into the lands. Things were so much simpler then.

"Things change."

Obvious but important statement. Then she nuzzled him and his eyes widened. He swallowed and pulled away. "W-what are you doing?" He asked as soon as she finished speaking. She had caught him off guard and he wasn't sure if he liked it. Thinking back to her words he nodded.

"I know. But I don't like being angry or sad when I think of her."
PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 5:13 pm
Ubele pulled away, surprised. However, it made sense. It was a comforting motion that she used with her brother, and she had done it without thinking. She pulled away just enough to give him some space, but not enough so that he would think she was trying to distance herself. She didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable.

She nodded sadly as she listened to him speak. She certainly didn't agree that it was his fault for the deaths of the others, but she knew that she would be unable to convince him otherwise. Still, she had to at least try.

"It isn't your fault that they died. You are not the one that killed them. If anyone is at fault, it is those that did the killing," she said quietly before changing the subject. "I do know what you mean. I don't want to have these stupid visions. Or the stupid responsibility that comes with them. I'd like to give them up and have my mom and Kuruka and the others back. Why did everything have to change?" she cried, fighting back tears.

She took a few breaths to calm herself before she continued.

"We have to stay strong. I know that is going to be really difficult, but even if we don't want to carry on, we have to in their memory. In their place. I know my mom would have wanted me to carry on. Kuruka would want the same thing for you. And it is okay to feel angry or sad. They are just feelings. They're natural. It is when you try to hide those feelings that you become someone evil."

Ubele turned to catch Peke's gaze and said, "And I don't quite feel like letting go yet either. And I think that is okay."


Tactical Tycoon


PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 1:15 pm
Peke remained silent as she spoke, he wasn't going to interrupt her no matter how much he disagreed with what she had to say. Although Ubele had a very strong point, that he didn't kill them, he was still, to himself, the reason for their murders. Of course if he hadn't done the things that he did Ubele or Ufunuo would probably be captured and held to a life equivalent of slavery.

"I know Ubele I know. Y'know if they hadn't found me they might have taken you or your brother away..."

He stated staring past her into the distance. He didn't give a rat's a** about Ufunuo but admittedly he did care, just a tiny bit, about Ubele. Not that he'd actually tell her that.

"These visions...I don't understand them half the time they come to me. I only get bits and pieces of them." He started before shaking his head. That wasn't what he wanted to say. "It's...unsettling to be able to tell when a person is lying. To know that what they're saying isn't the truth. To be able to see through the deceit and lies that one holds." He shuddered at the thought.

"Everything changed because fate wanted it to."

He didn't care if his words didn't make sense to her, it did to him. Everything happened for a reason even if said reason was a crappy one. Who were they to challenge the way things were? They were only cubs, cubs that could predict the future but only in bits and pieces.

He sighed and hung his head at her words. She had a point. Perhaps that was what had happened to Mchawi and Msiba. "I won't bottle my feelings up anymore so don't worry about me turning evil okay?" He joked cracking the smallest smile.

"Even if it's not I don't care."

Things would be alright. They would never be the same but everything would be alright in the end.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 9:24 am
Ubele returned Peke's smile, delighted that she had helped to make that smile. She'd always disliked Peke for bullying her brother, but there was a small, tiny part of her that did like him, though she would never tell him that. Still, they had to stick together. Along with that other cub, they were the ones that had these visions. If they didn't have each other, they would never manage to make it through.

"That sounds like a good plan. I promise not to bottle either. I'll yell and scream and cry and throw tantrums just like I used to. They aren't 'ladylike' but they certainly do help," she joked back.

She grew quiet again as she contemplated one of his statements. Fate. Ubele had always been confused about the idea of fate. Just the thought that their entire life was planned out seemed scary to her. She made her own decisions, didn't she? How could her choices be predetermined? Still, everything did happen for a reason, so fate had to exist . . . It was all very confusing. Ubele was getting used to confusing though, and just hoped that she could keep up.

