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Reply 03 One-on-One RPs

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 3:40 pm
User ImageHopfully you've read Breaking Dawn
This is the story of Renesme Cullen and Jacob Black. Jacob as we Know has imprinted on Bella and Edwards child. But he has to wait for her to grow up. And he does.

User Image
Now that she's coming of age...what will happen? Will she deny the Imprintation or accept it? Will Jake snap after all this time of waiting? What will Renesme's life be?....will the Volturi come after her? User Image
PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 4:14 pm
[need someone who can play multi characters..and post more than three sentences]

Nessie:User Image played by Frozen_to_death

Jacob:User Image played by: Cute_llama_pie  



PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 4:33 pm
Nessie was still asleep in her room. She had been up all night playing chess with Alice and her father. She rolled over in her sleep,her curls spread around her. She was dreaming about kicking Jacobs butt in a race.
Soon after she started having Nightmares about the cloaked figures.She woke up screaming.

cute_lla_pie: Jacob woke up from his silent sleep on the couch of the Cullen's house as he heard Nessie's screaming. He was worried about her, for having yet another nightmare, as he ran up the stairs to her bedroom.He walkedd into the room adn sat net to her on the bed. "Whats the matter Ness-ness? Had a nightmare?" he said speaking as if he was talking to a baby

She rubbed her eyes. "Please don't talk to me like that.." she groaned. She sat up running a hand through her hair. SHe looked up at HER Jacob. She smiled softly and touched his cheek,showing him the images of the dream,including the part where she kicked his butt in the race.But mainly the cloaked figures. She curled up into a ball. "were you sleeping on the couch again?" she yawned and ran her hand through her hair again.  
PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 4:41 pm
Jacob shrugged."I always sleep on the couch, it is rather comfortable. Besides, its slightly less of a anooying smell." he sighed, yawning loudly. "And I'm sorry you are having nightmares about them, yet again. Besides from that though, we all know that i let you win while racing."

Nessie smirked and punched his arm. "Sure you do" she chuckled. "I don't know why I keep having that dream though.." she rubbed her eyes again. She fixed her tank top and shorts she was sleeping in. "Where is everyone?" she asked. Usually her dad or mom would have been right next to Jake coming in. Not that she didn't mind it being Jake. Maybe they were hunting..  



PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 4:59 pm
Jacob shrugged. "Hunting more than likely, I dont know though, I was sleeping when they left. As usual, nobody tells me anything.' he siad, complaing like he always did.

She rolled her eyes. "You complain like a little baby" she yawned again and laid back down. Her curls bounced when she did. She looked up at him. "So..you gonna just complain like a little baby or are you gonna keep me warm?" she stuck her tounge out at him like she did when she was always picking on him.

Jacob smiled at her adn wrapped his arms around her loveingly. She smelt nice, adn he knew he was starting ot have more than brotherly feelings for her, thogh he was trying to egnore them adn not think about them, mostly because of and around Edward.

Nessie smiled and cuddled into him,like always. He was REALLY HOTT. Literally. But it felt good. SHe layed her head on his chest and closed her eyes.It didn't take long for her to fall asleep.But wait..was she blushing...???

Jacob smiled down at her adn then closed his eyes, falling asleep. In his dreams he dreamed about some ofthe fun things that him ad nNessie used to do when she was smaller. The fun things anyways.  
PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 5:29 pm
When morning came she opened her eyes.She started luaghing becuase Jacob was snoring. She froze though. Her dad was in the room. He didn't always aprove of Jacob being in bed with her for some reason...."Hi daddy..." she elbowed Jacob a little

Jacob snorted in his sleep loudly and rolled over to reveal a pile of drool on the pillow. He continued to dream about Nessie and himself for a while longer,smilng in his sleep. He sunk back into his deep sleep and went back to snoring.

Nessie bit her lip,holding in her luaghter. She sat up and backed away as she watched her dad walk over to the bed and grab Jacob by his shorts and lift him. "dad..." he gave her 'the look'. She hushed up and watched as he placed Jacob on the cold floor. She bit her lip and waited for the reaction. Her dad told her to get up and get dressed.She nodded and grabbed some clothes and headed to Alice's bathroom.

