Okay, I was wondering if anyone can change themselves into something other than human.

It sounds crazy, but when I am meditating, I can turn into a tree. And I don't just mean I visualize myself as a tree. I actually BECOME a tree. I can physically feel my limbs hardening and strengthening, my blood slows, my breathing even slows and becomes shallower, and it doesn't affect my body. It actually hurts a little to breathe, because my chest hardens like a tree trunk and it doesn't want to move.

I have mentioned it to one of my friends (who knows LOTS more than me) and he thinks I might be shapeshifting. I have never seen my body during the process (I always shut my eyes before I feel my face harden) but my friend is going to watch me as I 'turn into a tree' and tell me if he can see anything physical next time I see him.

I was just wondering what everyone's thoughts on it were, and if anyone else can do something similar (not a tree necessarily, but something other than human.) My friend said when he's meditated, he feels like he's sinking into the earth, but he doesn't change into anything else, so he doesn't think it's the same.

(Sorry, the title doesn't really make sense. There is a book series, and one of the characters, Lilanthe, is half shapeshifter, so she can turn into a tree when she wants to. My friend found it hilarious that I can apparently do something silimar...><)