"Who are we to argue with fate, right? I guess we have to just take what life gives us. At least we still have the pride," she said. Glancing around, Ubele noticed that it was getting late. She wondered if anyone was out looking for them.


Tactical Tycoon


PostPosted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 9:31 am
"If you don't you'll have to face my wrath."

He teased feeling better with each passing moment. It helped having someone who understood, who had felt the same loss and who held the same responsibility that he did. His brother shared the same loss but he didn't share the same responsibilities, he never would. Of course he didn't want his brother to go through the same events...to hold the same burdens upon his shoulders. After all he had witnessed the death of Kuruka. He couldn't ask Dumu to suffer any more than that.

Shaking his head he pulled himself from his thoughts and focused upon the girl before him. He often wondered how it was like to be her. To see events that were happening in the moment, scary things like a terrible fight, a pending death or even worse, though he couldn't imagine anything.

"Fools. We'd be fools to argue wouldn't we?" He replied shrugging as he tilted his head back. "Pride...I suppose so."

He wasn't sure about that. At times he felt like a prisoner. A prisoner to the pride. He knew he could leave whenever he wanted but he also knew that he couldn't. He was bound by his duties. If he left who would be there to tell them whether a new comer was really an agent of Msiba or his sister? If he were to leave would he damn the pride and all who lived there?

Thoughts like that prevented him from ever thinking of leaving even for a day. He was needed and he would do what was called of him.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 9:53 pm
Ubele giggled and then paused, surprised by the sound. She hadn't giggled, or laughed, in so long. She was almost ashamed of it, being able to laugh after so many were gone . . . but she knew that she had to move on eventually. She shrugged away the thoughts and was merely glad that she and Peke could tease each other again.

Though Peke was a pain sometimes, she was glad to have him around. She loved her brother Ufu more than anyone, he could never really understand how she felt about her seer powers. Peke at least knew what it was like to have some sort of ability that frightened you. She had to wonder what it was like to be like him. To know when others were lying to you. It had to be a remarkable ability, but still, sad and frightening too.

"Fools, we're already fools. And I have to tell you, I don't really mind."

Ubele glanced at the sky and was startled by how much time had passed. She knew that her brother and her father were bound to be looking for him, and Dumu was probably worried about Peke as well. She smiled sadly at Peke.

"We really should be getting back."


Tactical Tycoon


PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 10:22 pm
It was nice talking to her, to someone he knew was going to really similar things. Their powers differed but had the same common ground. It was something they weren't sure they wanted to have or to understand. But they would whether they liked it or not. Life went on. It would never be the same but it was alright.

"If you'll be a fool with me I'd be happy to be fate's fool."

He told her giving her the first indication that he actually cared. Not once before had he even given her a second thought. He had found her a bit annoying and kept to himself mostly. He didn't fit in with the other cubs. Yet he had actually said something to show he cared.

Maybe this was a good thing after all.

At her statement he let out a sigh before nodding. Her family was probably worried about her. He knew his brother cared but with his insomnia (a result of him trying not to sleep due to fear of future dreams) he often found himself leaving the others' side to wander.

It had become a habit.

"I'll...I'll see you later."

He told her smiling at her before letting it slip from his maw as he turned away and started to trot off. He'd think about things before finding his sibling.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 10:44 pm
Ubele nodded and smiled.

"Fools together then," she said quietly and watched him as he left, not turning away until he was out of sight. Then she sighed, thoroughly confused. She'd always found Peke to be annoying, especially when he picked on her brother. He'd been a bother at the best of times, but now . . . maybe things were different.

A lot of things had changed. Maybe more had changed with Peke than she had thought. And maybe more had changed with her too.

Shaking her head at her foolish thoughts, she hurried back the way she had came, her eyes and ears searching for her brother. However, her thoughts were on something else.


Tactical Tycoon

[IC] Aka'mleli Lands [IC]

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