In a world of mischievous beasts, maleficent faeries, and ignorant humans things tend to confuse anyone asking. You see in a mysterious valley long forgotten of by the Empires surrounding it were about three villages each too diverse to put a label that is if you are trying to be politically correct. There is a label maybe t offends the local populace but I honestly don't give a rip. One village, distinctively nicknamed "a bunch of hippies" by some beings, primarily elves, elementals, (human-like beings possessing strong magical power of the main Greek elements) and werewolves is a forest-like metropolis. The Second, please note this is random order, is slightly more chaotic and inhabited by vampires, humans, and half-daemons is a very urban village (gothic 20th century) and screams are often heard in the night. The last and by far the most annoying is the village considered "holy" and "pure" by it's inhabitants is very clean and a frozen paradise. It's inhabitants are half-angels, dragon riders (at the time a dragon is born it's heart takes human form. The dragon must protect it's heart so the dragon riders are named for an obvious reason. They possess power to speak with dragon's and even control an element of their dragon.), and the Guardians (they guard shiny objects to mythical objects. They are packrats they do however control the power of shapeshift. Also known as shapeshifters).