Jacob 'spazzed out' as he was picked up, slightly disoriented until he realized it was Edward. He then looked up at him innocently. "Whta did i do?" he asked, standing up again, scrossing his arms. He honestly believed he did nothing wrong, but by the look on Edward's face it looked like he had at least killed somebody

Edward glared at Jacob . "Stop thinking about her like that!" he hissed. "You realize I know your mind better then you think you mutt!" he growled. Nessie came back dressed,[in the outfit in the pic just the top is longer and her bra aint showin ><] Her hair was brushed and everything. Um...Dad..I want to Be able to eat with MY JACOB!!!! she screamed in her head. Edward sighed. "your lucky mutt..." he turned and walked out

Jacob sighed slightly, but he Jacob couldnt stop thinking it. 'I cant help it, sorry.' he thought to Edward. then smiled at Nessie. "Food time Ness." he grinned at her, leading her down to the kitchen.

Nessie giggled "Awww come on..we had human food yesterday..." she smiled..that crooked smile. Somthing her daddy rubbed off on her. She pulled it off to..and she used to her advantage. She chuckled again. She glanced outside."Please..I wanna kick your butt again." she smiled,sticking her tounge out.  



PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 5:47 pm
"Fine Nessie." he sighed,pretending to really care, going outside and avoiding Edward at almost all costs. He then shifted into a wolf and ran with her as they started to hunt

When she finally caught somthing,she froze in her tracks.The deer ran off. She stared off in the distance...it couldn't be..could it? She lost her appetite. No..it was impossible.She tilted her head. Was she seeing things??? [Jane
]User Image

"Whats wrong Nessie?" Jacob asked looking in thesame direction that she was looking into. He then gasped loudly in horror,it was one of the vampires of the Volturi.Jacob didnt know what to do, so he just stood between Nessie adn Jane, readyto protect Nessie a all costs.

Nessie's heart almost stopped.It did a 'Bella' and started beating Irregularly. She watched as Jane luaghed.In a blink of an eye...she was gone. Nessie stood frozen.What was happening????!! They were coming..Oh no..Jacob.Jacob..the pack.they could get hurt...  
PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:07 am
Jacob walked up to her and grabed her hand, pulling her towards the house. "Come on Ness, itll be okay." he whispered assuringly to her, stroking her hand comfortingly. As they aproached the house Jacob saw Edward and Alice running towards them.

Nessie was still frozen.Her dad pulled her into a hug,tearing her from Jacob. He had almost killed himself worrying. Alice grabbed her hand and put it to her neck and saw Jane. Nessie focused on breathing.

Jacob was extremely worried about what was going to happen now. Alice then gasped loudly, she just had a vision of the future. "Ed- edward.... Jane is going to lie to the rest of the Volturi..." she whispered, scared for herself. It was going to be like a replay of that battle, that seemed almost forever ago.

Nessie tensed. Her father rubbed her back. "She..she s-saw.." she never studdered. She looked at Jacob. Jane had seen him.She looked at her dad.He saw Alice's vision. "About what? we've dealt with this already" he was pissed.

Alice frowned. "Jane is going to purposely lie.. and say that Ja-jacob.." she finished the rest in her head for him.

Jacob froze slightly, not because of the Volturi wanting something ot do with him, but because he was worried about Nessie adn what would happen to her if he died.

His eyes widened. She looked at them. "WHAT!?" she pulled from her dad. "Damnit tell me!" she was freaking out.He was shocked she swore.But it didn't show.

Jacob was also curious too. "Come on guys! tell us! Its about me after all." hesaid, really wanting to know what was wrong. Alice just shook her head slowly as she looked back and forth between jacob adn Nessie.

Edward was frozen stiff "Alice tell me thats not gonna happen..." he muttered. She backed up and stood next to Jake. She crossed her arms and hissed. "That mutt wont touch her" he hissed "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!???"

Alice frowned, her visions were blobs, but different from both Nessie adn Jake so it had to be an inbreed. "I- its just- I- Edward just tell them." she sighed, clasping her hand to her head, already starting to get a headache.Jacob frowned. "Come on old man! We can handle anything!"

She was the one who froze. "Alice...please tell me you can see clearly" she whispered.He growled "NO! She's too damn young!" he hissed "I swear mutt you touch her I will rip you to shreds!!!'' Her eyes widened. "But..But Jake doesn't even like me like that.." she looked at him

Jake felt suddenly awkward. "Eww, thats no right. Okay guys, there has to be a totally logical explanation for this." he sighed, embarassed and blushign darkly. It was obvious he liked her.

Nessie blushed and looked away from Jake. She looked at Alice.
"Logical my A-" he stopped listening to Alices thoughts.He sighed in relief..but was still upset. He got in Jakes face "You do anything out of place Mutt and you will be Dead" She was trying to understand. "Alice..please tell me how soon.." she whispered

Jacob took a step back, terrified. "Uh, Ed i wouldnt do that, you have to trust me." he said a little panicky, Edward looked like he was about to kill him. Alice then sighed slightly. "A few weeks, maybe months, i dont know."

"Weeks?" she croaked. Was she even ready for this? She loved Jake..but was she IN love him. She staggered backwords.She actually looked like she was gonna fall. He growled "A DATE ALICE would be NICE" he wasn't letting his duaghter get knocked up without them being married first..She put her face in her hands.

Jacob looked at Edward in the face, he did look scary but it was time for him to take a little bit of a stand it wasnt his choice to run his or Nessie's lives anyways. "Well Edwardo, maybe you should stay out of other peeple's business. I can do what i want to, and Nessie is a adult now so she can to... even though i dont mean exactlyin this way."

Edward grimaced. The mutt had a point.But he could see the fantasies behind the words. "I swear mutt..I know you have the imprintation.But You WILL stay with her. El perritto stupido" his spanish rocked She watched them fight. All she wanted to do was sit down [on Jacobs lap] and relax.This was alot to take in

"Well you had part of it right Edward, I am cute but not stupid. Its so sad you don even know how to speak spanish correctly.' he grinned, glancing at Nessie, adn smiling. She was awfully beautiful.

"you pathetic Mutt.I was refering to how small you are" he smirked.Emmett would be proud. She had blushed and looked down when he looked at her. She bit her lip.Her dad was right..he was cute.OMG..what was she thinking.
Edward looked at his duaghter.He had heard that. "Nessie!" he was shocked. She couldn't look at him.

Jacob looked from Edward to Nessie, he wondered what she had thought, btu obviously it was somethign that offened Edward. "Hey Edward, Im not too pathetic if everyone else, but you, in your family loves me. And we all know why you dont."

He hissed "At least I dont have fantasies about other peoples w-" STOP DAD! Grrrr she blew a strand of hair of her face. She got up from the ground and took Jakes hand "NO more fighting...PLease??" she inhaled deeply and pulled Jake into the living room. He rolled his eyes and looked at Alice "Anything!?"

Alice shook her head no, trying to not be inflicted by his anger. "No, im sorry Edward."

Jacob smiled to himself as he was pulled into the livign room by Nessie. He didnt say anything though, not wanting ot make things awkward.

He clenched his fists and growled. "that mutts getting on my nerves.."She let go of his hand and plopped onto the couch on her back,exhuasted.She closed her eyes "I don't understand how you guys can always fight"

Jacob sighed. "Im sorry Nessie.Its just Ed doesnt like me to have friends, he is prejudice I swear." he grinned, kissing her cheek. Oops, that was a mistake, a sign of affection.

She blushed Madly.She bit her lower lip.Edward heard her thoughts and punched a tree. She heard the crack of the tree and couldn't help but giggle."Poor tree"

Jacob blushed and then grinned. "Im thinking I maybe should go before he kills me." he chuckled, with no intention of laeving.
Nessie stopped luaghing. "and leave me here,alone and in his path?" she chuckled "Some protecter you are" she joked

Jacob grinned. "Well, he wouldnt hurt you, but he will try to kill me.' he laughed, standing up and walking to the far side of the room away from the door that lead outside. He could hear Edward coming towards the house.

"Then..." she bit her lip,thinking. "I'm coming with you.Cuz I don't want anymore lectures from grandpa" she chuckled and got up. "Plus..I have to kick Seths butt again" she smiled

Jacob sighed, he wanted her to go with him but he though it wa wrong to do. "No, you have to stay here, or else I would really get murderized for supposably kidnapping you or something. Tu padre es angry, we dont want ot make him madder." he sighed, waling out the front door, tring to escape when just running right into Edward on the steps
Nessie sighed "Okay.." she plopped on the couch and turned the tv on. "Where do you think your going,mutt?" he hissed. "Emmett you here?'"


03 One-on-One RPs

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